A very special garden comes to our days, to help maintain, balance and above all contribute, a nutritionally healthy lifestyle.
As we already announced days ago when we published the news of the company’s first and fourth range products Florette, the turn now of the superfoods has arrived.
On May 6, the first salad of its new Gama Vittalia, the only one on the market composed solely of Superfoods, fresh and natural vegetables that provide us with the necessary extra nutrients to face our day to day with energy and optimism.
Florette is the first brand in the fresh packaged vegetables sector (professionally known as IV-Range) to launch a container product that is currently called superfoods, due to its healthy, nutritional and, in some cases, also energetic properties.
This appreciation of the characteristics of superfoods is endorsed by the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), a leading Spanish entity in the study of food, which has collaborated in the Vittalia project in its studies, processes and subsequent developments, as highlighted the head of the physical-chemical department of CNTA, Ms. Almudena Martínez, on the day of the presentation:
“Vittalia is a mix of foods with a regulatory function and an energy function, with a high content of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K, and it is also an important source of folic acid”
Along with her also participated in the presentation, the expert in holistic nutrition, and Health Coach, Beatriz Larrea, who confirmed what many local elders already assumed was not the discovery of any new component or food but, the work of uniting in a bag of salad, products that are typically recommended and traditionally used in what we call the Mediterranean Diet.
What are those Vittalia superfoods?
As traditional medicine has taught us, on land and in the sea are the organic compounds we need to support healthy nutrition and a dietary balanced lifestyle.
The Vittalia range contains kale sprout, spinach sprout, lamb’s lettuce, carrot, dried fruit (sunflower, peanut and apricot seeds) and fruit dressing (orange and pineapple).
Especially noteworthy is the kale, which for the first time is put on sale in our country in a sprout version, more tender than adult kale, which can be consumed raw with all its nutrients as it is specially designed for salad.
The mission of these foods is to regulate the body and provide energy without added components, looking for vegetables that provide us with improved vision, cell protection, prevention against oxidation and maintenance of calcium in the body. All of this is given to us by the vitamins that reside inside it.
Ultimately, VITTALIA , in its 240g format. for about 2-3 servings it is a vegetable mixture composed of six superfoods beneficial for its nutritional richness.