Vitamin D – what is the risk of its deficiency? [WE EXPLAIN]

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Vitamin D is one of the most underrated vitamins for human health. Its deficiencies can lead not only to rickets or osteoporosis, but also – as evidenced by the recent discoveries of doctors from around the world – major disorders of the immune system, Hashimoto’s disease, and even mental diseases. In Poland, vitamin D3 supplementation in the population is recommended all year round.

Vitamin D – what is it?

Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble steroids necessary for the maintenance of proper calcium and phosphorus metabolism in the body, as well as the proper structure and function of the skeleton. It was usually considered – even by clinicians – to be an important group of vitamins, but above all for a young organism.

Vitamin D is also a prohormone, which means it can transform into the right hormonally active substance. And so from vitamin D3, after it is transformed by enzymes, the hormone is formed – kalcytriol. Vitamin D, especially its form of vitamin D3, is formed under the influence of solar energy in the deeper layer of skin cells – keratinocytes, forming the so-called pre-vitamins. This process takes several hours. It is worth adding that, according to British research, about 1 billion people in the world suffer from too low levels of vitamin D in the blood.

Vitamin D deficiency can affect up to a billion people worldwide.

Vitamin D deficiencies are usually associated with a lack of proper sunlight, because 80 percent vitamin D formation it requires sun. However, even the satisfactory availability of solar radiation may not fulfill its role in the production of this vitamin – vitamin D deficiencies were discovered, among others. in pregnant Mexican women, and in this country there is no shortage of sun.

Until now, both forms of vitamin D have been considered important, but only to maintain the calcium-phosphorus balance in the body, to protect against osteoporosis and for the proper development of children (protection against rickets). There are doctors who still do not give them a greater role. However, scientific research proves that this quite mysterious vitamin plays a very important role in the body.

To help your child develop properly, give them vitamin D. Order Virikid Vitamin D3 400 IU Drops for Children from Medonet Market. It is also worth buying a preparation in the form of a spray, which is well absorbed and is convenient to use, eg DLux – Vitamin D for babies spray 400 IU BetterYou.

See also: Without magnesium, vitamin D is neither useful nor safe for us

The less vitamin D, the more inflammations

Research by scientists from the University of Ulster has shown that vitamin D deficiencies cause problems with the functioning of the immune system, especially in the elderly. This term should not be taken literally, as it means people over 35 years of age.

The researchers studied 957 Irish people of all ages – from 35 to 60 years of age. They tested their level of vitamin D and the so-called pro-inflammatory markershigh levels of which indicated that an infection of some kind is taking place in the body. An interesting relationship was discovered – almost 40 percent. of the respondents had a low level of vitamin D and a high level of pro-inflammatory markers. Some of them considered themselves healthy, and their ailments – temporary.

Detailed research has allowed to state that their bodies develop rheumatic ailments, cardiovascular diseases, and even multiple sclerosis. As noted by the lead researcher, Dr. Mary Ward, the results clearly showed that vitamin D stimulates the immune system, which fights inflammatory ailments. Its deficiency means its low efficiency and the development of the disease, even initially with small, poorly visible symptoms.

Think about supplementing with vitamin D and buy the product of your choice on Medonet Market.

Before starting supplementation, it is worth checking the level of vitamin D in the body. This study can be found in the packages available on Medonet Market:

  1. Home Vitamin D Level Test – Cassette Test,
  2. Shipment study of the profile of vitamin D metabolites,
  3. Shipment testing of amino acids and vitamin D.

Check it out: Rheumatic profile, i.e. what tests will help detect rheumatic diseases

Vitamin D deficiency and Hashimoto’s disease

Research has also shown a link between vitamin D and the development of one of the most difficult thyroid diseases to treat – Hashimoto’s disease. This disease is one of the most common female diseases and the most common thyroid disease in the US and Europe. In the USA, there are 1000-1 people per 1,5 sick people. The figures for Europe are similar.

Among Hashimoto’s symptoms the following are listed: weight fluctuations, depression, mania, sensitivity to cold and heat, easy fatigue, migraines, muscle weakness, memory lapses, coldness, infertility and hair loss. Scientists from Ankara University School of Medicine, led by Dr. Nujen Culak Bozkurt, examined 180 patients with hypothyroidism, 180 people with newly diagnosed Hashimoto’s disease and 180 healthy people. In the case of 48 percent. in patients diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease, the level of total vitamin D in the blood was below 10ng / ml; the majority of these people were women, while 20% had such low vitamin D levels. healthy people, usually men.

Normal vitamin D levels are in the range of 30–50 ng / ml (75–125 mmol / l).

Only in 10 cases of Hashimoto’s disease the level of vitamin D in the blood was around 30 ng / ml, which is normal. In the control group of healthy people, it was 60 percent. In case of In women with Hashimoto’s, the average level of vitamin D was 10 ng / mlwhile in the case of sick men it was 19 ng / ml.

Interestingly, the level of vitamin D correlated with the size of the thyroid gland (the lower it was, the larger it was) and with the level of two antibodies important in thyroid diseases – anti-thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin. Scientists say it is clear that the decline in vitamin D levels, especially in its D3 form, is related to Hashimoto’s disease and affects its development. Vitamin D supplementationTurkish scientists note that where its production is difficult, i.e. in areas with little sunlight, it is necessary and protects against the development of thyroid diseases.

In Poland, in the autumn and winter season, we are particularly exposed to a lack of sun. The production of vitamin D is then particularly difficult, so it is worth using appropriate supplementation. Dr. Jacob’s offers a vegan vitamin D supplement in the form of drops that you can buy from Medonet Market.

See also: Vitamin D. Why is it worth taking it in the fall?

Further part below the video.

What causes excess vitamin D?

