Vitamin D3 – the vitamin that builds the body

In order for the body to function properly, it needs many vitamins and minerals. One of the most valuable vitamins for the body is vitamin D3. It is often called the sun vitamin because it is made from cholesterol when the body is exposed to the sun. But fortunately, you can also buy food or dietary supplements with a high content of it.

Vitamin D3 – characteristics

Vitamin D3, or cholecalciferol, is an organic chemical compound from the vitamin D group. In the characteristics of vitamin D, two forms of this vitamin are most important, i.e. vitamin D2 i vitamin D3. Vitamin D2 occurs naturally in plant organisms, while vitamin D3 occurs naturally in animal organisms.

Initially, vitamin D3 was called vitamin A because it has been shown to reduce the risk of rickets and osteoporosis and to help treat these conditions.

Vitamin D3 is not soluble in water, but like vitamins A, E and K, it is fat soluble. Vitamin D3 shows high resistance to high temperature and does not decompose during long-term storage. The provitamin D3 is 7-dehydrocholesterol.

It is interesting to note that vitamin D in the human body is traditionally considered a vitamin, but in fact it acts as a prohormone, because it can be produced by the human body. This happens as a result of cholesterol transformations that occur under the influence of solar radiation.

Why are vitamins so important to our body? Check: Vitamins – role, importance, supplementation [EXPLAINED]

Vitamin D3 properties and action in the body?

Vitamin D3 has properties that range from building bones to preventing cancer. This vitamin is primarily responsible for bone mineralization and the proper development of the skeletal system. It also regulates the calcium-phosphate balance in the body by compensating for the abnormal calcium-phosphorus ratio in the body. That is why young children are so often advised to feed them with food or vitamin medications with a high dose of D3 or other minerals. Interestingly, it also improves the functioning of the circulatory system and the heart muscle and ensures a slim figure.

Vitamin D3 affects the functioning of several important systems in the human body. Therefore, the action of vitamin D3 has an impact on:

  1. bone structure – an adequate supply of vitamin D3 in the body is extremely important for the skeletal system, because this vitamin affects bone metabolism. Primarily during the development and maturation period, vitamin D3 is involved in the formation of teeth and bones. In the case of vitamin D3 deficiency during the child’s development, rickets, bone mineralization disorders and reduction of bone mass may occur. In adults, vitamin D3 deficiency can lead to osteoporosis. An interesting fact is that vitamin D3 is helpful in fighting tooth decay. 
  2. the nervous system – vitamin D3 is very important for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin D3 deficiency can cause sleep disturbance in the patient. In addition, a pregnant woman’s vitamin D levels may be correlated with her child’s risk of developing an autistic disorder;
  3. muscular system Vitamin D3 deficiency can cause patients to experience myalgia, i.e. myalgia or muscle pain;
  4. immune system – vitamin D3 has an immunomodulating effect, but also indirectly antibacterial. Additionally, vitamin D3 has anti-proliferative and anti-cancer properties. Some studies have found that vitamin D3 can reduce the likelihood of getting the flu. According to these studies, the seasonal variability of the vitamin D content in the body is related to the seasonality of influenza. In turn, the changing seasonal content of vitamin D3 in the body is the result of the variability of insolation in different seasons of the year;
  5. the circulatory system – scientific studies have not shown a clear effect of vitamin D3 on hypertension, but supplementation of this vitamin may regulate inflammation in chronic heart failure;
  6. metabolism in many tissues – vitamin D3 affects the ability to regenerate the liver. It can also work against cancer. 

Check your vitamin D levels today. Order Amino Acid and Vitamin D Testing by Shipment.

Which vitamins are especially important for the youngest patients? Check: What vitamins and minerals must not be missing in a toddler’s diet?

