Vitamins of youth and beauty for women. Video
Vitamins are organic compounds that are essential for normal life. They are the source of health, beauty and youth. A person does not synthesize vitamins, so he must get them from food. Long-term use of foods lacking vitamins causes serious diseases, hypo- and vitamin deficiency.
Vitamins for beauty and youth
Vitamins for the youth and beauty of women
Diet directly affects the condition of the skin, hair and nails. To be attractive, feel great, have smooth, clean skin and well-groomed shiny hair, you need to eat a healthy and varied diet rich in vitamins.
The skin is elastic thanks to collagen, which begins to break down with age. This process begins from about 30 years old, it is possible to slow it down and slow down the formation of wrinkles, regularly including in the diet foods containing vitamins C and E, as well as beta-carotene.
According to the rules of healthy eating, it is better not to fry the fish, but to grill or bake it.
Fish is unusually useful for female beauty, which serves as a source of many substances important for the body. For example, species of white fish (cod, haddock, flounder) are rich in vitamin B12, while fatty species (sardines and mackerel) provide a person with vitamins A and D.
The health and beauty of hair and skin depends on the growth and rapid regeneration of cells. This requires antioxidants, the most powerful participant in the cell repair process is vitamin A. It is found in the kidneys and liver, egg yolk, fatty fish, whole milk, cheese, margarine and butter.
Another powerful antioxidant is vitamin C, and the intensity of collagen production depends on it. In addition, vitamin C prevents brittle nails and hair, makes the skin elastic and clean, because it has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Good sources of this vitamin are citrus fruits, black currants, strawberries, bell peppers, asparagus, broccoli, various greens
B12 and other B vitamins promote cell growth and division. Thanks to them, it becomes possible to replace dead cells with new ones, hair and nails grow. B vitamins prevent allergic rashes, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin, heal cracks and wounds. Dairy products, lentils and other legumes, seafood, fish, game, lean meat, liver, eggs, nuts and dried fruits, whole wheat grains, avocados, blueberries will help to fill the lack of these vitamins necessary for beauty.
How to preserve vitamins while cooking
There are two types of vitamins – water-soluble and fat-soluble. The first type includes vitamins C and group B, the second – A, E, D and K.
It should be remembered that some of the fat-soluble vitamins, especially A and D, become toxic in excessive amounts
Water-soluble vitamins cannot be accumulated by the body, therefore, in order to avoid a deficiency of these substances, they must be supplied with food regularly, every day. The body is able to store fat-soluble vitamins in reserve. It follows from this that they should enter the body in small quantities, but regularly.
It is no secret that when foods are heat-treated, the vitamins they contain are destroyed. But if you remember some rules of cooking, you can reduce the loss of nutrients to a minimum.
Fruits and vegetables should be prepared just prior to cooking. Do not leave them in cold water for more than 5 minutes.
Sliced food (this applies to fruits and vegetables) should be sprinkled with lemon juice immediately after cutting.
Fiber and other nutrients are found directly under the peel, so peeled fruit should be used whenever possible.
The cooking time for vegetables and fruits should be shortened as much as possible. You need to take a little water for cooking, it should barely cover the food. But it is much more useful to cook in a double boiler or bake in the oven.
After boiling vegetables, useful minerals remain in broths, so vegetable broths should be used for making soups and sauces.
Also interesting to read: garment steamer.