Vodka Peysakhovka: what is it + kosher recipe at home

Peysakhovka is a Jewish “vodka” made from kosher raisins. The drink got its name in honor of the Jewish holiday Passover, which is an analogue of the Orthodox Easter. On this holiday, Jews can drink only those alcoholic beverages that are made exclusively from kosher raw materials.

Interestingly, the drink is made in the presence of competent people and under the strict supervision of a rabbi.

cocktails with vodka

Peisahovka with wild yeast

A feature of the preparation of Peisakhivka is that yeast is not used here. Fermentation occurs due to microorganisms that are in the raisins themselves. The drink is clean and transparent, with a mild taste, reaches a strength of up to 40%.


  1. Sweet raisins – 2 kg

  2. Filtered water – 12 l

  3. Sugar (to activate fermentation) – 100-150 g

After preparing the products, you can proceed to the preparation of the sourdough.

Method of preparation

Stage 1. Sourdough:

  1. In a 1 liter jar, mix thoroughly 250 g of raisins, 150 g of sugar and 1,5 liters of warm water (26-29°C). Put the resulting mixture for 3-4 hours in a warm place until the raisins are completely softened.

  2. After that, remove the resulting raisin mass and scroll with a blender or meat grinder and send it back to the container. Also add a few dried raisins to the jar.

  3. Next, the substance should be placed in a warm and dark place, after tying the neck with gauze. Containers need to settle for 3 days.

  4. At the end of the term, foam should form in the jar and light air bubbles should be visible, which indicate the readiness of the leaven.

Now you should move on to the stage of creating the Peisahovka itself, which can be made in several ways.

Stage 2. Unleavened drink:

  1. The remaining raisins, namely 1,75 kg, pour 4 liters of water and let it swell.

  2. After the berries have reached the desired state, scroll through them in a meat grinder or in a blender.

  3. Transfer the raisin gruel that came out to a fermentation container. Add the rest of the water and the prepared sourdough to it. Mix all this thoroughly.

  4. Leave the resulting mixture in a dark and warm place for a period of 4-5 weeks under a water seal – a special valve that helps remove carbon dioxide and prevents air from entering the container.

  5. At the end of the period, a precipitate will appear, and the mash will turn light pink. Bubbles, in turn, should not be observed. Such characteristics are evidence that the mash has fermented.

  6. Next, the mash should be poured through a tube, removed from the sediment, and squeezed out the remaining pulp.

  7. Now it needs to be overtaken 2 times, separating the head and tail fractions.

  8. At the end, dilute the drink with water up to 40°C and leave it in a glass container for 7 days.

After the specified period of time, Peysakhovka will be ready! It is customary to drink an alcoholic drink from small glasses, accompanied by tsimes or forshmak. Also, traditional vodka snacks, dried apricots, figs, dates and other dried fruits are suitable for Peysakhovka.

Alternative options

If the traditional Peisakhovka recipe seemed somewhat complicated, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the methods of preparing raisin tinctures. It is easier to get such a drink and its taste is not inferior to the original recipe.

Relevance: 20.05.2018

Tags: Vodka, mash, moonshine, Vodka brands

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