Vitamin D deficiency slowly exhausts the body. Here are the most common symptoms

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For many people, autumn and winter periods are associated with a decline in well-being and depression. However, this condition can often have medical grounds, one of which is vitamin D deficiency. Problems with low vitamin D levels most often appear in autumn and winter, because solar radiation is needed for its natural production. Minor exposure to the sun during this period causes vitamin D deficiencies. Check what health consequences low vitamin D levels can have.

Vitamin D includes both plant-derived vitamin D2 and animal-derived vitamin D3. Our skin produces vitamin D3 precursor, which transforms into vitamin D3 under the influence of sunlight. In addition, in smaller amounts, this vitamin can be supplied with food, but regardless of its source, it is in an inactive form.

Vitamin D activation occurs in a two-step chemical process. Vitamin D3 goes to the liver with blood and is converted there into 25-OH vitamin D3. It is stored and transported in this form. A small amount is then transferred to the kidneys where it is converted to its biologically active form, i.e. calcitriol.

The production of biologically active vitamin D3 is tightly regulated and only takes place when there is a need. The excess of vitamin D3 is synthesized under the influence of long exposure to UV radiation at the site of its formation. Calcitriol works differently depending on the organ in which it is synthesized. In the kidneys, it is involved in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. It is also a factor necessary for the proper absorption of minerals from the small intestine, thus improving bone health.

Vitamin D in the form of calcitriol It also has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular, immune, muscular, nervous and skin systems.

Testing for vitamin D levels is very simple and non-invasive. It involves taking a small amount of blood from a vein in the arm. The test determines the biologically inactive form, i.e. D 25-OH, because according to studies in people with vitamin D deficiency, the level of calcitriol may be normal in the blood test. A blood test for vitamin D levels can now be performed in almost any laboratory. You can also do a home vitamin D test – you can buy the cassette test at

Statistics show that most adults do not achieve normal vitamin D levels, regardless of the form of vitamin D. For adults, the optimal level of vitamin D 25-OH is between 31 and 70 ng / ml.

Vitamin D concentrations are as follows:

  1. levels above 151 ng / ml is toxic concentration of vitamin D.;
  2. values ​​between 71 and 150 ng / ml are excess vitamin D.;
  3. level between 51 and 70 ng / ml is the upper limit of vitamin D norm;
  4. values ​​between 31 and 50 ng / ml are optimal for human health;
  5. values ​​between 21 and 31 ng / ml are sub-normal levels;
  6. values ​​between 11 and 20 ng / ml are moderate vitamin D deficiency;
  7. values ​​below 10 ng / ml are severe vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D deficiency can affect anyone, but vitamin D levels should be checked regularly by people in the so-called risk groups.

The risk groups include:

  1. babies and toddlers;
  2. pregnant women;
  3. people over 60 years of age;
  4. people with little exposure to sunlight, e.g. working a lot in confined spaces;
  5. people with strong pigmentation;
  6. people whose diet is extremely poor in products containing vitamin D;
  7. people with liver disease, kidney failure, or chronic inflammatory bowel disease.

As a preventive measure, perform a Shipment Examination of Vitamin D Metabolite Profile, which is offered by Precise Diagnostics. The test requires taking a capillary blood sample and sending the sample to the laboratory, which is included in the price.

Vitamin D levels should also be measured in people who are on the process treatment of vitamin D deficiency. In this case, the test should be performed 3 months after the start of treatment, and when the vitamin D level is stabilized, repeat the test every 6 months. In this case, it is also very important to determine the cause of the deficiency and continue supplementing with the appropriate dose of vitamin D.

Vitamin D deficiency causes our body to stop functioning properly. People with low vitamin D levels develop chronic fatigue, pain in the extremities, frequent infections and muscle cramps. If we notice such symptoms, it is worth testing the level of vitamin D. In this way, we can avoid a severe deficiency and start treatment at the right time, thanks to which we will reduce the risk of developing serious diseases.

Unfortunately, the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are initially so subtle and hardly noticeable that it is very easy to overlook them.

It is also worth paying attention to the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in young children. You can observe in them:

  1. subsequent teething;
  2. curvature of the lower ends;
  3. curvature of the spine;
  4. muscle weakness;
  5. caries development;
  6. excessive sweat production.

In infants, vitamin D supplementation is necessary. To do this, order DLux – Vitamin D for babies in 400 IU BetterYou spray, which can be administered to the child in a convenient way.