Where does vitamin D3 come from in the body? – cutaneous synthesis

Vitamin D3 is produced in the body from 7-dehydrocholesterol. This compound is synthesized in the skin as a result of UVB radiation. It is stated that in this way as much as 80-100 percent. vitamin D3 present in our body. The synthesis of vitamin D3 depends on the season and sunlight. For example, in Poland, this synthesis is most effective from May to September between 10:00 a.m. and 15:00 p.m. – obviously in the period when the clouds do not obscure the sun. In turn, from October to March in our country, the skin synthesis of vitamin D3 is ineffective. Then supplementation is needed. You can find a wide selection of vitamin D supplements on the Medonet Market. Check the offer. We recommend, among others Familijny fish oil with vitamins A and D – Health and immunity available at a promotional price.

It is assumed that a light-skinned person needs about 15 minutes of exposure to the sun to synthesize an adequate amount of vitamin D3 per day, that is about 2000–4000 IU. Vitamin D3 breaks down when you stay in the sun for a long time. Then, inactive compounds such as tachysterol, suprasterol or lumisterol are produced, which prevent the toxic accumulation of vitamin D3 in our body.

What vitamins should be supplemented in the elderly? Check: Vitamins for the senior. What to take in mature age?

Vitamin D3 and a solarium

Some patients wonder whether in the autumn and winter, when skin synthesis is highly ineffective, it is justified to use a solarium. Of course, the regular use of special UV lamps that emit UVB radiation prevents the level of the active metabolite of vitamin D3 from dropping. However, tanning salons in Poland are usually not equipped with this type of device, and UVA lamps are available in them, which, instead of the synthesis of vitamin D3, cause the decomposition of its systemic resources.

Is it worth using the solarium? Check: Solarium – benefits, disadvantages, contraindications [WE EXPLAIN]

Where does vitamin D3 come from in the body? – food sources

Vitamin D3 deficiencies can be managed through a proper diet. However, it is worth remembering that the diet can cover a maximum of 20 percent. the daily requirement of vitamin D3. Research has shown that in the case of insufficient cutaneous synthesis of vitamin D3, even the most varied diet does not cover the daily requirement for this vitamin.

The greatest resources of vitamin D3 are found in animal products, especially fatty sea fish, fish oils, eggs, liver, red meat and poultry. It should be remembered that vitamin D3 is fat-soluble, therefore the diet should contain an adequate amount of fat in the food consumed.

The richest sources of vitamin D3 have:

  1. fresh eel – 1200 IU / 100 g;
  2. herring in oil – 808 IU / 100 g;
  3. baked salmon – 540 IU / 100 g;
  4. pickled herring – 480 IU / 100 g;
  5. sardines – 200 IU / 100 g;
  6. shitake mushrooms – 100 IU / 100 g;
  7. egg yolk – 54 IU / 100 g;
  8. fresh cod – 40 IU / 100 g;
  9. yellow cheese – 7,6-28 IU / 100 g;
  10. cow’s milk – 0,4-1,2 IU / 100 g.

It is very difficult to replenish vitamin D3 deficiency by consuming food alone. Supplementation is often needed. For example, try Vitamin D3 in Black Cumin Oil 2000 UI.


In some countries, such as the United States of America, vitamin D is supplemented with milk, yoghurts, orange juice, breakfast cereals, and margarines. In Poland it is not practiced and only margarines are enriched.

Vitamin D3 – blood test

Some patients wonder whether blood tests should be performed to check the amount of vitamin D3 in the body. Many of them come to their primary care physician for a referral. However, scientific societies recommend that serum levels of vitamin D3 should not be measured in healthy and not at risk people. The test result does not have much influence on further medical recommendations. Instead of examinations, prophylactic supplementation with vitamin D3 is recommended from the end of September to the end of April in an appropriate dose. The dietary supplement from Nature’s Sunshine, which contains vitamin D3 and has a positive effect on the body, including the skeletal system, muscles and immunity, will be suitable for this.

The level of vitamin D3 as well as other vitamins and minerals can be checked by purchasing a research package from Arkmedic. Based on the results, you can find out the causes of malaise and avoid many health problems.

