Vitamins – a source of healthy hair and nails! Check in which products you will find them!
Vitamins - a source of healthy hair and nails! Check in which products you will find them!Vitamins – a source of healthy hair and nails! Check in which products you will find them!

Brittle hair and nails – hard to deal with. However, patience pays off. What to do? First of all, make sure to introduce specific vitamins and minerals into your daily diet, and you will see the first results a few weeks later.

The lifestyle you lead and the way you eat is reflected in the condition of your hair and nails. For their health and your own beauty, make sure that they grow up healthy from the beginning, because over time it will be more and more difficult to restore their former glory.

Folic acid and other vitamins

  • Vitamin A is fat soluble, so you need a bit of a fatty supplement to absorb it. You will find it in milk, cheese, butter, eggs, liver, as well as in carrots, dried apricots and tomatoes.
  • Vitamin B1 is present, among others, in cereals, sunflower seeds, yeast, fish, offal, potatoes and vegetables.
  • Vitamin B2 is one more reason to consume milk. You can get it, also thanks to liver, dark green vegetables, and also by eating cheese.
  • Vitamin B6 is found in bananas, legumes, yeast, poultry and lean meat.
  • Vitamin B9, i.e. folic acid, is contained in whole-wheat products, nuts, lentils, beans, oranges, spinach, Brussels sprouts and beets, and liver.
  • You can provide vitamin C by including rose hips, grapefruit and peppers in your diet. It supports the absorption of iron.
  • Vitamin H, also known as biotin. To absorb it, it is recommended to eat nuts, paddy rice, soy flour, yeast, egg yolks, milk, kidneys, liver, cauliflower, but also fruits: bananas, grapes, melons, grapefruits, watermelons and peaches.

Something for hair and nails

Not everyone likes fresh onion, so try to eat a stewed head every day, which will perfectly fit into the recipe of meat sauces or salads. We obtain iron for our hair and nails mainly from red meat, liver, shrimp, spinach, broccoli, peas, breakfast cereals and wheat bread. In addition, eat sauerkraut as often as possible, because it guarantees beautiful, strong hair and nails, due to vitamin E and organosulphur compounds. Horsetail is rich in sulfur and silicon, so it is worth drinking the infusion twice a day. We can do a lot of good for our nails by eating jelly from time to time. Milk and cereals will provide optimal levels of magnesium.

Finally, an important note. If you dream of perfect healthy hair and nailsand you think you eat healthy, limit the amount of sugar you consume, because its excess is destructive to them.


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