Later, scientists found that vitamin B is a complex of substances, each of which contains nitrogen. Each connection received its serial number and its own name. In total, 8 B vitamins are found in nature.
What foods contain B vitamins?
Sources of B vitamins are not only animal products, but also vegetable products, such as green leafy vegetables.
You can replenish the daily intake of vitamins with the help of cereals, meat, eggs, potatoes, pasta, nuts, liver, and so on.
Why are B vitamins needed?
All B vitamins are water soluble. Their main function is to regulate cellular metabolism. They are also responsible for the development and functioning of the nervous system, support the stomach and intestines.
Responsible for the fact that the body can withstand stressful situations. Especially useful for athletes and those who are fond of extreme sports.
B vitamins also normalize blood sugar levels and prevent the development of diabetes.
Often, B vitamins are recommended for anemia, as well as for neurological and psychiatric disorders: neurosis, prolonged depression, pathological apathy. They support the immune system and its ability to resist viruses and infections. Participate in the reproduction and renewal of body cells.
B vitamins are more beneficial in their entirety than individually.
Daily intake of B vitamins
The dosage of B vitamins depends on the sex, age and physical activity of the person. Each vitamin has a specific requirement. Pregnant and lactating women and those who play sports need a little more vitamin B than usual.
Also, all individual B vitamins are recommended to be taken together. Otherwise, a deficiency of certain vitamins can worsen a person’s well-being and provoke some diseases.
Deficiency of B vitamins
Deficiency of B vitamins primarily affects the nervous system. A person’s sleep is disturbed, insomnia appears, there is no appetite. His mood drops, he becomes irritable and cannot concentrate. A rash and wrinkles appear on the face.
The skin of the body begins to itch up to a burning sensation, it becomes very dry. The muscles of the body weaken. At the slightest physical exertion, shortness of breath or tachycardia occurs. The head is spinning and photophobia appears. Hair falls out over time. Doctors diagnose an enlarged liver.
Excess B vitamins
If an excess of B vitamins appears due to overeating of natural products, then over time the excess is excreted naturally along with urine.
With prolonged use of synthetic vitamins, they can accumulate in the body and poison it. For example, an excess of B1, B2 and B6 leads to liver dystrophy. B6 and B12 are very toxic. B1, B2, B6 and B12 cause allergies, up to anaphylactic shock.
Common symptoms of an excess of B vitamins: skin redness and hypersensitivity, frequent headaches, stomach problems. Diarrhea or heartburn occurs. The insomnia starts. During the night rises there are cramps in the legs and arms.
Expert Commentary
– Vitamins of group B are primarily necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, they improve metabolic processes. They are responsible for the functioning of the brain. They are often prescribed for hair or skin problems. They are necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the immune system. With a lack of B vitamins, mood worsens, weakness, forgetfulness, anxiety, or insomnia appear. Dermatitis appears on the skin, hair falls out. Each vitamin has its own function. For example, B12 is more responsible for the formation of red blood cells. Overdose is extremely rare because they are water soluble. Only B12 can accumulate in the liver, the rest are excreted in the urine in excess, – said nutritionist Elena Solomatina, candidate of medical sciences.