Volgograd “RCK FLY”, back pain, where back pain is treated spine,
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The modern rhythm of life simply does not leave us time to think about our health. We do everything on the run – we communicate, eat, love. The body sends signals – the back is aching, hands go numb at night, it is difficult to tie shoelaces. Is it about you? Then do not miss such “calls”, especially since today in Volgograd there are unique health establishments that will help you regain the feeling of fullness of life – without problems and back pain.
The other day in Volgograd opened
- man is born to move;
- movement stimulates all basic life processes;
- physical perfection gives the development of spirituality.
The body is quite harmonious and balanced in itself. Any problem will definitely make itself felt
Healthy and harmonious human development is promoted by:
- proper breathing;
- proper nutrition;
- correct movement.
Unfortunately, all these principles are often formed incorrectly in us from the very childhood. Parents themselves do not know how to do it, and cannot teach this to a child. Also, our health is influenced by acquired life habits, established stereotypes and a banal ignorance of what the wrong position leads to while sitting, standing for a long time and lifting weights.
Unhealthy spine – unhealthy whole body
Problems that the RCC is successfully struggling with:
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
- back and spine injuries;
- violation of posture in children;
- scoliosis;
- osteochondrosis and osteoporosis;
- excess weight.
Technological progress has given us so many benefits that people almost do not need to move.
On the next page, you will learn how to lose weight, improve posture and get rid of back pain.
The most frequent questions are answered by the director of “RCK FLY” Lidiya Ivanovna Akinchits
Why is it worth resorting to kinesitherapy?
- This method is suitable for all ages, from young children to the elderly.
- Non-surgical intervention.
- Lack of drugs in the course system.
- The program is developed individually for everyone, based on age, pathologies, initial physical parameters.
What are the rehabilitation programs?
- Treatment of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
- Recovering health after a long illness.
- Recovery and prevention of health of athletes.
- Wellness programs for the elderly.
- Prevention of diseases of the genital area, including chronic prostatitis.
- Weight correction.
- Programs for women.
- Programs for maintaining and maintaining health.
- Educational programs for a healthy lifestyle.
- Individual classes in Kundalini Yoga and Sat Nam Rasayan.
Are there special programs for women?
One of the most interesting programs of the RCC is the program for women. It suits each of us at any age. Here are just a few directions.
Youth… Physical activity can correct all posture disorders, and also help prepare a girl for her main function – the birth of a healthy child.
Antepartum period. Teaching the correct body position during pregnancy and childbirth, the technique of correct breathing.
Postpartum period. Overweight problems. Elimination of complications after childbirth – prolapse of internal organs.
Mature period. Osteochondrosis is the scourge of women over 40.
Women in the pre-climatic period. In the body, a change in hormonal levels occurs, various functions of the body are rebuilt, and osteoporosis may develop.
Elderly age. Rapid onset of senile signs: shuffling gait, stoop, joint pain.
The uniqueness of the center is made up of special, useful simulators:
- Medical pneumatic simulators of the Finnish company HUR (In Finland, they are recognized as state medical equipment).
- Multifunctional trainers “Titan”.
- The simulators are designed to work for all age groups (from children from 10 years old to the elderly).
- Weight load – from 0 to 100 kg (and, if necessary, even higher).
- There are certain restraints on the simulators that will not allow you to make unnecessary movements.
- The work on the simulator is carried out only under the guidance of an experienced instructor!
The Rehabilitation Center for Kinesitherapy offers group and individual lessons.
Group lessons:
- small groups (maximum 4 people);
- classes are held in the gym;
- if necessary, the lesson is supplemented with massage;
- the duration of the lesson is 1 hour.
Individual lesson:
- during the lesson, the instructor does not leave the patient, constantly teaches, guides, stretches and massages the muscles.
- classes are held both in the gym and in the gymnasium;
- massage is already included in the course price;
- duration of the lesson (together with massage) – 2 hours.
The minimum number of lessons is 12.
The first lesson is setting, the last is reinforcing. The entire course is designed for a month.
The rehabilitation program includes:
- Classes on simulators.
- Physiotherapy. In the RCC, in addition to traditional exercise therapy, all patients are taught the techniques of autorelaxation. This highly effective technique allows the patient to control their fitness level and their abilities on their own.
- Breathing training courses.
- Nutrition courses.
- Courses on correct behavior in everyday life, both in the presence of a certain disease, and for the rational arrangement of the workplace. All this is given depending on age, attitudes, stereotypes and the desire to improve their life.
“The system works as a complex. It is impossible to just eat right and not move. Just as it is impossible not to exercise physically and eat everything. There will be no result. Everything must be balanced and harmonious “
At the moment, the RCC has:
· gym;
· Hall of physiotherapy exercises;
· Massage room;
· restroom;
· Changing rooms and showers.
In the nearest future, the Kinesitherapy Rehabilitation Center will have:
· open pool;
· Indoor pool;
· A network of bath therapy (all types of baths and saunas that are used for health improvement);
· Another large gym.