Vitamin D3 level test – when to do it and how much does it cost?

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Vitamin D3 performs a number of important functions in the human body in the period of his fetal life. Unfortunately, it is difficult to obtain, because the diet provides it to a small extent, and the main source of sunlight in our country is limited for a long time of the year. It is assumed that up to 80 percent. Poles may suffer from vitamin D3 deficiency. It is the deficit and the excess that the vitamin D3 study analyzes.

Vitamin D3 level testing – what is it for?

In chemical terms, Vitamin D3 is a compound belonging to the steroid fats of organic chemical compounds. Vitamin D3 is a prohormone that needs to be modified in order to become a proper hormone.

Initially in the skin, it is in the form of 7-dehydrocholesterol, and then, under the influence of sunlight, it transforms into an inactive form, i.e. pre-vitamin 25 (OH) D3. It is this form that the vitamin D3 level test analyzes. In the next stage, the kidneys are modified to the active form, i.e. (1,25 (OH) 2D3).

The main sources of vitamin D3 are food and sun exposure. In the first case, the substance can be found in:

  1. mushrooms, including yeast,
  2. oily sea fish,
  3. eggs,
  4. liver,
  5. cracks,
  6. in smaller amounts in dairy and red meat.

A much more effective way to make vitamin D3 is by exposing your skin to the sun. The lighter the complexion, the more vitamin that the body can absorb. However, it is worth remembering that fair skin is more susceptible to sunburn and the risk of skin cancer. In Poland, the season for the production of vitamin D3 is relatively short. Testing the level of vitamin D3 in the body is to show the current need for this substance.

If you need vitamin D3 supplementation, try Vitamin D3 4000 IU Intenson tablets, which you can buy on Medonet Market. You can also buy dietary supplements produced by the Polish brand SOLHERBS. Check out Vitamin D3 or Vitamin K2 + D3. If you are vegan, order Vegan Vitamin D3 2000 IU Terranova.

Find out: “How to sunbathe safely?”

Vitamin D3 level testing – why is it worth it?

Vitamin D3 is most often associated with its positive effect on the health of bones and teeth. Therefore, the correct level of vitamin D3 is extremely important in growing children. It happens because:

  1. it is an element regulating the calcium and phosphate metabolism – it affects the proper degree of absorption of these minerals in the intestines, as well as their release from the bones,
  2. has properties that regulate the process of bone formation – it stimulates the multiplication of osteogenic cells, while inhibiting the development of osteogenic cells.

However, this is just one of the many functions of vitamin D3. Others include:

  1. positive effect on the immune system – innate and acquired responses,
  2. influence on the development of the brain and the entire nervous system,
  3. blood pressure regulating properties,
  4. regulating the functions of the pancreas, including insulin secretion,
  5. significant contribution to maintaining proper muscle strength and mass – even the heart muscle,
  6. relieving skin inflammation,
  7. controlling about 200 genes.

Order today. Shipment of amino acid and vitamin D tests, thanks to which you can check the level of amino acids and vitamin D in your body without leaving your home.

Testing the level of vitamin D3 in pregnancy

It is very important for mothers-to-be to have vitamin D3 levels tested. Pregnant women should know that this substance is important not only for the development of the fetus, but also for the health of the mothers themselves. Vitamin D3 is responsible for:

  1. proper development of the child in the prenatal and early-infant period,
  2. regulating the menstrual cycle and alleviating menstrual discomfort,
  3. reducing the risk of the most common diseases in pregnant women – gestational anemia, diabetes, vaginal infections or pre-eclampsia.

The correct level of vitamin D3 in the body is one of the factors positively influencing pregnancy.

Indications for testing the level of vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 level testing should be performed in the presence of overdose or vitamin D3 deficiency. The second situation is much more common and may result from:

  1. rare exposure to sunlight,
  2. absorption disorders,
  3. taking medications that reduce the bioavailability of vitamin D3,
  4. malnutrition.

The most common ailments that may indicate the need for a vitamin D3 level test include:

  1. bone disorders and decreased bone mass,
  2. rickets in children,
  3. osteoporosis or osteomalacia,
  4. chronic kidney disease
  5. some lymphomas
  6. undergoing bariatric surgery followed by clinical symptoms of vitamin D3 deficiency,
  7. chronic granulomatous disease,
  8. primary hyperparathyroidism,
  9. taking antiepileptic drugs and HAART drugs.

What does the vitamin D3 level test look like?

Vitamin D3 blood level testing is performed just like any other elbow blood sampling. A bandage is tightened on the patient’s arm and the skin is decontaminated. The blood sampling itself takes several seconds.

