Vitamin deficiency: symptoms and treatment. Video
Vitamins are organic nutrients that are vital for the proper functioning of all cells, tissues and processes in the body. The symptoms of a vitamin deficiency depend on what it is responsible for. Most often, people are deficient in water-soluble vitamins, as fat-soluble vitamins can accumulate in the body.
Vitamin A (retinol) deficiency
Vitamin A helps in the growth and repair of body tissues, it gives you smooth, soft, disease-free skin. From the inside, it protects the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, throat and lungs, reducing susceptibility to infection. Other important functions of vitamin A are building strong bones, teeth and white blood cells, and maintaining good vision.
The first symptoms of vitamin A deficiency are night blindness (inability of the eye to adapt to darkness), dry skin, loss of appetite, fatigue, seborrhea, and dull and brittle hair. Long-term retinol deficiency leads to xerophthalmia, increased dry eyes, increased susceptibility to colds and viral infections, weight loss, smell and taste.
To describe a mild deficiency of any vitamin, doctors use the term “subclinical deficiency”. In the case of a long-term lack of any vitamin, the term “vitamin deficiency” is used
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) deficiency
The main function of vitamin C is to maintain proper levels of collagen, a protein essential for the formation of the connective tissue of the skin, ligaments and bones. Vitamin C also plays an important role in the healing of wounds and burns, the formation of red blood cells and the prevention of hemorrhage. In addition, vitamin C fights bacterial infections. Vitamin C stimulates the production of interferon and acts as an inactivator against viruses, helping in the fight against diseases such as:
- herpes
- hepatitis
- polio
- encephalitis
- measles
- pneumonia
Signs of vitamin C deficiency include shortness of breath, indigestion, bleeding gums, weakened enamel, swollen or painful joints, nosebleeds, anemia, decreased resistance to infections, and slow healing. Breastfeeding women with vitamin C deficiency have lactation problems. The autumn lack of vitamin C will make you a target for all colds, therefore, in the cold season, the prevention of a lack of ascorbic acid becomes especially important, such diseases can be treated by also increasing the dose of vitamin C.
Long-term vitamin C deficiency leads to scurvy
Vitamin E (tokferol) deficiency
Vitamin E is an antioxidant, meaning it fights the damaging effects of free radicals. Vitamin E plays an important role in the cellular respiration of all muscles, especially the heart. Vitamin E also helps slow down the aging process, it is necessary for proper focusing of the eyes, and helps to heal wounds and scars.
The saddest consequence of vitamin E deficiency for women is frequent miscarriages or premature birth, which is why so often the treatment of these problems begins with a blood test for vitamin deficiency. With a lack of tokferol, iron absorption is impaired, which can result in anemia. The first symptoms of deficiency are vision problems, which, with prolonged vitamin deficiency, can result in cataracts and retinal degeneration, muscle cramps, tingling sensations, burning sensations and numbness of the extremities.
Vitamin K is essential for the formation of prothrombin, a chemical essential for normal blood clotting. It is also vital for the normal functioning of the liver.
The lack of vitamin is expressed primarily in the bleeding of the smallest wounds, nose and internal bleeding, blood in the stool and urine. Vitamin K deficiency can transform into diseases such as celiac disease (intestinal malabsorption), colitis, and can cause miscarriage.
Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for the formation of bones and teeth, and is also valuable in maintaining the stability of the nervous system, stable functioning of the cardiovascular system and normal blood clotting.
Signs of vitamin deficiency
Lack of vitamin D leads to insufficient absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which the bones of the skull soften, the spine is curved, the bones of the wrist, knee and ankle joints expand. The first manifestation of vitamin D deficiency may be increased nervous irritability, irritability.
B vitamins take an active part in providing the body with energy, mainly by converting carbohydrates into glucose, they are vital in the metabolism of fats and proteins. In addition, B vitamins are essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system, for maintaining muscle tone in the gastrointestinal tract and for the health of the skin, hair, nails, mouth, and liver.
Stress destroys huge amounts of B vitamins, as does infection and alcohol
Deficiency of any of the B vitamins is evidenced by increased fatigue, irritability, depression and suicidal thoughts. The appearance of a large number of gray hair, hair loss, acne and other skin problems, poor appetite and indigestion, insomnia, neuritis, anemia, constipation, high cholesterol – all this can happen due to a lack of B vitamins. Enlarged tongue, bright – red and with bumps along the edges, cracks in the corners of the mouth, ulcers in the oral cavity – evidence of a lack of vitamins of this group.
Read next: Foods that contain selenium.