Vitamin D deficiency can be seen in the skin. Look out for unusual symptoms

Vitamin D is best synthesized in the skin thanks to sunlight. Unfortunately, in our climate it is often impossible to maintain an appropriate level. This is why so many Poles struggle with vitamin D deficiency. The vast majority of them do not know that they have been affected by this problem. How can you tell if your body lacks this “sunny” vitamin? We suggest what symptoms can be seen on the skin.

  1. The role of vitamin D in our body is invaluable – this ingredient affects the functioning of every system and almost all organs
  2. Its deficiency manifests itself in various ailments. One of them is skin problems
  3. If your vitamin D levels are too low, you will quickly find that your skin has become dry
  4. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page    

Vitamin D has a huge impact on the proper functioning of our body. Thanks to it, we can boast excellent resistance. It also affects the health of our bones and joints. What’s more, it is also responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous system, brain and thyroid gland. Experts also argue that it has anti-cancer properties. In addition, it has a positive effect on the appearance of our skin.

Cutaneous symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

As we have already mentioned, a large proportion of Poles are not aware of the fact that their bodies lack vitamin D. It may be up to 90 percent. society. This is because we very rarely test ourselves in this direction. Moreover, the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are easily overlooked, ignored, or confused with other conditions.

What should we pay special attention to? In addition to a decrease in immunity, problems with bones and joints, worse well-being, the deficiency of the “sun vitamin” is also visible in the condition of the skin.

Vitamin D deficiency most often manifests itself in the form of dry skin. We can observe peeling of the epidermis, redness and unpleasant itching. Our skin can feel very tense (especially on the face) or produce more sebum. In this way, our body will fight excessive dryness.

This is one of those symptoms that can be easily ignored. Especially in winter, when radiators are in operation in our apartments, the air becomes dry. Often this is what we explain about any changes that occur on our body.

However, researchers argue that vitamin D deficiency is responsible for this. Their analyzes confirm this, including one published in the journal “Nutrients”. Her results showed that participants with lower vitamin D levels also had lower average skin hydration levels.

“Our finding suggests a link between serum vitamin D3 levels and hydration of the stratum corneum,” the study concludes.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

How else is vitamin D deficiency manifested in our body? It can result, among other things, in excessive hair loss or lowering immunity.

Vitamin D also affects our well-being. Therefore, if it is lacking, we may notice a drop in mood and sleep problems. In extreme cases, this can lead to the development of depression. In the elderly, vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Take care of the proper level of vitamin D in your body today. Reach for Aqua Kick powdered vitamins from ADEK OstroVit.

When and in what doses should you take vitamin D?

Doctors recommend supplementing vitamin D in our latitude, especially in the fall and winter (roughly from October to March).

According to GiS, these should be the following doses:

  1. 2000 IU (50 µg) for dietary supplements intended for a healthy population of adults up to 75 years of age,
  2. 4000 IU (1000 µg) for dietary supplements intended only for healthy people over 75 years of age. 

You can find a large selection of vitamin D supplements on the Medonet Market. XeniVIT Vitamin D 2000 You can buy Xenico for less than PLN 20 for 120 capsules. If you prefer liquid vitamin D, you can order Solgar.

It turns out that the time of the day when we take vitamin D is also important. According to specialists, we should do it in the morning. By taking it too late, we make sure that it does not have time to absorb it. This results in low levels of vitamin D in the blood, which in turn result in sleep problems.

It is also important to take vitamin D with food as it is fat soluble. Thanks to this, it will be better absorbed in our body.

How to test the level of vitamin D in the body?

Fortunately, there is an opportunity to do tests that will show us if our body has adequate levels of vitamin D. Each of us can test the concentration of total 25-hydroxy vitamin D: calcidiol [25 (OH) D] and other hydroxylated derivatives. These are vitamin D biomarkers in the body. Usually, you will wait around four business days for the result.

Older people who want to supplement vitamin D deficiency need a much higher dose than younger people. Especially for them, Omega 3 + D3 4000 IU YANGO was created – a dietary supplement for seniors, which is available on Medonet Market at a promotional price.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time Joanna Kozłowska, author of the book High Sensitivity. A Guide for Those Who Feel Too Much »says that high sensitivity is not a disease or dysfunction – it’s just a set of characteristics that affect the way you perceive and perceive the world. What are the genetics of WWO? What are the perks of being highly sensitive? How to act with your high sensitivity? You will find out by listening to the latest episode of our podcast.

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