It is up to the doctor to decide whether or not to refer a patient for a vitamin D3 concentration test. The serum concentration of vitamin D3 is determined in a laboratory. The indicator is the concentration of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, i.e. calcidiol in the blood serum, which is determined in nanograms per milliliter or in nanomoles per liter.

Home testing of vitamin D levels – cassette test and Shipment testing of vitamin D metabolite profile can be purchased at Medonet Market and done by yourself at home.

Vitamin D3 deficiency is evidenced by the result in which the concentration of 25-hydroxyvitamin D is below 20 ng / ml (below 50 nmol / l), and the optimal concentration is 30-50 ng / ml (75-125 nmol / l). The examination is performed at the request of a physician. This examination can also be performed privately. You should pay about PLN 3 for the vitamin D60 concentration test.

If you want to get a referral for a vitamin D3 level test, it is worth making an appointment for a quick online consultation with your family doctor.

In the case of certain diseases or long-term use of drugs, a blood test for vitamin D3 concentration is especially recommended. These cases include:

  1. rickets, musculoskeletal pain, falling prone to falls, osteoporosis;
  2. calcium-phosphate metabolism disorders, hypoparathyroidism;
  3. prolonged glucocorticosteroid therapy;
  4. antiepileptic treatment, treatment with ketoconazole, taking antiretroviral drugs;
  5. malabsorption, long-term elimination diets;
  6. digestive and / or malabsorption syndrome;
  7. chronic renal failure in stages 3-5;
  8. chronic liver failure;
  9. tuberculosis and sarcoidosis;
  10. cardiovascular diseases;
  11. cancers;
  12. some infections, incl. hepatitis C, recurrent acute respiratory infections;
  13. obesity.

If you want to know more about vitamin D3 testing, read on: Vitamin D3 level test – when to do it and how much does it cost?

Vitamin D3 deficiency

Usually, vitamin D3 deficiency occurs in the body when the diet is very low in foods with this vitamin, or when we do not go out to fresh air regularly, to be exposed to the sun. Even 20 minutes a day outdoors is enough for the body to produce enough vitamin D3. That is why vitamin D3 is called the sunshine vitamin. For the same reason, many people may develop deficiencies of this vitamin – not all areas have the same degree of sunlight.

Vitamin D3 deficiencies should be supplemented with appropriate dietary supplements. Buy the high-dose vitamin D3 ones, like Vitamin D3 4000 IU Intenson.

The consequence of vitamin D3 deficiency is rickets in children and adolescents, bone softening, osteoporosis, frequent fractures, curvatures and degeneration of the skeletal system. Vitamin D3 deficiency is manifested by bone and muscle pain, periodontal disease, diarrhea, loss of appetite, insomnia, visual disturbances, and burning sensation in the mouth and throat.

For more information on the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, see the article: Seven signs your body needs vitamin D.

Too much vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 can also be overdosed. This happens when it is taken intensively in all its versions: in the form of going out into the sun, in a diet rich in foods with vitamin D and also in dietary supplements or medications. Nevertheless, we are talking about a dose of at least 100.000 UI, where the standard daily dose for an adult is 8000 UI (although it is more precisely determined individually). Then, weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, disturbances in the work of the heart, kidneys, nervous system or gall bladder stones may occur.

For more information on vitamin D3 excess, see this article: Vitamin D excess – vitamin functions, excess

Vitamin D3 contraindications and interactions

Vitamin D3 supplementation has contraindications like any other drug. First of all, it is hypersensitivity or allergic to a component of the preparation or food from which the vitamin is naturally obtained. It cannot be taken also in the case of calcium kidney stones, kidney failure, as well as in the absence of cholecalciferol hydroxylase (vitamin D3) activity in the liver and kidneys.

Vitamin D3 interacts with drugs containing magnesium, with digitalis glycosides, as well as with antiepileptic drugs, as well as with thiazides, rifampicin and liquid paraffin. Vitamin D3 should also not be administered in immobilized patients.

Why is vitamin D so important during the coronavirus pandemic? Check: Why do you need to take vitamin D during a pandemic?

