Vitamins for the eyes (in drops and with lutein) – which are the best?

Vitamins for the eyes (in drops and with lutein) - which are the best?

The fact that vitamins, minerals and many other valuable components and substances are essential for eye health has long been known. Numerous studies provide the best evidence that stopping or reducing the use of vitamin complexes and nutritional supplements is associated with an increased likelihood of subsequent development of eye diseases.

Thus, vitamins, trace elements and other beneficial substances (for example, lutein or zeaxanthin) are indispensable for maintaining eye health, because they help fight serious problems: dark adaptation dysfunction, visual fatigue, decreased visual acuity and changes associated with age.

What vitamins for the eyes do we need?

Vitamins for the eyes can be produced not only in the form of tablets, but also as drops. If we talk about tablets, then they include such categories of drugs as biologically active food supplements and special vitamin-mineral complexes to maintain visual acuity.

Daily use of drugs produced in the form of tablets, it must be borne in mind that their effect will extend to the body as a whole. That is, we can talk not only about a positive impact, but also about a negative effect (for example, about allergies or hypervitaminosis). In this regard, vitamins intended to improve vision or fight eye problems are not recommended for use in conjunction with multivitamin complexes, as well as in case of intolerance to certain components.

Vitamin and mineral complexes for vision usually contain the following substances:

  • Retinol (vitamin A), which is of great importance for the visual process, because it is a component of the eye pigment called rhodopsin. It is he who begins to be consumed even at the slightest excitation of the cell (rods), which is highly sensitive to light. Thus, vitamin A deficiency provokes a decrease in visual functions, for example, dark adaptation. People with such a deviation should pay special attention to the presence of retinol in vitamins for the eyes;

  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which everyone needs to strengthen the walls of the eye vessels and capillaries. The nutrition of eye tissues directly depends on their strength; in case of vitamin C deficiency, there is a risk of intraocular hemorrhages. Ascorbic acid, however, is present in almost all vitamin complexes for the eyes, but it will not be superfluous to check this;

  • B vitamins are characterized by high antioxidant activity and take part in every stage of the visual impulse formation process (together with vitamin A). In addition, B vitamins play an important role in the metabolism of nervous tissue in general (as you know, the retina in its structure is a nervous tissue). Therefore, those people who have similar problems need to pay special attention to the presence of vitamin B in purchased vitamins for the eyes;

  • Tocopherol (vitamin E) makes it possible to stabilize the state of cell membranes, it is also characterized by antioxidant properties. Therefore, it provides eye tissues with protection from unwanted effects, both ultraviolet rays and excessively bright lighting.

Additional antioxidants and minerals

Vitamin complexes to improve vision also contain carotenoids in the list of their components. These substances are the natural light filters of the visual apparatus of each person. The list of carotenoids includes lutein, lycopene and zeaxanthin.

In addition, certain trace elements, namely zinc, selenium, copper and chromium, should be considered one of the important components of vitamin supplements for restoring vision. They are part of the tissues of the eye and are the guarantor of their timely regeneration and normal metabolism. Another common and essential component of eye vitamins is taurine. It is found in many medications to maintain visual acuity. Taurine is a unique amino acid that ensures the reception and processing of photo signals by our visual apparatus.

Bilberry extract, containing anthocyanins in the list of components, which are characterized not only by antioxidant, but also by angioprotective properties, is a guarantee of a versatile positive effect on eye tissues and visual acuity.

How to choose the right vitamins for the eyes?

It is extremely important to pay attention to the raw materials that are used in the production of vitamins for the eyes, because only a product quality certificate will guarantee the presence of useful and active components in the vitamin complex.

It is necessary to consider in what form the active substances are present. So, a significant part of medicines contains lutein as an ester, and not in a free form. But it has been proven that for optimal absorption by the body, lutein ester must be quickly and without problems converted into the free form of the component, and this seems impossible without the presence of fatty foods in the human menu. Therefore, you should ask the pharmacist in advance which of the forms of the substance is in the vitamins you purchase for the eyes.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the standards within the production:

  • International GMP – “Good Manufacturing Practice”;

  • Quality control system according to ISO 9001.

It is recommended to give preference to such vitamin complexes, in the production of which only proven components and free lutein are used, which, in turn, is produced using a modern method called “microencapsulation”. This technology is a guarantee of easy digestibility and preservation of active characteristics throughout the entire shelf life.

Vitamins for eyes in drops

Vitamins for the eyes (in drops and with lutein) - which are the best?

Vitamin and vascular eye drops are used as part of the prevention of age-related destructive and degenerative changes in the anterior areas of the organ of vision (namely, in the cornea and lens).

We are talking about diseases such as cataracts, scarring and clouding of the cornea, keratitis, as well as conditions after contusion of the eyeball. Most often, the use of vitamin and vascular eye drops in these cases is carried out for a long time. Depending on the disease itself, the use of drops can be not only prophylactic (for cataracts, retinal angiopathy), but also restorative (for keratitis or hemorrhage).

The list of components of vitamin eye drops, as a rule, includes all the necessary vitamins and trace elements that optimize visual functions. Depending on the general direction of the treatment algorithm, it is permissible to combine active substances. At the same time, vitamins A, C, E, B vitamins, as well as calcium and zinc minerals and lutein pigment should be considered essential and most important vitamins for the eyes, used in the form of drops.

Separately, it should be noted vitamin B2 (riboflavin), which makes it possible to slow down the development of corneal dystrophy as soon as possible. The result of a deficiency of this element may be an excessively active release of tears, ruptures of blood vessels in the eyeballs, “night blindness”, and recurrent eye fatigue. Vitamin B3 (niacin), also used in the production of these drops, optimizes blood flow to the optic nerve.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is notable for taking part in cellular metabolism, any dysfunctional processes in which turn out to be a catalyst for the formation of conjunctivitis and inflammation of the optic nerve. Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) – is responsible for the creation of red blood cells, its insufficient amount leads to premature aging of the eyes, their constant tearing and an increase in dullness of vision.

In the process of selecting vitamin drops, the doctor will certainly pay attention to the need for the presence of calcium and zinc in their composition. The first is needed in order to strengthen the tissues of the eyes and is indispensable for any manifestations of myopia. The need for the second arises with cataracts or glaucoma, because only zinc in this situation will be able to prevent further adverse changes in the organ of vision.

Experts have proven that vitamin eye drops are much more in demand in the treatment and prevention of eye diseases than pills. This is because the former act much faster and more efficiently. But it is not recommended to independently prescribe any drug for yourself without consulting an ophthalmologist. No matter how harmless the drops may seem, self-medication can lead to the exact opposite effect – to the appearance of new vision problems and their subsequent aggravation.

The use of vitamin drops is not always permanent, as mentioned earlier. In some cases, therapy is carried out in courses with obligatory breaks for one or two months. Eye drops with vitamin complexes combine a huge amount of useful substances and have an extensive “radius” of action. They prevent and treat visual disorders, and also make it possible to slow down aging or completely get rid of existing eye problems.

Author of the article: Degtyareva Marina Vitalievna, ophthalmologist, ophthalmologist

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