In adults, attention should be paid primarily to:

  1. chronic fatigue – the lack of energy to act is quite common nowadays, because we work a lot and rest little. However, our everyday fatigue may have its cause, i.e. vitamin D deficiency. For this reason, when we feel tired and lose energy quickly, it is worth taking blood tests, because our poor mood is due to the low level of vitamin D. It is then necessary to consult a family doctor, who will help you choose the right dose of vitamin D;
  2. frequent infections – an adequate level of vitamin D affects the strength of our immune system. When vitamin D levels get too low, our body becomes an easy target for viruses and pathogenic bacteria. So we become very susceptible to infections. So if we easily catch colds, flu, or respiratory infections, it may mean that the level of vitamin D is too low. So, instead of taking further medications and antibiotics, it is worth checking the level of vitamin D first. After replenishing the vitamin D deficit, the problem should disappear;
  3. bone and back pain – vitamin D is of great importance for bone health, because it is responsible for the proper absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are the most important ingredients for the health of the entire skeletal system. When there is a deficiency of vitamin D in our body, we can notice bone and back pain. As a result, scientists are beginning to suspect that recurrent back pain is not due to a sedentary lifestyle, but a vitamin D deficiency;
  4. hair loss – hair loss is a common problem that may result from stress, poor diet or decreased immunity. Currently, doctors also emphasize that low vitamin D levels may be responsible for this. This problem mainly affects women. Vitamin D deficiency disrupts the hair’s life cycle. As a result, the hair becomes thinner and falls out a lot;
  5. muscle aches – vitamin D deficiency may have an impact on the appearance of muscle pain, and even loss of muscle mass, or slower muscle regeneration after intense training. For this reason, it is worth supplementing high doses of vitamin D.that will relieve muscle aches. Reach for example for Vitamin D3 in black cumin oil 2000 UI;
  6. depression – vitamin D also affects the work of the brain. According to doctors, low vitamin D levels can lead to the development of depressive disorders. Studies show that low vitamin D levels are noticeable in people with depression. Vitamin D is related to the release of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, both of which are essential for our well-being. If we notice depression or anxiety, it is worth consulting these symptoms with a doctor. You may find it helps supplementation with an appropriate dose of vitamin D.;
  7. slow wound healing – Low vitamin D levels can affect the slow healing of wounds and injuries. Adequate vitamin D levels affect the production of compounds necessary for the production of new skin at the wound site. Vitamin D deficiency can also make tissues heal more slowly after dental procedures. Our body may also recover worse after infections.

Check it out: Vitamin D – how to check its level and supplement?

Low vitamin D levels can have very serious health consequences. If the deficiency condition persists for a long time, serious diseases can develop:

  1. bone diseases such as osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and cartilage;
  2. cardiovascular diseases;
  3. muscle weakness;
  4. autoimmune system diseases, including the development of diabetes mellitus – many studies clearly show that vitamin D deficiency may be related to diabetes. Pancreatic cells possess vitamin D receptors, so it can reduce the resistance of tissues to insulin. At low levels, insulin resistance may develop, keeping blood glucose levels high. Whereas adequate level of vitamin D. can slow down and alleviate the course of many autoimmune diseases;
  5. infectious diseases, asthma;
  6. development of chronic gingivitis;
  7. mental and neurological diseases, including depression and dementia – vitamin D is an important neurosteroid that affects the maturation of cells in the central nervous system and the work of the brain. In addition, it protects nerve cells. Too low vitamin D levels have a negative impact on cognitive functions, which is why the deficiency is visible, for example, in people suffering from Alzheimer’s. Deficiency also affects the decline in well-being and the development of depression;
  8. drops in immunity and more frequent infections;
  9. cancer – vitamin D can stop cancer from growing. This is due to the anti-proliferative properties. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with the aggressive course of prostate, breast and colon cancer. 

Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy

Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy can be very serious. Adequate vitamin D levels are also very important after pregnancy and during breastfeeding. This is important not only for the proper development of the baby, but also for the well-being of the mother. Too little vitamin D has serious health consequences in both the fetal and neonatal period and in the later stages of development. Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy can cause:

  1. seizures in the newborn;
  2. hypocalcemia;
  3. secondary hyperparathyroidism;
  4. low birth weight of the child;
  5. occipital softening;
  6. lower bone mass in a child;
  7. abnormal structure of tooth enamel.

How to Treat Vitamin D Deficiency?

In any case, before starting vitamin D supplementation, it is worth doing a blood test to determine the level of vitamin D in the blood. On this basis, the doctor is able to determine the amount of the daily dose of the drug or supplement with vitamin D to our needs.

  1. Check if you are deficient in vitamin D. Buy an immune pack – you will test COVID-19 antibodies and your vitamin D levels at the same time

The physician should also consider age, weight, sun exposure, and health habits when determining the dose. In addition, we should remember that some age groups have pre-determined supplementation, such as newborns, who should take vitamin D from the first days of life.

We should also remember that vitamin D is synthesized in the skin under the influence of sunlight, so it is also worth supplementing the treatment with e.g. daily walks. Small amounts of vitamin D can also be provided with the diet. However, when choosing supplementation, it is worth consulting a doctor to avoid excessive accumulation of vitamin D in the human body.

How to replenish the vitamin D deficit?

Medonet Market offers various dietary supplements with vitamin D, including:

  1. XeniVIT Vitamin D 2000 Xenico – 120 capsules for less than PLN 20
  2. Vitamin D3 2500 IU Solgar liquid
  3. Omega 3 + D3 4000 IU THAT — diety supplement for seniors
  4. Vitamin D3 2000IU vegan Viridian
  5. Powder vitamins Aqua Kick ADEK OstroVit

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