Volgograd, how to quickly lose weight before the holidays, how to quickly lose weight
The winner of the World Bikini Fitness Championship, the most beautiful and athletic girl on the planet Olga Putrova revealed to Woman’s Day her secrets of the ideal Woman’s Day figure.
Olga Putrova knows what she is talking about!
“How to lose weight quickly before the holidays” is the most popular query on the Internet these days. Millions of Russian women are looking for universal recipes for beauty and slimness. However, most of the search engines give out absolutely useless links. To give you what you are looking for, we turned to the winner of the World Bikini Fitness Championships held in Canada, Olga Putrova. The most beautiful and athletic girl on the planet shared her knowledge in Volgograd, where she arrived with a seminar.
Olga Putrova is 28 years old. Over the past two years, she managed to win the most prestigious tournaments in the world: IFBBWorldWomen’sBodybuildingandFitnes & Men’sFitnessChampionships, Bikini Olympia Amateur, Fitness House, IFBB World Fitness Championship and others
– I came to fitness for myself. I wanted to be slim and beautiful, – says Olga. – But for the first three years I worked with no visible result. After all, I had neither a training program nor a nutritional system. Both came with the experience that I want to share with you, dear readers of Woman’sDay.
With the help of Olga Putrova, we have compiled TOP-15 tips on how to get in shape for the holidays.
We develop a system of exercises
Squats: you don’t need anything other than a chair
The regular squat is the base, the base of everything. Take a chair with a back. Stand behind him. Holding hands with a back, we do a deep squat. Legs can be held together or placed shoulder-width apart – so the load will go to different muscle groups. The main thing is not to tear your heels off the floor and look not down, but in front of you. The latter will ensure that you keep your back straight. For a visible result, you need to perform 15 repetitions in four approaches.
The same chair will help. We sit on it sideways. We press our legs to the chest, and then we straighten up. You can stretch to a string, you can make the task a little easier and leave your knees bent. Do 20 reps. Ideally, we do three approaches. The break between sets is no more than 5 minutes.
Plank and push-up exercises are the most effective for the upper body. In the “bar” you need to stand at least a minute a day. Increase the time gradually. It is better to do push-ups to the maximum. You feel that you can do it 7 times – great. We still have strength in the eighth – we are trying our best!
– Understand that our body is not easily given those changes that we dream about, – Olga Putrova smiles. – It actively resists. And only having overcome your “threshold”, you can see the result.
Lunges are the best exercise for your hips
We take all the same chair. Holding on to his back, we make 15-20 lunges forward, and then the same amount back. In the first case, work is done on the front muscles of the thighs, in the second – on the back.
Physical activity should become a habit. If you have already decided to do exercises, we do them every day. If laziness attacks, we ask someone from relatives or friends to help – give a “magic kick”. Every evening we compose the menu for the next day. This will make it much easier to stick to a healthy diet. Over time, this will become a habit and will not require much effort.
Vegetables and protein should be at the top of your table
We eat 5 times a day.
The portion should fit in a small plate. This will not overload your stomach.
Down with pork and sweets!
The diet of a girl who takes part in international fitness competitions and an ordinary Volgograd, of course, is different. However, Olga still deduced the general rules:
“You need to eat quality food,” she says. – Don’t overload your stomach with sweets. You will not have enough space for healthy protein, due to which we are gaining the ideal shape. I choose chicken, fish, squid and other seafood. Those who love beef or lamb can sometimes be pampered. But I don’t recommend pork to anyone. Absolutely useless meat. It does more harm than good.
We remove products that retain water.
The problem of edema is familiar to both ordinary people and professional athletes. Excess “water” in the body is retained by some types of food. For example, dairy or even oatmeal. This is very individual. Listen to your body and draw conclusions.
More broccoli and cucumbers.
For protein to be absorbed well, our bodies need help in the form of fiber. Olga advises eating more broccoli, cucumbers, green beans. It is leguminous, because other types contain more starch. And this is also an empty element for our body.
We rebuild our inner world.
Hang this photo on the refrigerator: a great incentive not to eat!
Looking for motivation.
Your task is to visualize the goal. For example, Olga, after several years in the gym, decided that there is a need for a certain goal. Otherwise, the sport will become useless and boring for her, she needs to move on. And she began to prepare for a fitness bikini, dreaming of looking like the girl in the picture. The first victories gave her wings. You can cut out a photo of the same “fit-baby” from a magazine and stick it on the mirror. You will be pleased to notice that over time you become closer to your ideal.
Down with the scales!
With a height of 175 cm, Olga weighs 62 – 63 kg. She does not measure her parameters: 90-60-90 are not important, it is important that you like your reflection in the mirror, she said. After all, the ideal proportions for each height and type of figure will differ. For example, at the same fitness championship in Canada, girls were evaluated in six nominations: “Fitness bikini 160 cm”, “Fitness bikini 163 cm”, “Fitness bikini 166 cm”, “Fitness bikini 169 cm”, ” Fitness bikini 172 cm and Fitness bikini over 172 cm. The victory was won by those whose figures are the most harmoniously developed.
Normalize sleep.
The number of hours of sleep required by our body for a complete “reboot” is an individual thing. Someone manages to get enough sleep in five hours, someone catastrophically not enough and eight. However, each of us knows his own norm. Try to go to bed at the same time every day. This will discipline and help you come to an optimal rate.
We use time wisely.
“I work out in the gym for an hour or an hour and a half every day,” says the champion. – But not all girls have the opportunity to visit fitness clubs. However, finding 15 minutes during the day to perform a simple set of exercises is not so difficult. Charging can be done at home and even in the office. No special exercise equipment, dumbbells? No problem! Take whatever is at hand. Yes, even a chair! With its help, you can tighten the most problem areas.
We praise ourselves.
We expect compliments, support, and approval from others. But for some reason we forget that here too you need to start with yourself. Celebrate your progress. Doing exercises for a week? Tell yourself: “I am smart, I see how my body changes, how my figure becomes slimmer. I will continue to work on myself because I love myself. ” Praise yourself for small successes, and they turn into big ones.
Always be a woman.
Eating properly, playing sports, do not forget that it is not only a slender waist that makes a woman a woman. Hairstyle, makeup, outfit are also not absolute measures of the ideal image. Pay attention to your mood. When our eyes are burning and we are in high spirits, we like ourselves and those around us more. It’s easy to be beautiful!