Vitamin E in foods (table)

These tables are adopted by the average daily need for vitamin E is 10 mg. Column “Percent of daily requirement” shows what percentage of 100 grams of the product satisfy the daily human need for vitamin E (tocopherol).


Product nameThe content of vitamin E in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Sunflower oil44 mg440%
Sunflower seeds (sunflower seeds)31.2 mg312%
Mayonnaise “Provansal”30 mg300%
Almonds24.6 mg246%
Hazelnuts21 mg210%
Margarine butter20 mg200%
Peanut oil16.7 mg167%
Olive oil12.1 mg121%
Wheat bran10.4 mg104%
Peanuts10.1 mg101%
Pine nuts9.3 mg93%
Oil mustard9.2 mg92%
White mushrooms, dried7.4 mg74%
Cashews5.7 mg57%
Dried apricots5.5 mg55%
Peach dried5.5 mg55%
Apricots5.5 mg55%
Sea buckthorn5 mg50%
Acne5 mg50%
Waffles4.7 mg47%
Books4 mg40%
Caviar black granular4 mg40%
Sugar cookies3.5 mg35%
Dandelion leaves (greens)3.4 mg34%
Wheat (grain, hard grade)3.4 mg34%
Flour Wallpaper3.3 mg33%
Wheat flour 2nd grade3.2 mg32%
Caviar red caviar3 mg30%
Wheat (grain, soft variety)3 mg30%
Rye (grain)2.8 mg28%
Pistachios2.8 mg28%
Walnut2.6 mg26%
Cilantro (green)2.5 mg25%
Spinach (greens)2.5 mg25%
Candy2.3 mg23%
Sesame2.3 mg23%
Squid2.2 mg22%
Rye flour wholemeal2.2 mg22%
Linseed oil2.1 mg21%
Sturgeon2.1 mg21%
Egg powder2.1 mg21%
Egg yolk2 mg20%
Pollock ROE2 mg20%
Sorrel (greens)2 mg20%

See full product list

Flour rye1.9 mg19%
Soybean (grain)1.9 mg19%
Salmon Atlantic (salmon)1.8 mg18%
Macaroni from a flour of 1 grade1.8 mg18%
Wheat flour of 1 grade1.8 mg18%
Parsley (green)1.8 mg18%
Sudak1.8 mg18%
Prunes1.8 mg18%
Eyeglasses1.7 mg17%
Wheat groats1.7 mg17%
Dill (greens)1.7 mg17%
Briar1.7 mg17%
Barley (grain)1.7 mg17%
Oat flour (oatmeal)1.6 mg16%
Mackerel1.6 mg16%
Oat flakes “Hercules”1.6 mg16%
Salmon1.5 mg15%
Semolina1.5 mg15%
Barley groats1.5 mg15%
Pasta from flour V/s1.5 mg15%
Melted butter1.5 mg15%
Cloudberry1.5 mg15%
Oat flour1.5 mg15%
The flour1.5 mg15%
Aronia1.5 mg15%
Blueberries1.4 mg14%
Oats (grain)1.4 mg14%
Cancer river1.4 mg14%
Rowan red1.4 mg14%
Blueberries1.4 mg14%
Chum1.3 mg13%
BlackBerry1.2 mg12%
Herring fatty1.2 mg12%
Apricot1.1 mg11%
Pearl barley1.1 mg11%
Capelin1.1 mg11%
Flour rye seeded1.1 mg11%
Peach1.1 mg11%
Herring srednebelaya1.1 mg11%
Cranberries1 mg10%
Flounder1 mg10%
Brussels sprouts1 mg10%
Cranberry1 mg10%
Bream1 mg10%
Green onions (the pen)1 mg10%
Oil sweet-creamy unsalted1 mg10%
Butter1 mg10%
Oat bran1 mg10%
Butter cookies1 mg10%
Som1 mg10%
Apples dried1 mg10%

The content of vitamin E in nuts and seeds:

Product nameThe content of vitamin E in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Peanuts10.1 mg101%
Walnut2.6 mg26%
Pine nuts9.3 mg93%
Cashews5.7 mg57%
Sesame2.3 mg23%
Almonds24.6 mg246%
Sunflower seeds (sunflower seeds)31.2 mg312%
Pistachios2.8 mg28%
Hazelnuts21 mg210%

The content of vitamin E in cereals, cereal products and pulses:

