Vodka Chaliapinski (tincture with tea and lemon zest)

Chaliapin vodka (Chaliapin tincture) is remembered for its cognac color, characteristic aroma and taste of tea with lemon and a slight burning pepper in the aftertaste. The drink is considered more masculine, but due to its softness, women will also like it. Another advantage is quick preparation – the tincture will be ready in 3-4 days.

The authorship of the recipe is attributed to Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin (1873-1938) – a Russian opera singer, soloist of the Bolshoi and Mariinsky theaters, as well as the Metropolitan Opera. According to legend, this tincture Chaliapin treated a sore throat before performances. He gave the recipe to his friends, who began to call the drink Shalyapinskaya vodka.

Shalyapinsky vodka recipe


  • vodka (alcohol 40, moonshine) – 1 l;
  • black tea – 2 tablespoons (without a slide);
  • lemon – 1 piece (medium size);
  • ground black pepper – 5 g;
  • ground red pepper – 5 g;
  • sugar (fructose) – 1-2 teaspoons (optional).

Requires high-quality black tea without additives and flavors, the smell should be just tea. In the classic recipe, vodka is used as the alcohol base, but you can take ethyl alcohol diluted to 40%, as well as double-distilled fruit or sugar distillate.

Sugar, fructose, and lemon juice soften the taste, but you don’t need to add them.

Technology of preparation

1. Pour boiling water over the lemon, then rinse in running water and wipe dry to remove the preservative that covers the fruit. Then, with a vegetable peeler or a knife, remove the zest from the lemon – the yellow part of the peel without the white pulp that gives bitterness.

2. Add tea, lemon zest, red and black ground pepper to a glass container for infusion. If desired, add sugar (fructose) and squeeze the juice from about a third of the lemon.

3. Pour in the alcohol base (vodka, alcohol, moonshine). Mix. Close hermetically.

4. Leave for 3 days in a dark place at room temperature. Shake once a day.

5. Strain the finished Chaliapin vodka through 2-3 layers of gauze and lightly squeeze out the tea with zest.

6. Filter the tincture through cotton wool or a coffee filter for transparency (due to ground pepper, it turns cloudy).

7. Pour the drink into bottles for storage, close tightly. Leave for a day in the refrigerator or cellar to stabilize the taste.

Away from direct sunlight, the shelf life of Chaliapin’s vodka is up to 5 years. Fortress – 36-38% vol.

Vodka Chaliapinski (tincture with tea and lemon zest)

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