Vitamin D supplied to the body in a natural way, i.e. with food and produced under the influence of the sun, does not lead to its overdose. This is because the body defends itself against an overdose of vitamin D by creating inactive compounds – lumisterol and tachysterol. However, the risk of an excess of vitamin D appears in the case of supplementation. An overdose of vitamin D can result in hypercalcaemia, which is too much calcium in your body.

Too high levels of vitamin D in the body can cause:

  1. Headache,
  2. eye pain
  3. nausea,
  4. lack of appetite
  5. increasing urination
  6. less energy,
  7. feeling thirsty
  8. frequent sweating of sweat,
  9. vomiting,
  10. diarrhea.

Consuming too much vitamin D causes a large amount of calcium to accumulate in the tissues of the heart, arteries, and kidneys. Consequently, this state of affairs leads to impairment of the functioning of the heart and the central nervous system. People affected by these disorders suffer from kidney and gallbladder stones. Vitamin D overdose poses danger to the fetusbecause it can deform it, and it also contributes to the development of bone disease in the newborn.

Vitamin D also rules the psyche

An even more serious warning comes from the results of research by scientists from the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in Iran. The team, led by Dr. Ahmad Esmaillzadeh, analyzed 19 large research projects in which attempted to find out the causes of mental illness, mainly schizophrenia, but also anxiety neurosis. The latter disease is also a great problem in Poland – according to some calculations of researchers and clinicians’ psychiatrists, up to 20% may suffer from various forms of this neurosis. Poles.

Iranian researchers checked the level of vitamin D in the blood of people suffering from these diseases and a healthy control group. As it turned out, the difference was significant – the level in patients was lower by 5,91 ng / ml and ranged between 10 and 15 ng / ml. The difference between healthy people and those with diagnosed anxiety neurosis was slightly smaller – it was over 4,2 ng / ml. Additionally, 65 percent. patients with schizophrenia had significant vitamin D deficiencies.

Dr. Ahmad Esmaillzadeh’s team together with Iranian clinicians are preparing the first experimental vitamin D supplementation program for patients with schizophrenia. Researchers hope that by prolonging high doses of vitamin D and reducing its deficiency, at least the symptoms of the disease in patients will be alleviated. A similar program for patients with anxiety neurosis has already started.

A direct link has already been shown between vitamin D deficiency and depression. Some doctors, such as Swedish doctors, already treat depression by administering large doses of easily digestible forms of vitamin D and – as far as we know from the literature – start to achieve positive results. So it is possible that the same therapy will be effective in patients with anxiety neurosis and schizophrenia. Vitamin D is linked to the health of the body as a whole, something that has not yet been appreciated, says Dr. Esmaillzadeh.

Provide your body with the right dose of vitamin D and order XeniVIT Vitamin D Forte Xenico available in a package containing 120 capsules.

What is conducive to the formation of vitamin D deficiency?

As the main source of vitamin D for humans there is skin synthesis under the influence of the sun, it is the limitations of this process that largely contribute to deficiencies. Vitamin D production from UVB rays may be reduced for a variety of reasons:

  1. the amount of sun rays reaching the earth’s surface is lower in the European climate (autumn-winter period) and in places where days without sun are predominant throughout the year;
  2. limiting skin exposure to the sun due to the weather, wearing clothes, fear of increasing the risk of cancer – the production of vitamin D is directly proportional to the surface of the skin that is exposed;
  3. calloused skin reduces the production of vitamin D – this applies to the elderly, who also often spend less time in the sun.

If the vitamin D supply is too low, try Vitamin D3 2000 Vivoforte, which provides the necessary dose of vitamin D and thus supports immunity, bones, teeth and joints.

Vitamin D deficiencies can be caused by diseases and malabsorption disorders.

The second important source of vitamin D is proper diet. Due to unhealthy eating habits and unfavorable changes in the diet of modern humans (processed products), the supply of this vitamin with food also decreases. The synthesis of vitamin D in the kidneys is adversely affected by the increased supply of phosphorus, which we supply in large amounts to the body, reaching for highly processed foods, concentrates, canned goods, cheese and processed cheese, as well as carbonated drinks.

We should include in our diet foods rich in vitamin D., including eggs, dairy products and oily sea fish (mackerel, salmon, herring, eel). However, even a varied menu does not provide the recommended daily dose of vitamin D, so additional sun exposure (15 minutes when the appropriate skin surface is exposed) or the use of supplements is necessary.

The source of vitamin D is also cod liver oil, which you can order now in the form of products such as:

  1. Moller’s Norwegian Tran GOLD or apple Moller’s Norwegian Tran,
  2. Familijny fish oil with vitamin D – Health and immunity or Familijny fish oil with vitamins A and D – Health and immunity.

Do! Multivitamin from the Do.Best brand helps to supplement the daily requirement for vitamin D. The dietary supplement, thanks to the composition of natural ingredients and its powdered form, will be perfect as an addition to cocktails and yoghurts. You can buy Do! Multivitamin at an attractive price, today at

Vitamin D deficiencies can also be the result of, among others:

  1. pharmacotherapy (e.g., glucocorticoids, anti-epileptic or anti-viral drugs administered with HIV);
  2. malabsorption caused e.g. by Crohn’s disease, cystic fibrosis, Whipple’s disease);
  3. obesity;
  4. liver failure;
  5. nephrotic syndrome;
  6. hereditary diseases (rickets, including vitamin D resistant rickets).

Check the level of vitamin D in your body. On Medonet Market, buy a blood test package Check the condition of your bones. It will also allow you to check the level of phosphorus and calcium, which are important in the functioning of the bones.

Read also:

  1. Vitamin D for Children – Importance, Dosage and Deficiency
  2. Vitamin D3 level test – when to do it and how much does it cost?
  3. Avitaminosis – causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

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