Vitamin carrots: variety description
Vitaminnaya carrot variety is the choice of most summer residents. Due to its characteristics and sweet taste, it is great for beginners who have not yet figured out a large number of carrot varieties.
Description of the variety of carrots “Vitaminnaya”
The color of the roots is orange, the flesh is juicy and has a slightly sweet taste. In length, carrots grow from 15 cm. The weight of carrots reaches from 60 to 170 grams. The core of the carrot is small, also orange in color.
Vitaminnaya carrots are a mid-season variety adapted to cold climates
The carotene content in carrots reaches about 16 mg per 100 g, which is an average value compared to carrots “Nantes” or “Canada”. The carotene content in them is 19-22 mg per 100 g.
Vitaminnaya carrots are suitable for growing even in cold climates. This variety is not afraid of temperature changes, light frosts and lack of sun. It grows in any soil, but the best results are obtained if carrots are sown in peat soil.
From the moment of planting to the receipt of fruits, it takes 75-100 days. Harvested in late August or early September. Carrots are planted in May.
This variety is not afraid of temperature changes, light frosts and lack of sun. And also grows in any soil.
The advantages of this variety include:
- Unpretentiousness. This is the most important plus, since even those gardeners who live in the cold regions of Russia will be able to grow carrots of this variety.
- Productivity. From 1 sq. m of land, you can get from 5 to 8 kg of carrots, which is a good indicator.
- Long shelf life. You can store carrots for a long time under simple conditions. It is also beneficial for people who grow carrots for sale.
- Taste. Carrots have a sweet and juicy flavor.
Because of these properties, carrots are so popular among summer residents. Many of them, having tried to plant Vitaminnaya carrots on their land, then plant them every year.
The disadvantages of this variety are:
- Cracking tendency. Unfortunately, this type of carrot is prone to cracking. This does not always happen, but it is better to know about it.
- Lack of resistance to disease. Because of this, you will need more attention to carrots, as well as more thorough care of them.
Watch the seedlings more carefully, weed the soil more often and apply fertilizer.
Vitaminnaya carrots are a variety that has been tested by time and the experience of many gardeners. The variety is great for growing in your summer cottage. Also suitable for beginners who are planting carrots for the first time. Due to their unpretentiousness, carrot seeds give a rich and tasty harvest.