The analysis is not of a routine nature. A referral for vitamin D3 level testing is issued by a doctor who suspects a deficiency based on symptoms. There is no need to perform the test, for example, before or during vitamin supplementation with medical devices. Vitamin D3 level testing is one of the key analyzes performed as part of the diagnosis of calcium and phosphorus disorders.

Most often, a doctor may recommend a vitamin D3 level test using the inactive form analysis, because in deficiency states the concentration of the active form does not change. As a result, it also does not give reliable results for the vitamin D3 level test. In addition, the inactive form has a much longer half-life of up to 3 weeks, while the active form has around 4 hours.

Testing vitamin D3 levels by analyzing the active form is much more complicated and expensive. It is used in the differentiation of type I and II rickets, which is dependent on vitamin D3. In addition, the test is necessary to assess hypercalcemia in the course of sarcidosis or tuberculosis, as well as to monitor therapy with substances derived from vitamin D3.

Home testing of vitamin D levels – a cassette test or Shipment testing of the profile of vitamin D metabolites, you can now buy safely and conveniently on Medonet Market.

Also read: “The role of vitamins in the body”

Preparation for the vitamin D3 level test

Testing the level of vitamin D3 does not require any special preparations. It is worth coming refreshed at any time of the day. You don’t need to fast. Testing the level of vitamin D3 does not require discontinuation of its supplementation. However, the person taking the blood for analysis should be informed about the medications and herbal preparations, as well as dietary supplements taken.

Vitamin D3 level test – the norm

Vitamin D3 deficiency is defined when the concentration of its inactive form in the body is lower than 20 ng / ml, while the optimal level ranges from 30 to 50 ng / ml. The norms are the same for all age groups.

  1. < 20 ng/ml -deficyt,
  2. 20 – 30 ng / ml – suboptimal concentration,
  3. 30 – 50 ng / ml – optimal concentration,
  4. 50 – 100 ng / ml – high concentration,
  5. > 100 ng / ml – potentially toxic concentration,
  6. > 200 ng / ml – toxic level.

How much vitamin D3 should you take during the day to maintain its proper concentration in the body?

  1. children aged 1-18 – from 600 to 1000 IU,
  2. obese children and adolescents up to 18 years of age – from 1200 to 2000 IU,
  3. adults – from 800 to 2000 IU,
  4. adults with obesity – up to 4000 IU,
  5. women planning to become pregnant – from 800 to 2000 IU,
  6. pregnant women (from the second trimester) and breastfeeding women – from 1500 to 2000 IU

Vitamin D3 level testing – who is it for?

There is a group of high risk of vitamin D3 deficiency. It is associated with both certain ailments and changes that occur in the body with age. Your doctor may order your vitamin D3 level to be tested:

  1. women during menopause,
  2. people over 65 years of age,
  3. people on diets that eliminate certain substances, e.g. dairy products,
  4. patients with lactose intolerance,
  5. people who are underweight or overweight,
  6. people who show little physical activity on a daily basis,
  7. patients after bone fractures,
  8. patients complaining of frequent bacterial infections,
  9. people with osteoporosis or having parents with osteoporosis,
  10. diabetics,
  11. people with psoriasis or eczema,
  12. to patients with renal impairment, irritable bowel syndrome or an overactive thyroid gland,
  13. people with gastrointestinal inflammation, arthritis or lupus,
  14. long-term treatment with anti-epileptic drugs, antivirals or steroids.

If you have symptoms that indicate a vitamin D3 deficiency, you can choose to buy natural vitamin D3 capsules, vitamin D3 lozenges, or liquid vitamin D3. All three characters are available on Medonet Market at attractive prices.

Vitamin D3 level test – price

The cost of vitamin D3 testing depends on the center where it will be performed. The price ranges from PLN 80 to even PLN 110. Where to do a vitamin D3 level test privately? It is available in most non-public health centers, although it is not always the case.

Is the vitamin D3 level test reimbursed? Yes, if it is ordered by a specialist in an endocrinology clinic or a metabolic disorders clinic in which bone metabolism disorders are examined. Free vitamin D3 level testing can be performed in health centers contracted by the National Health Fund.

Vitamin D3 level test – how long does it take to get the result?

Both in the case of testing the level of vitamin D3 in a non-public and public center, it is necessary to wait about 3 working days for the result. In the case of a test performed privately, the result will be available online.

The obtained result of the vitamin D3 level test should be consulted with your doctor. If he recognizes a deficiency, he will use appropriate preparations in given doses to make up for the deficiency.

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