Product nameThe content of vitamin E in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Peas (shelled)0.5 mg5%
Green peas (fresh)0.2 mg2%
Buckwheat (grain)0.8 mg8%
Buckwheat (groats)0.6 mg6%
Buckwheat (unground)0.8 mg8%
Corn grits0.7 mg7%
Semolina1.5 mg15%
Eyeglasses1.7 mg17%
Pearl barley1.1 mg11%
Wheat groats1.7 mg17%
Groats hulled millet (polished)0.3 mg3%
Rice0.4 mg4%
Barley groats1.5 mg15%
Sweet corn0.1 mg1%
Macaroni from a flour of 1 grade1.8 mg18%
Pasta from flour V/s1.5 mg15%
Buckwheat flour0.3 mg3%
Corn flour0.6 mg6%
Oat flour1.5 mg15%
Oat flour (oatmeal)1.6 mg16%
Wheat flour of 1 grade1.8 mg18%
Wheat flour 2nd grade3.2 mg32%
The flour1.5 mg15%
Flour Wallpaper3.3 mg33%
Flour rye1.9 mg19%
Rye flour wholemeal2.2 mg22%
Flour rye seeded1.1 mg11%
Rice flour0.3 mg3%
Oats (grain)1.4 mg14%
Oat bran1 mg10%
Wheat bran10.4 mg104%
Wheat (grain, soft variety)3 mg30%
Wheat (grain, hard grade)3.4 mg34%
Rice (grain)0.8 mg8%
Rye (grain)2.8 mg28%
Soybean (grain)1.9 mg19%
Beans (grain)0.6 mg6%
Beans (legumes)0.3 mg3%
Oat flakes “Hercules”1.6 mg16%
Lentils (grain)0.5 mg5%
Barley (grain)1.7 mg17%

The content of vitamin E in dairy products:

Product nameThe content of vitamin E in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Cheese (from cow’s milk)0.3 mg3%
Yogurt 6%0.2 mg2%
Yogurt 6% sweet0.2 mg2%
Koumiss (from Mare’s milk)0.1 mg1%
The mass of curd is 16.5% fat0.1 mg1%
Milk 3,5%0.1 mg1%
Goat milk0.1 mg1%
Condensed milk with sugar 5%0.1 mg1%
Condensed milk with sugar 8,5%0.2 mg2%
Dry milk 15%0.3 mg3%
Milk powder 25%0.4 mg4%
Ice cream0.4 mg4%
Ice cream sundae0.3 mg3%
Ryazhenka 4%0.1 mg1%
Fermented baked milk 6%0.2 mg2%
Cream 10%0.3 mg3%
Cream 20%0.5 mg5%
Cream 25%0.6 mg6%
35% cream0.6 mg6%
Cream 8%0.2 mg2%
Condensed cream with sugar 19%0.3 mg3%
Cream powder 42%0.5 mg5%
Sour cream 10%0.3 mg3%
Sour cream 15%0.3 mg3%
Sour cream 20%0.4 mg4%
Sour cream 25%0.6 mg6%
Sour cream 30%0.6 mg6%
Cheese “Adygeysky”0.3 mg3%
Cheese “Gollandskiy” 45%0.4 mg4%
Cheese “Camembert”0.3 mg3%
Parmesan Cheese0.2 mg2%
Cheese “Poshehonsky” 45%0.5 mg5%
Cheese “Roquefort” 50%0.4 mg4%
Cheese “Russian” 50%0.5 mg5%
Cheese “Suluguni”0.3 mg3%
Feta Cheese0.18 mg2%
Cheese Cheddar 50%0.6 mg6%
Cheese Swiss 50%0.6 mg6%
Gouda Cheese0.24 mg2%
Cheese “Sausage”0.4 mg4%
Cheese “Russian”0.4 mg4%
Glazed curds of 27.7% fat0.5 mg5%
Cheese 11%0.2 mg2%
Cheese 18% (bold)0.3 mg3%
Curd 4%0.1 mg1%
Curd 5%0.1 mg1%
Cottage cheese 9% (bold)0.2 mg2%

The content of vitamin E in eggs and egg products:

Product nameThe content of vitamin E in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Egg yolk2 mg20%
Egg powder2.1 mg21%
Chicken egg0.6 mg6%
Quail egg0.9 mg9%

The content of vitamin E in fish and seafood:

Product nameThe content of vitamin E in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Roach0.6 mg6%
Salmon1.5 mg15%
Caviar red caviar3 mg30%
Pollock ROE2 mg20%
Caviar black granular4 mg40%
Squid2.2 mg22%
Flounder1 mg10%
Chum1.3 mg13%
Sprat Baltic0.4 mg4%
Sprat Caspian0.5 mg5%
Shrimp0.6 mg6%
Bream1 mg10%
Salmon Atlantic (salmon)1.8 mg18%
Mussels0.9 mg9%
Pollock0.3 mg3%
Capelin1.1 mg11%
Cod0.6 mg6%
Grouper0.8 mg8%
Perch river0.4 mg4%
Sturgeon2.1 mg21%
Halibut0.6 mg6%
Haddock0.3 mg3%
Cancer river1.4 mg14%
Carp0.5 mg5%
Herring0.7 mg7%
Herring fatty1.2 mg12%
Herring lean0.8 mg8%
Herring srednebelaya1.1 mg11%
Mackerel1.6 mg16%
Som1 mg10%
Mackerel0.9 mg9%
Sudak1.8 mg18%
Cod0.9 mg9%
Tuna0.2 mg2%
Acne5 mg50%
Oyster0.9 mg9%
Heck0.4 mg4%
Pike0.7 mg7%

