Vitamin C is not a panacea for colds and flu

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Vitamin C is commonly believed to protect against colds. Contrary to what the media insistently repeated, vitamin C neither cures the flu, nor is it a preventive drug that can be used to prevent it.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, otherwise known as ascorbic acid, is a compound used both in medicine and in cosmetics. Vitamin C is most often associated with strengthening the body’s immunity. In addition, you should know that vitamin C slows down the aging process of the skin and supports the circulatory system. While vitamin C is considered a common cold medicine, it turns out to be a myth that was debunked in 2007 by doctors. They have carried out a series of studies to show whether vitamin C actually reduces the frequency and duration of cold symptoms. As it turned out, the use of vitamin C during a cold did not shorten its duration and did not reduce symptoms. Vitamin C has been proven to have the greatest impact on athletes who engage in heavy training. Their prophylactic intake of vitamin C reduces the risk of catching a cold by half. In one sentence, vitamin C does not protect us in any way when it comes to a cold. Only its regular use can reduce the risk of the disease.

– Vitamin C is not a panacea for colds and flu. Research has shown that it neither cures flu, nor is it a preventive drug that can prevent it, says Prof. Andrzej Stańczak, head of the Department of Hospital Pharmacy at the Medical University of Łódź. Prof. Andrzej Stańczak recalled that the entire media campaign related to vitamin C was caused in the 70s by the Nobel laureate Linus Pauling, who wrote three books on the subject, the first of which concerned the use of vitamin C in flu.

– He believed that high doses of vitamin C can reduce the incidence of up to 45 percent. He himself took extremely large doses, until it was strange that he did not poison himself. But this resulted in a number of strictly scientific studies, which showed, however, that vitamin C is neither a drug that cures flu, nor that we can use preventively to prevent it – explained Prof. Andrzej Stańczak.

At the same time, no one will deny that vitamin C is important for human health and has a beneficial effect on the human body. At Medonet Market you can buy preparations with vitamin C that strengthen the immunity of the Intenson brand, for example:

  1. Immunity enhancing elixir Superfoods Elixir,
  2. vitamin C – 150 servings.

Vitamin C left-handed

According to popular opinion, only vitamin C left-handed has healing properties, it is the healthiest and the most natural. This is a myth often used as a marketing ploy, because left-handed vitamin C can cost several times more than regular pharmacy vitamin C, and is only available online. These kinds of statements result from a misunderstanding of the nomenclature.

Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) is right-handed. The use of the name “left-handed” is a consequence of a misunderstanding of the nomenclature, as the letter “L” in the name L-ascorbic acid is incorrectly equated with left-handedness. In fact, these two terms mean something completely different, and to understand it, you need to carefully read the structure of ascorbic acid. The ascorbic acid molecule consists of: 6 oxygen atoms, 6 carbon atoms and 8 hydrogen atoms. After moving this molecule to the plane, we will see that the group of atoms consisting of hydrogen and oxygen can be found both on the right and on the left side of the diagram. In L-ascorbic acid this group of atoms is located on the left side, therefore the name contains the letter “L”.

Vitamin C Powder


  1. no preservatives and parabens,
  2. removal of toxins and residues of synthetic drugs,
  3. improvement of iron absorption,
  4. treatment of allergies and asthma,
  5. stimulating the work of the liver and immune system.

Composition: natural L-ascorbic acid

How to take? Mix half a teaspoon to 1 teaspoon of powder in a glass of water or any vegetable / fruit juice and drink it in the morning or at noon after a meal.

Vitamin C 1000

Vitamin C 1000 is used in vitamin deficiencies. C and states of increased demand for vitamin. C. Vitamin C contained in the supplement is a necessary substance that protects the body against free radicals. Do not give the preparation to children under 12 years of age. The supplement is in the form of effervescent tablets with a lemon flavor and is available without a prescription.

Also try Extra C – Vitamin C 950mg Viridian, which you can buy at a promotional price on Medonet Market. The VIT C 2000 Shot liquid supplement is also available in a convenient form and in an even larger dose.

Contraindications to the use of vitamin C 1000 are:

  1. children under 12 years of age,
  2. phenylketonuria (the preparation includes aspartame),
  3. hypersensitivity to any component of the preparation,
  4. the use of high doses of vitamin C in people suffering from nephrolithiasis and having disorders of iron metabolism.

Possible side effects of taking vitamin C 1000:

  1. high doses may cause diarrhea,
  2. long-term use of high doses may cause the deposition of oxalate, urate and cystine stones, as well as cause headache, reddening of the skin and a diuretic effect.

We also recommend XeniVIT bio Vitamin C 1000 Xenico available on Medonet Market in the form of capsules.

