Vodka Zubrovka: review, useful properties + 2 recipes at home

The real Zubrovka is produced in Poland and Belarus, and since September 2016, Roust Holding has launched the production of a vodka brand in Russia.

The classic bitters are available in 40% strength and have a variable color palette from light yellow to deep amber.

cocktails with vodka

Composition of Zubrovka tincture

  1. Quality alcohol.

  2. Water.

  3. Sugar.

  4. The herb of the same name is fragrant bison.

An exception is the Polish vodka Zubrovka, which has been imported to America since 1999 and contains artificial dyes, flavors and even a decorative blade of grass in a plastic bottle.

This is due to the fact that the grass contains a substance such as coumarin and in the United States it is considered hazardous to health. But it is harmful only if it enters the body systematically and accumulates there.

A safe classic proportion is 1000 kg of grass per 2 liters of alcohol.

Where does the fragrant Zubrovka grass grow?

You can find grass in forest clearings, meadows, edges, and even on the outskirts of estuaries, where the soil is often moistened.

But still, it is generally accepted that its homeland is Belovezhskaya Pushcha, where bison live. And it is thanks to them that this plant got its name.

The Polish plant for the production of bitters buys bison grass from specialized companies in the Bialowieza region.

Making Zubrovka

At the factory, the maceration process takes place in two stages, but preparing bison with your own hands is quite simple.

The most difficult stage is the search for herbs, as a rule, they are sold in a pharmacy or at market outlets with herbs and tinctures.

Zubrovka tincture on moonshine

We need

  1. Moonshine (preferably double distillation – 40-45%) – 1 l

  2. Dry bison grass – 2 g (1-2 blades of grass)

  3. Granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. l.

  4. Water – 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook

  1. To begin with, pour sugar with boiling water and cool to room temperature.

  2. We throw two stalks of grass into a glass container, pour moonshine and add sugar water.

  3. We insist 20 days in a dark warm room.

  4. After the specified time, pour the tincture into glass bottles and you can start tasting.

PS If you chop the grass beforehand or use the pharmacy version, then the tincture time is reduced to 2 weeks and the finished product must be filtered before bottling. Sugar syrup softens the taste a little, but does not particularly affect the taste characteristics.

Vodka Zubrovka Zlata

Żubrówka Zlota – This is a relatively new product that is produced by the Polish company CEDC, but they have nothing in common with the original tincture. The composition does not even contain bison grass. But the recipe is quite original and you should like it.

The name of the drink is often misleading to consumers.

We need

  1. Vodka – 500 ml

  2. Oak bark – half a tablespoon

  3. Prunes – 1 pcs.

  4. Zest of half a lemon

  5. Cinnamon stick – 1 pc.

  6. Cumin – 1 pinch

  7. Vanillin – 1 pinch

  8. Kalgan root – 1 pc. (can be replaced with Pharmaceutical Potentilla Upright – 0,25 tsp)

  9. Sugar syrup – to taste

How to cook

  1. In a glass container, mix all the dry ingredients and pour the alcohol base.

  2. We let it brew for 15 days.

  3. After the tincture, we filter through a fine strainer and add the cooled sugar syrup to taste (you can do without it).

  4. Then we pass the finished Zubrovka through a purchased or home-made filter and pour it into glass bottles.

Useful properties of Zubrovka

Despite the fact that Zubrovka is an alcoholic drink, but in moderation it is very beneficial for health and it is recommended to use it:

  1. To improve appetite.

  2. With a cold.

  3. For the prevention of oncological diseases.

  4. To normalize the work of the nervous system.

Remember! To avoid the reverse effect of the tincture, alcohol should be consumed in small doses.

Relevance: 29.11.2017

Tags: Vodka, mash, moonshine, Vodka brands, Vodka recipes

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