Vitamin C for children – properties, dosage, natural sources

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Vitamin C for children must be supplied with a meal or in the form of a dietary supplement due to the fact that the body is unable to produce it on its own. Vitamin C in children can be used therapeutically and prophylactically. What are the properties and how to dose vitamin C for children in the form of supplements? What are the natural sources of vitamin C for children?

Properties of vitamin C for children

Vitamin C for children is one of the most popular vitamins, which is characterized by a multidirectional action. This compound is characterized by very good solubility, thanks to which it is actively transported and absorbed by the child’s body. Vitamin C given to children is involved in many important reactions and transformations, stimulating various biochemical processes in the body. According to many beliefs, vitamin C for children can cure colds and is often administered during an ongoing illness. However, keep in mind that this has not been confirmed by scientific research. However, it should be remembered that vitamin C for children is a form of protection against infections and strengthens the body, mobilizing the immune system to fight any disease. Regularly administered vitamin C for children, in addition to strengthening the immune system, reduces the feeling of fatigue and fatigue, supports the production of collagen, which seals blood vessels, has a positive effect on the proper functioning of bones, cartilage, gums, skin and teeth, and helps protect cells against oxidative stress and increases absorption iron.

Do you want to provide your child with vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper development? Order Virikid – Viridian Baby Vitamins and Minerals. The package of the preparation contains 90 capsules and can be used by children from 2 years of age.

Vitamin C dosage for children in the form of supplements

There are many ready-made vitamin C products for children on the market. These products are developed by specialized companies that care about the quality of vitamin C dedicated to children.

Vitamin C for children is available in the form of lollipops, candies, jelly beans or lozenges.

However, despite the fact that these supplements are very tasty for children, it should be remembered that vitamin C for children often contains sweeteners. Vitamin C for children should be supplied to the body every day. The ideal preparation containing vitamin C for the youngest children are drops, the concentration of which is usually 100 mg / ml.

Babies from the 28th day of life to the end of the 24th month should be given 5 to 8 drops a day, while after the age of 2, the dose can be increased to 50 mg, i.e. about 10 drops. Children around 5 years of age can be given vitamin C in the form of tablets in a dose of 100 mg, and in periods of increased demand and, for example, in the autumn and winter period, the dose of vitamin C for children can be increased to 200 mg per day. Vitamin C for children is difficult to overdose because the child’s body has expelled it excess. Sensitive children may develop diarrhea or a skin rash, and the kidneys may contain urate and oxalate.

It should be remembered that the healthiest and most valuable are natural products containing vitamin C for children. Natural dietary supplements with vitamin C for children are available on Medonet Market. An alternative to capsules can be vitamin C in Kanguwity lozenges.

Natural sources of vitamin C for children

Probably most of the answers to the question of what is the best and natural source of vitamin C will answer that it is lemon. In a way, each of these people will be right, but there are sources that are richer in vitamin C for children. In Poland, the main sources of vitamin C for children include potatoes, peppers, onions, turnips, spinach, green beans, rosehips, black currants, strawberries, citrus fruits, parsley and cruciferous vegetables, i.e. kale, cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. It should be remembered that the content of vitamin C for children in these products may vary depending on the species, season, storage, and mechanical or thermal processing. It is very important, when providing vitamin C to children in the form of natural products, to minimize the loss of vitamin by minimizing thermal and mechanical processing of fruit and vegetables.

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health. Do you need a medical consultation or an e-prescription? Go to, where you will get online help – quickly, safely and without leaving your home.Now you can use e-consultation also free of charge under the National Health Fund.

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