Vitamin D3 intake – opinions and side effects

It goes without saying that it’s healthiest when vitamin D3 is produced naturally in the body or taken in from unprocessed food. However, most people need vitamin D3 medications to make up for deficiencies or to treat, for example, rickets in children.

Side effects have been found to occur most frequently in patients who have taken too much vitamin D3 for a long time. However, also when taking therapeutic doses above 10000 UI, it is necessary to monitor the concentration of calcium in the blood serum. Pregnant women should consult a doctor before reaching for vitamin supplements, as it may harm them.

Do you know which vitamins are fat soluble? Check: What vitamins are fat soluble?

Recommended doses of vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 dosage depends on the patient’s age and looks like this:

  1. 0-6 months of age – 400 IU / day
  2. 6-12 months of age – 400-600 IU / day
  3. 1-10 years of age – 600-1000 IU / day – in children with obesity, supplementation at a dose of 1600-4000 IU / day is required depending on the degree of obesity;
  4. 11-18 years of age – 800-2000 IU / day – in adolescents with obesity, supplementation at a dose of 1600-4000 IU / day is required, depending on the degree of obesity;
  5. 19-65 years of age – 2000 IU / day – in adults with obesity, supplementation at a dose of 1600–4000 IU / day is required, depending on the degree of obesity;
  6. > 65 years of age – 2000-4000 IU / day – in seniors with obesity, supplementation at a dose of 4000-8000 IU / day is required, depending on the degree of obesity
  7. pregnant women – 2000 IU / day.

Why is vitamin D so important during pregnancy? Check: Future mothers should take 4000 units of vitamin D per day

You can find natural vitamin D3 in capsules at Medonet Market. You can also choose vitamin D3 lozenges or liquid vitamin D3. Vitamin D can also be taken as a spray. Order eg DLux – Vitamin D Spray 4000 IU BetterYou.

Vitamin D3 – supplements

In Polish pharmacies you can get many drugs and supplements that contain vitamin D3. We will describe a few of them below:

  1. Vigantol – it’s a drug. There are 500 IU of vitamin D3 in one drop of this drug. Formerly Vigantol was a prescription drug, now it is available over the counter. Its price is about PLN 20 for 10 ml;
  2. Vigantoletten – it’s a drug. It is available in 500 IU and 1000 IU versions. Package price is about PLN 10 for 30 tablets;
  3. Vigalex – it’s a drug. It is available in 3 doses: Vigalex Bio – 1000 IU, Vigalex Forte – 2000 IU, Vigalex Max – 4000 IU. The package price is PLN 25 for 60 tablets of 2000 IU;
  4. D-vitum for babies – it’s a supplement. It is available in the form of an aerosol, twist-off capsules and drops;
  5. Gold-Vit D3 Baby – is a supplement. It is available in twist-off capsules;
  6. Bioaron D 400 – is a supplement. It is available in twist-off capsules and drops; 
  7. Ibuvit D 100 – is a supplement. It is available in twist-off capsules;
  8. Virikid – vitamin D3 400 IU in drops for children Viridian – a supplement in a convenient form;
  9. Cefavit D3 7000 – is a supplement. It contains 7000 IU of vitamin D3 and is not recommended in our climate zone;
  10. D-Vitum forte – is a supplement. Available in doses of 1000 IU and 2000 IU;
  11. Molekin D3 – is a supplement. Available in doses of 2000 IU and 4000 IU;
  12. Vitamin D3 + K2 MK7 Forte for bones and teeth – this is a supplement. It contains 4000 IU of vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 MK7, which increases the absorption of D vitamins and has a positive effect on the bones and cardiovascular system;
  13. Vegan Vitamin D3 2000 IU Terranova – this supplement is currently on sale on Medonet Market;
  14. XeniVIT Vitamin D 2000 Xenico – is a supplement. Available in a dose of 2000 IU in packages with a capacity of 120 capsules.

Why is vitamin D so important for children? Read: Vitamin D for children – the importance, dosage and effects of deficiency

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