Vitamins and foods to improve brain function
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Even on a gray November day, you can surprise everyone with a good mood, regardless of the weather. But the mood is very dependent on nutrition, so in cold weather it is important to eat right.
To improve brain function
Mood depends on many factors: on the degree of satisfaction with life, on health, on the people around us. Nutrition has a significant effect on alertness and mood. Many have noticed themselves that in moments of sadness they want something sweet. And this relationship is not accidental: delicious food stimulates special receptors in the brain, which are responsible for the production of the so-called pleasure hormones – endorphins and enkephalins.
The release of these substances into the bloodstream can improve mood and energize. But for good health, it is also important to get the entire set of essential nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, trace elements. They nourish the cells, give strength, and promote the renewal of body tissues. Fatty and sugary foods are the “fuel” for the brain. Therefore, with strict diets, mental activity suffers first of all: efficiency decreases, lethargy appears, and even apathy.
In cold weather, it is recommended to eat right, without limiting yourself in the choice of foods. Care should be taken with diets that prohibit the intake of carbohydrates or fats from food. Eating this way can deprive your brain of the nutrients it needs to function.
It can be difficult to be in a good mood if you have a sore throat, stuffy nose and fever. Health largely depends on the balance of biochemical processes in the body, and on the work of the immune system. This also requires nutrients: proteins serve as building blocks for cells and tissues, fats are needed for energy production, vitamins are needed for many metabolic processes, and trace elements give strength to muscles.
The ability of certain vitamins (C and D), as well as trace elements (zinc), has been noted to influence resistance to infections. It is no coincidence that for colds it is recommended to take a loading dose of vitamin C (up to 2 grams per day).
In cold weather, it is not easy to eat well. There are fewer healthy vegetables and fruits. The constant lack of time prompts you to choose semi-finished products – just to satisfy your hunger. And if we still cope with a temporary deficiency of vitamins and minerals (for example, at work, an emergency, and you eat as you can for a week), then a long-term lack of nutrients can affect the appearance (skin and hair), mood, physical activity and resistance infections.
You can help the body with the help of a vitamin and mineral complex. Such preparations usually contain both vitamins and minerals. For example, Multifort contains 13 vitamins, 10 microelements and echinacea extract – to strengthen the immune system.
It is no coincidence that the expression “we are what we eat” exists. Adequate nutrition is essential for well-being, vitality, and optimism. Multivitamin supplements can help your body quickly meet its daily needs for essential vitamins and minerals.
The drug has contraindications, before use, you must read the instructions or consult a doctor.