Volgograd perinatal center action for expectant mothers

On September 15, an open day was held at the Volgograd Regional Clinical Perinatal Center No. 2. The Telesem magazine took part in this touching event and congratulated future mothers.

300 people came to visit the excursions in the Perinatal Center, consult with leading experts, take part in master classes and receive gifts. There were those who were awaiting additions in the family for the first time, and only those planning a pregnancy, and those who would become parents not for the first time.

In a large auditorium that barely accommodated everyone, the guests learned from competent doctors why Perinatal Center No. 2 is the best place for the birth of babies. A tour of the center proved the truth of their words – modern technological equipment, equipped wards and children’s rooms, cleanliness and order in the premises leave no doubts.

An interesting master class was held by the magazine “Telesem” – more than 50 pregnant women were invited to take part in the rapid swaddling of “babies”. It turned out that there are several swaddling techniques, which the future moms found out about during the competition.

And the most unexpected moment of the Open House Day was two events. After all, the holiday is a holiday, and children continue to be born regardless of the calendar. So, the guests were able to observe the touching excitement of the newly-made daddy, who was waiting for the release of his first-born son.

The second event shocked everyone: it turned out that one of the mothers had a ninth child that day! Everyone congratulated the heroine and wished health to mom and baby.

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