Vodka Maotai: what is it, where is it made, how to drink

Маотай (Moutai) – This is a kind of traditional Chinese baijiu moonshine, with a strength of 35–53 degrees. It is bottled in the town of the same name in the province of Guizhou, at the factories of the Kweichow Moutai Company. This drink was appreciated by both emperors and dictators, and now it is an indispensable element of any Chinese feast at the highest level.

cocktails with vodka

Drink of peasants and emperors

The history of Maotai goes back over 2 years. Its predecessor was Guozang – strong moonshine of the peasants of the Han Empire. Rice field workers needed a strong drink to keep them warm while working in the fields. Later, Guozang ended up on the table of Emperor Wudi, who appreciated its strength and taste. Since then, the peasant drink has firmly registered on the tables of the highest nobility.

The next page in the history of the drink was opened by the decree of Emperor Kangxi from the Qin Dynasty, in 1704, securing the name “Maotai” for it. Under this name, Chinese moonshine went to the international exhibition of 1915, held in San Francisco, where it won universal recognition.

But Maotai became the hallmark of China with the advent of Mao Zedong. The “Great Pilot” was a lover of this alcohol and in 1951 awarded him the title of “National Drink of China”.

Classic technology is the key to success

Oddly enough, the long history had little effect on Maotai’s production technology. Like hundreds of years ago, wheat and sorghum are fermented for several months using a special chiu qu ferment. At the same time, every month the workpiece is subjected to distillation, after which it is again sent for fermentation.

After 8 months of preparation, the distillate is poured into ceramic vats and aged for at least 3 years. The product is then filtered and blended with older samples. Some of them can be up to 50 years old. But like any good alcohol, old Maotai only gets better with age.

Price, taste and aroma of Maotai

The price tag for a drink can range from $130 to several thousand dollars, depending on the blend and aging. Inside you will find a thick yellowish alcohol with a subtle soy flavor and a persistent aroma, which is the hallmark of this alcohol. And although some find it repulsive, few gourmets resist the temptation to try this nectar.

How to drink Maotai

In most cases, Maotai is served with traditional Chinese food. But true connoisseurs of the drink prefer to refuse snacks or drink it only with green tea in order to fully appreciate its taste. And like most items of the Celestial Empire, the culture of using Maotai is furnished with various traditions. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Maotai is drunk from small glasses or bowls. According to the tasters, this is exactly how you can feel the whole bouquet and not get drunk at the same time.

  2. When drinking a drink, glasses should always be full. But be careful, Maotai is very cunning and intoxication comes quickly and suddenly. Therefore, if you do not know your rate of this alcohol, it is better to skip the toast.

  3. Speaking of toasts, when raising Maotai’s glass, hold it with your right hand, and with your left, support it from below. Holding it with one hand is considered bad manners.

  4. The society where the feast takes place also matters. If there are only men at the table, you can treat yourself to slowly sipping this delicate drink. But in the presence of ladies, men are obliged to drain their glasses in one spirit.

A bottle of Maotai is a worthy gift that will perfectly decorate any home bar. It can be presented even to an unfamiliar person. And if the addressee is a native of the Celestial Empire, then such a gift practically guarantees his location. No wonder there is a witty saying in China: “Those who buy Maotai don’t drink it, and those who drink don’t buy it.”

Relevance: 30.06.2018

Tags: Vodka, mash, moonshine, Vodka brands

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