Vitamin D is related to cognitive decline
    • 9 years ago

    Two new studies, in the Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, show that vitamin D may be a key ingredient in women’s cognitive health as they age.

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    Dr. Cedric Annweiler of the University Hospital of Angers in France has shown in his work that higher levels of vitamin D in the diet are associated with lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. A second study, led by Dr. Yelena Slinin of VA Medical Center in Minneapolis, shows that low vitamin D levels in older women are associated with higher global cognitive impairment and with a greater risk of global cognitive decline.

    The US analyzes relied on 6 elderly women who were measured for vitamin D levels during the study Study of Osteopathic Fractures, and whose cognitive functions were checked thanks to tests Mini-Mental State Examination and / or Trail Making Test Part B. They found that very low levels of the molecule – less than 10 nanograms per milliliter of plasma – in older women were associated with higher global cognitive impairment at the very beginning of the study. Moreover, low vitamin D levels – below 20 ng / ml – in cognitively impaired women have been linked to greater risk of global cognitive declinewhat was measured in Mini Mental State Examination. In turn, the French group based their conclusions on data from the 498 elderly women who participated in the study Epidemiology of Osteoporosis in Toulouse. Here it turned out that women who developed Alzheimer’s disease had very low dietary vitamin D levels at the start of the project (averaging 50.3 micrograms per week). Women who developed other types of dementia ate an average of 63.6 micrograms of vitamin D per week; dementia-free women – 59.0 micrograms per week.


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