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Back pains come to everyone sooner or later. We are more accustomed to reliving these moments and forgetting about them as soon as possible. But what if our body gives us signals? And if you just brush it off, the signals will be more persistent, and the pain will be stronger? How not to hold out until the last, when there is only one way left – to the table to the surgeon? RCC FLY is a center with a unique methodology. Here they are sure: for a person there is nothing more natural than movement. And it is the movement that is the most important assistant and doctor.

Osteochondrosis has become the scourge of our time. There are few people who have never experienced this terrible back pain. How not to bring your body to such a deplorable state? And is it possible to cure your body without surgery? The answer is known at the FLY Kinesitherapy Rehabilitation Center.

If you:

  • lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • most of the time you work at the computer;
  • often hold the telephone receiver between your shoulder and ear;
  • your workplace has an extremely uncomfortable fit,
  • then you have every chance to earn osteochondrosis.

But this is how everyone lives now! Do we all have osteochondrosis? The answer is yes. And the fact that nothing hurts you yet is only a matter of time. Add movement to your life! The prevention of the disease is better than its protracted and painful treatment, according to the specialists of the Rehabilitation Center for Kinesitherapy.

You should pay extra attention to your body if you have:

  • pain in the cervical spine, pain in the arm, headaches, dizziness, chest pain are obvious symptoms of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis.
  • pain in the thoracic region, aggravated by walking, coughing or physical exertion – with a high probability you have chest osteochondrosis.
  • burning pain radiating to the sacrum or lower limb, which increases with physical exertion and cough-sneezing, speaks of lumbosacral osteochondrosis.

Specialists РЦК FLY are sure that you can cope with any type of osteochondrosis if you teach your body to move correctly.

Forget about pain – isn’t that what you dreamed about?

This will help you physiotherapy exercises, massage and training on medical simulators of the company HUR. And you can consolidate your successes, develop the flexibility of the spine and mobility of the joints on health rehabilitation programs – kundalini yoga, sat nam rasayan, qigong, tai chi.

The cozy atmosphere is conducive to a quiet rest after class

But what if the body’s signals have become clearer, and you suspect that osteochondrosis has already led to complications – a hernia? Only a doctor can tell exactly whether you have a hernia. But there are symptoms in which it is urgent to sound the alarm and contact the best specialists.

If you have:

  • chronic headaches;
  • noise in ears;
  • pain in the neck and arm;
  • paresthesia of the upper extremities,
  • then, with a high degree of probability, you may be diagnosed with a hernia of the cervical spine.

And if you notice:

  • severe pain in the lumbosacral region, which increases with every sneeze and cough;
  • pain and sensory impairment in the lower extremities,
  • then you need to urgently start treatment of a hernia of the lumbosacral vertebra.

To begin with, it is worth understanding that there are such types of hernias – for example, cauda equina syndrome, sequestered and medial hernias of the cervical spine – that cannot be cured without surgery. But even in this case, it is possible to do it in a minimally painful way for your body. And any treatment of a hernia should begin with movement: medical and physical complexes, massage, training on medical simulators, swimming. Yes, these methods have long been known to everyone and can cause a skeptical grin. But you just have to try and you will see the results immediately. Especially if you practice in the Rehabilitation Center for Kinesitherapy under the guidance of its best specialists.

The RCC develops its own unique program for each patient. When compiling it, all your features will be taken into account: the state of physical fitness, gender, age, stage, period and course of the disease. With RCC FLY you can be sure: here you will definitely get rid of a hernia and put your body in order. Unique medical simulators that have no analogue in any city center, exercise therapy classes and dexterous hands of experienced masseurs will quickly relieve you of problems and pain, even if you have already undergone surgery for a hernia of the spine.

Remember: the operation removes only the effect. And in RCC FLY they work with reasons.

Make your spine healthy! Forget about pain with the FLY Kinesitherapy Rehabilitation Center!

Our address: Volgograd, st. Angarskaya, 9 (stop “Regional hospital”).

Phone: (8442) 39-01-14.

Business hours: 9: 30-21: 30 (without breaks and days off).

License No. LO-34-01-002439 dated February 19, 2015 for the RCC.

There are contraindications.

A specialist consultation is required.

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