Thoughtlessly — not turning on your own head, living on someone else’s mind, habits or reacting impulsively.
The head is synonymous with the mind: what a person remembers, thinks and decides with. Turn on the head — start using the mind, and not live with feelings. Turning on the head does not mean thinking. People with a turned on mind more often use past decisions, habitual constructions of the mind, without deliberately thinking about the present situation.
Thinking is, having turned on the mind and attention, actively and independently solve life or situational problems. Thinking is, first of all, solving problems, therefore, first of all, you need to think quickly and responsibly. Thinking is the ability to turn on your head, your own mind, in order to look for a solution to certain problems, to draw conclusions.
Thinking is processing a complex task with your head. Thinking, in contrast to thinking that is not constrained by narrow boundaries, solves specific problems where the goal is already clear and the data are defined.
To think — to analyze, compare, understand, look for interesting and necessary connections between concepts or an image of a goal and elements of a situation. To think is to look for and find productive associations. Think boldly, broadly and deeply.
Intelligence is one of the main components of the mind, the ability to think quickly in studies and in life, the ability to consciously operate with existing knowledge. The same as the head.
Thought-images — meaningful sounding of inner speech, knowledge and images (inner pictures), dynamics of internal actions, change of sensations. Analysis, comparison, finding new connections and other operations with mental images in order to find productive, useful mental images are the content of developed thinking. According to mystics, the Universe reacts to our mental images.
Thinking is a coherent flow of thoughts and images. Coherent and to some extent meaningful flow of inner speech, dynamics of inner actions and images, change of sensations. Thinking is the flow of meanings or the work of a person with meanings (private and general, the process is the result …). Thinking gives vision and understanding of how one relates to another, how something belongs to another. Thinking is one of the tools of a thinking person who solves life’s problems.
Thinking is open thinking. Analysis, weighing FOR and AGAINST. Thinking can be both productive thinking, thinking about a life task, and a free flight of thought.
Reason is the ability and habit to use different positions of perception, to think not only from the point of view of oneself, but also from the point of view of other people, as well as from the position of objective consideration, a systematic approach and the position of an Angel.
Reason is one of the tools of the mind, along with representation and imagination. Reason operates with formal (strict, inanimate) images. The images of the mind are reasoning, the images of the mind are understanding.
To think, consideration — to quickly, quickly find/find connections, ways, solutions for life tasks.
Wits — the ability to quickly find a solution. As a rule, the speed of finding a solution conflicts with taking into account the consequences, and a quick-witted person is not always a thinking, prudent, not always wise person.
Mind — the ability to think, the ability to find a solution to life’s problems, the ability to see (predict) the consequences of one’s actions. The mind primarily includes the sum of knowledge, intellect (the ability to consciously operate this knowledge) and intuition (the ability to unconsciously operate this knowledge). In addition, the mind has personality components: beliefs, programs and attitudes.