The vitamin E content in meat and meat products:

Product nameThe content of vitamin E in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Meat (lamb)0.6 mg6%
Meat (beef)0.4 mg4%
Meat (Turkey)0.3 mg3%
Meat (rabbit)0.5 mg5%
Meat (chicken)0.5 mg5%
Meat (pork fat)0.4 mg4%
Meat (pork meat)0.4 mg4%
Meat (broiler chickens)0.3 mg3%
Beef liver0.9 mg9%
Kidney beef0.7 mg7%

The content of vitamin E in fruits, dried fruits and berries:

Product nameThe content of vitamin E in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Apricot1.1 mg11%
Quince0.4 mg4%
Plum0.3 mg3%
Pineapple0.1 mg1%
Orange0.2 mg2%
Watermelon0.1 mg1%
Banana0.4 mg4%
Cranberries1 mg10%
Grapes0.4 mg4%
Cherry0.3 mg3%
Blueberries1.4 mg14%
Garnet0.4 mg4%
Grapefruit0.3 mg3%
Pear0.4 mg4%
Pear dried0.4 mg4%
Melon0.1 mg1%
BlackBerry1.2 mg12%
Strawberries0.5 mg5%
Raisins0.5 mg5%
Fresh figs0.1 mg1%
Figs dried0.3 mg3%
Kiwi0.3 mg3%
Cranberry1 mg10%
Gooseberry0.5 mg5%
Dried apricots5.5 mg55%
Lemon0.2 mg2%
Raspberry0.6 mg6%
Mango0.9 mg9%
Mandarin0.1 mg1%
Cloudberry1.5 mg15%
Nectarine0.8 mg8%
Sea buckthorn5 mg50%
Papaya0.3 mg3%
Peach1.1 mg11%
Peach dried5.5 mg55%
Rowan red1.4 mg14%
Aronia1.5 mg15%
Drain0.6 mg6%
White currants0.3 mg3%
Red currants0.5 mg5%
Black currants0.7 mg7%
Apricots5.5 mg55%
Feijoa0.2 mg2%
Dates0.3 mg3%
Persimmon0.5 mg5%
Cherry0.3 mg3%
Blueberries1.4 mg14%
Prunes1.8 mg18%
Briar1.7 mg17%
Apples0.2 mg2%
Apples dried1 mg10%

The content of vitamin E in the vegetables and herbs:

Product nameThe content of vitamin E in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Basil (green)0.8 mg8%
Eggplant0.1 mg1%
Rutabaga0.1 mg1%
Ginger (root)0.3 mg3%
Zucchini0.1 mg1%
Cabbage0.1 mg1%
Broccoli0.8 mg8%
Brussels sprouts1 mg10%
Kohlrabi0.2 mg2%
Cabbage, red,0.1 mg1%
Cabbage0.1 mg1%
Cauliflower0.2 mg2%
Potatoes0.1 mg1%
Cilantro (green)2.5 mg25%
Cress (greens)0.7 mg7%
Dandelion leaves (greens)3.4 mg34%
Green onions (the pen)1 mg10%
Leek0.8 mg8%
Onion0.2 mg2%
Carrots0.4 mg4%
Cucumber0.1 mg1%
Parsnip (root)0.8 mg8%
Sweet pepper (Bulgarian)0.7 mg7%
Parsley (green)1.8 mg18%
Parsley (root)0.1 mg1%
Tomato (tomato)0.7 mg7%
Rhubarb (greens)0.2 mg2%
Radishes0.1 mg1%
Black radish0.1 mg1%
Turnips0.1 mg1%
Lettuce (greens)0.7 mg7%
Beets0.1 mg1%
Celery (green)0.5 mg5%
Celery (root)0.5 mg5%
Asparagus (green)0.5 mg5%
Jerusalem artichoke0.2 mg2%
Pumpkin0.4 mg4%
Dill (greens)1.7 mg17%
Horseradish (root)0.1 mg1%
Garlic0.3 mg3%
Spinach (greens)2.5 mg25%
Sorrel (greens)2 mg20%

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