Vitamin D intake is especially important this winter. Why? [WE EXPLAIN]
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Vitamin D May Reduce the Risk of Coronavirus Infection? At the moment, there is insufficient evidence to support these reports. Even so, taking a vitamin D supplement this winter is especially important. Why?

  1. Vitamin D helps protect against SARS-CoV-2? So far, there is insufficient evidence for this
  2. British government: It is especially important to take a vitamin D supplement this winter
  3. Vitamin D affects the entire body, including the state of our immunity – especially when it comes to protecting against infections
  4. A dose of 500 to 2 is considered safe. units of vitamin D daily
  5. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Vitamin D Reduces the Risk of Coronavirus Infection?

In October, it was reported that vitamin D may protect against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, and its lower levels may increase your susceptibility to COVID-19. Such a regularity was observed by scientists from the University of Birmingham in Great Britain on the basis of blood tests for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. Among people with a deficiency of the “vitamin of the sun”, 72 percent. tested positive for the presence of coronavirus antibodies, which indicates a previous infection. Among people who lacked vitamin D, such a result was confirmed in 51 percent.

Researchers from the Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecill in Spain also reported that, according to their analyzes, more than 80 percent. patients with COVID-19 may have insufficient levels of this compound in the body (a higher incidence of vitamin D deficiency was observed in hospitalized COVID-19 patients compared to the control group).

  1. Vitamin D – what is the risk of its deficiency? [WE EXPLAIN]

There have been more studies suggesting a link between vitamin D levels and COVID-19 risk. So far, however, there is insufficient evidence that this compound helps protect against SARS-CoV-2, which of course may change.

Nevertheless, maintaining the proper level of vitamin D in the body this winter is of particular importance. The British government has even announced free supplementation for 2,5 million. people, and the government website published a statement by Public Health England (PHE) and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) on winter supplementation with the “vitamin of the sun”.

Vitamin D supplementation – why is it especially important this winter?

Vitamin D affects the entire body, including the state of our immunity – especially when it comes to protecting against infections. Supplements containing it have previously been shown to lower the risk of viral respiratory infections.

Prof. Jon Rhodes from the University of Liverpool draws attention to the anti-inflammatory effects of vitamin D – this is very important as it has been proven that inflammation can weaken the body’s immune response to pathogens. So for people with COVID-19, the right level of vitamin D may make a difference, although research is needed to make it 100%. confirm.

We must not forget that vitamin D3 is very important for the proper functioning of the nervous, skeletal and muscle systems. It is also known that it affects the ability of the liver to regenerate and can act against cancer. Its deficiency may result in constant fatigue, bone pain, muscle pain, and hair loss. Even depressive states may appear. At Medonet Market you can buy vitamin D supplements today.

Meanwhile, it is estimated that up to a billion people around the world may have deficiencies in this relationship, including 90% of them. Poles. Moreover, it is possible that due to the epidemic, we were more often indoors in spring and summer. As a result, the most important source of vitamin D – synthesis in the skin under the influence of solar radiation – has been limited. “Therefore, this year it is even more important to take a vitamin D supplement during the winter period” – we read on The British government announced that over 2,5 million this winter. people particularly exposed to vitamin D deficiency (including residents of nursing homes and people with serious diseases) will receive free supplementation of this compound.

How to safely supplement vitamin D?

The synthesis of vitamin D in the skin, which takes place under the influence of solar radiation, satisfies approx. 80 percent. demand. If there is no sun, which takes place from October to March – April, this process practically does not occur and it is necessary to supplement its level with supplements (the recommendation of supplementation at this time applies to most people, with insufficient skin synthesis in the summer months – supplements should be supported by all year).

  1. Most of us have a vitamin D deficiency. How do I supplement it? Doctor: This is not a simple matter

Supplementing vitamin D deficiencies, however, is not an easy matter – you can overdo it the other way, risking serious complications. – We cannot supplement ourselves with high doses of vitamin D3 due to the risk of overdosing. The consequences can be really tragic – warned in an interview with Medonet, an infectious diseases specialist and pediatrician, Dr. Lidia Stopyra.

– It is worth remembering that the need for vitamin D depends on many factors. It depends, inter alia, depending on whether we are dealing with a young or older man, a woman in the climacteric period has a different need, and a woman at the age of 20 or 30 has a different demand. Children in the period of accelerated growth have a greater need for vitamin D – said the expert.

  1. Excess vitamin D – symptoms

To check the level of vitamin D we have and – if necessary – choose the optimal dose, it is worth testing its level in the blood – 25 / OH / D3. It determines the optimal values ​​of this compound, deficiencies and values ​​already toxic to the organism. The test is performed like any other vein sampling.

Not sure if you are also struggling with vitamin D deficiency? Buy blood vitamin level test available at

However, if someone wanted to supplement with this compound without testing the level of vitamin D in the blood, they must remember that a dose of 500 to 2 is considered safe. units per day depending on the risk group of vitamin D3 deficiency. – It is a better solution than if we did not take anything – admits Lidia Stopyra. – However, if we have the possibility to determine the level of vitamin D3 in the body and consult a doctor about the dose and the best form of supplementation for us, let’s take advantage of it – advises Lidia Stopyra.

It is worth remembering that the source of vitamin D is also food (it meets 10-20% of the demand). This relationship can be found, among others in fatty fish, fish oils, eggs, it is also used to enrich spreadable fats.

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