Vitamins and minerals are a group of biologically extremely important organic chemical compounds. They affect our body and our body in a whole spectrum of possibilities. Without vitamins, there would be no life. The very name of vitamins comes from the Latin word “vita” meaning life.
Avitaminosis and the danger they carry
Avitaminosis in medicine is called the lack of one selected vitamin in the body. Of course, you can suffer from a vitamin deficiency of more than one vitamin. However, hypovitaminosis, or simply a deficiency of one of the vitamins, is more common. Sometimes you can also suffer from hypervitaminosis – an excess of vitamins – which is also unhealthy. In this case, the rule of the “golden mean” and appropriate moderation should be observed.
Vitamin deficiencies and their consequences
- Vitamin A: in the case of vitamin A deficiency, night blindness develops – problems with seeing after dusk; In addition, there is the possibility of blindness, corneal dryness, which can cause eye pain. Frequent body infections. Keratinization of the epidermis.
- B vitamins: deficiency of B vitamins leads to very serious symptoms, including those related to the nervous system. Vitamin B1 deficiency leads to beriberi. With a deficiency of B vitamins, muscle tremors, arthritis, pain, heart failure, circulatory failure, appetite disorders, anemia, dermatitis, dizziness, reduced intellectual performance, mental disorders, sleep disorders, anxiety and depression appear.
- Vitamin C: its deficiencies are primarily reflected in the body’s immunity. They can also lead to scurvy.
- Vitamin D: leads to osteomalacia in adults and rickets in children. Vitamin D deficiency also leads to general weakness of the muscles and teeth, including tooth loss.
- Vitamin K: Vitamin K deficiency leads primarily to blood clotting disorders. Due to this, all wounds take much longer to heal. The work of the intestines is also disturbed.
- Vitamin E: its deficiencies are reflected not only on the health of the body, but also on its appearance. The skin is weakened and becomes rough, gray and tired. Visible signs of aging appear on the skin. The lack of vitamin E is responsible for the formation of age spots. Vitamin E deficiency is also responsible for miscarriages, paralysis and fertility disorders.
Supplementing vitamin deficiencies
Vitamin deficiencies are best supplemented by a varied, balanced diet and by using special vitamin preparations available in pharmacies.