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Liposomal vitamin C

Liposomal vitamin C first appeared on the market in 2004. It has a gentle effect, does not burden the stomach and reaches all cells that need it. Its great advantage is the possibility of preparing it yourself at home, which means that you do not have to spend a lot of money on it (the regular price is up to PLN 200). Liposomal vitamin C reduces inflammation associated with fever, flu and colds and supports immune cells. Its action is aimed at combating particularly troublesome ailments / symptoms.

In addition, liposomal vitamin C:

  1. it is a component of bones, tendons, ligaments and skin;
  2. accelerates the healing of wounds, burns and bone fractures;
  3. helps to keep our eyes in good condition,
  4. has antioxidant properties,
  5. stimulates the immune system to fight cancer.

Characteristic for liposomal vitamin C is its high level bioavailability (it can be as high as 90% or more, which makes it equal to intravenous doses of vitamin C). One dose of liposomal vitamin C is up to 10 times more bioavailable than pure L-ascorbic acid.

Vitamin C – how to dose it?

Vitamin C is a vitamin necessary for humans because, among others, is involved in the production of collagen, but also many other transmitters. It is essential for good iron absorption and for many other biochemical processes.

– Correct dosages were originally established for the treatment of scurvy and range from 60 to 100 mg per day. It also all depends on age and weight. The demand is slightly different in pregnant women, different in athletes, but everything is within these limits – added prof. Stańczak.

According to the expert, if we deliver too much vitamin C to the body, it stops being absorbed. If, for example, we take 200 mg, 70-90% is absorbed, but 1 g of vitamin C is absorbed in 50%.

At Medonet Market you will find dietary supplements, incl. kits containing vitamin C and organic sulfur. Order a DOUBLE-PACK for! Vitamin C – support for the immune system – enough for 2 months of supplementation. You can also use ready-made herbal teas containing lemon juice, such as Ginger Lemon Bio Yogi Tea.

Vitamin C is not effective in cancer

Among the various uses of vitamin C, attempts have also been made to use it in the treatment of cancer.

– It has been noticed that collagen is lost in cancer, and since vitamin C is involved in its synthesis, there was an idea to use it in cancer. Most often, in this case, it was used in injections, in huge doses – he explained.

He admitted that in this case the studies were very divergent, although in most cases it turned out to be ineffective and not an effective drug.

– The only positive effect that could be noticed was the reduction of side effects associated with the use of chemotherapy drugs. In addition, sometimes there was a prolonged period of progression, but it all depended on the type of cancer and the stage of the disease. It is also not a drug that can be used in this case – assessed the head of the Department of Hospital Pharmacy of the Medical University in Łódź.

Natural vitamin C

Medical nutritionist Sandra Ataniel recalled that vitamin C is produced in the body by many animals, but unfortunately man has lost this ability in the evolution stage. So we have to get it from food, and because it is very soluble in water, we are not able to store it.

– In general, the Polish population does not have vitamin C deficiencies because it is present in many products. People who are particularly vulnerable to its deficiencies are people with chronic stress, hypertension problems, diabetics, or addicted to nicotine and cigarettes, because they significantly reduce the absorption of vitamin C – explained the nutritionist.

The main sources of vitamin C are plant products, especially green and orange. – We all associate vitamin C with lemon, although it is not really one of the best sources. One of the best are: acerola, wild rose, currant, sea buckthorn – noted the nutritionist.

Unfortunately, from a practical point of view, these are products that we rarely eat raw. Considering foods that can be eaten raw or with very little heat treatment, that’s cruciferous products are rich in vitamin C: Brussels sprouts, broccoli or cauliflower. Kale, spinach, parsley, dill and chives are also good sources of vitamin C. But it’s also worth eating yellow pepper.

– Yellow pepper will provide us with as much vitamin C as juice squeezed from 16 lemons. And when it comes to fruit, I recommend kiwi, because 100 g of kiwi will provide us with a daily dose of this vitamin – summed up Sandra Ataniel.

The daily dose of vitamin C is helped by the Vita C DuoLife dietary supplement, which you can buy today at Medonet Market. Vitamin C Natural + Health Labs – vitamin C from natural plant extracts is currently available at a promotional price. If you are looking for a different form of preparation, vitamin C in lozenges may prove helpful.

Vitamin C for children

Vitamin C in children must be supplied with a meal or in the form of a dietary supplement (if necessary). Vitamin C for children will be best in the following forms:

  1. natural form in the form of fruits and vegetables; they are well absorbed and can adapt to enzymes and proteins in the body;
  2. sodium ascorbic acid – it is a substance that is obtained by neutralizing ascorbic acid with sodium hydroxide or baking soda;
  3. acerola (Barbados cherry) – it is worth reaching for it, e.g. during an infection; it is the best digestible and recommended especially for children.

The market also offers ready-made products containing vitamin C, e.g. lozenges, gummies or tablets in the form of children. However, it should be remembered that these types of products also contain unnecessary sweeteners. The supplement intended for children is Kanguwity, lozenges with vitamin C (100 mg) available in the Medonet Market offer.

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