Vodka Green Mark: what you need to know + types

“Green Mark” is produced exclusively from natural raw materials of excellent quality. It is one of the most famous and recognizable Russian vodkas abroad.

According to Impact magazine, the product ranks as the 15th fastest growing spirits brand in the world and one of the XNUMX best-selling brands in the world.

cocktails with vodka

Briefly about the history of the brand and the manufacturer

Produces the famous alcohol factory “Distillery Topaz”, located in Pushkino, Moscow Region.

The high quality of products is confirmed by the English NQA certificate.

For a long time, the Russian Alcohol company was engaged in the management and promotion of the Green Mark, today the brand is included in the product portfolio of the Roust Group of Companies.

Oddly enough, the famous brand does not have a particularly remarkable legend.

It began to be released in 2003, and already in 2009, Green Mark took second place in the prestigious Millionaires Club rating.

When promoting a product, the manufacturer focuses on the nostalgic feelings of consumers, making a reference to the “good old” Soviet times, when rye was greener, people were more humane, and vodka was softer.

Therefore, the brand’s slogan is appropriate: “Time flows. We remain ourselves.”

Production features

In the manufacture of “green” vodka, the “stream” technology is used, which involves minimal intervention in the process of human hands.

The main ingredients in the recipe are alcohol of the “Lux” category and specially prepared water.

Silver filtration is used to make the drink soft, and natural additives are used to obtain new flavor accents.

The packaging design was developed by London-based designers. It includes engraving on the glass, decoration in the form of a wax seal on the twine and a special design of the cap (“cap”).

Some consumers note that the taste of their favorite vodka, despite the loud slogan, is no longer the same. Nevertheless, the ranks of drink fans are not thinning.

Types of “Green Mark”

The drink is available in 3 main varieties:

  1. Traditional

    Classic Russian vodka, which includes corrected drinking water, deluxe alcohol, wheat infusion, glucose, malic acid.

  2. Rye

    In addition to the main ingredients, the recipe includes an infusion of rye bread.

    Before bottling, the drink is subjected to multiple filtration to obtain a special mildness of taste and crystal clearness.

    Vodka has a pronounced aroma of Borodino bread crackers.

  3. Cedar special

    The composition includes an extract of pine nuts, which gives the vodka an appropriate flavor, and sugar syrup.

    To prepare an infusion with essential oils, cedar raw materials are prepared in special containers for 10 days.

Vodka “Green Brand Cedar”. It smelled like “zero” …

Each option is available in classic (0,5-0,7 l), liter and mini bottles.

Also on sale you can find “green” vodka with fruit and berry additives: dogwood, lemon, cranberries.

The fortress of all types is standard – 40%.

Relevance: 26.09.2019

Tags: Vodka, mash, moonshine, Vodka brands

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