Vitamin B6 – what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms
Vitamin B6 – what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms
Vitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is an active compound that the body needs for a complete protein metabolism. In addition, pyridoxine has a positive effect on the skin, the functioning of the nervous system, the function of hematopoiesis and cell development.

Without the participation of vitamin B6, the formation of more than 100 enzymes that are involved in protein metabolism does not take place.

Products-record holders for the content of vitamin B6

The leader in the content of vitamin B6 is rice bran, there is a lot of it in beef, pork, chicken and turkey.

Rice branVitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms4,1 mg
MuesliVitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms3,6 mg
Brewer’s yeastVitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms2,7 mg
FistashkiVitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptomsFresh: 1,7 mg Fried: 1,1 mg
Sunflower seedsVitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptomsRaw: 1,3 mg Fried: 0,8 mg
Wheat branVitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms1,3 mg
GarlicVitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms1,2 mg
Chicken breastVitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptomsBaked: 1,2 mg
Beef liverVitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms1,0 mg
Shiitake mushroomsVitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms1,0 mg
SalmonVitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptomsBaked: 0,9 mg
Chicken liverVitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptomsFried: 0,8 mg
Red salmonVitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptomsBaked: 0,8 mg
TurkeyVitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms0,8 mg
PorkVitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms0,7 mg
FundukVitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptomsFried: 0,6 mg
Pink salmonVitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms0,6 mg
BeefVitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms0,6 mg
WalnutVitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms0,5 mg
Chick-peaVitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms0,5 mg

+ 15 more foods rich in vitamin B6













Fried potato)










Bulgarian pepper


Chavycha, zubatka, keta, mackerel


Macadamia nut




View the entire table of herbal products 300+ ➤

View the entire table of animal products 100+ ➤

Daily intake of vitamin B6 for women, men and children

The recommended daily allowance for vitamin B6 for an adult is 1,3–2 mg.

Categories of people

Daily requirement, mg

Toxicity threshold

0-6 months


Can’t install

7-12 months


Can’t install

1-3 years



4-6 years



7-10 years



Men 11-14 years old



Men 15-18 years old



Men 19 and older



Women 11-14 years old



Women 15-18 years old



Women aged 19 and over









Norms of physiological requirements for vitamins in the Russian Federation (RF, MR

For comparison, consider the table of B6 norms in different states:


Men (mg)

Women (mg)










European Union (including Greece), Ireland, Italy






Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Scandinavian countries






United Kingdom









SCF/CS/NUT/GEN/18 Final 6 March 2003 «Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Food on the revision of reference values for nutrition labeling»

Factors that increase the need for vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms

The natural intake of vitamin B6 from food may not be enough to meet the needs of the body. Individuals in dire need of it include:

  • Experiencing chronic nervous stress, depressive disorders.

  • Associated with physical activity.

  • Long-term exposure to low temperatures.

  • Working with chemicals.

  • Taking oral contraceptives.

  • Suffering from bad habits.

  • With diagnosed AIDS, radiation sickness, intestinal infectious lesions, hepatitis.

Why does the body need vitamin B6?

Vitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms

Pyridoxine is one of the essential components for the implementation of more than 100 enzymatic reactions aimed at the assimilation of proteins. In addition, without vitamin B6, the biosynthesis of neurotransmitters does not take place, maintaining the optimal concentration of homocysteine ​​in the blood.

Vitamin B6 is necessary for the physiological course of a number of processes:

  • Gluconeogenesis.

  • Glycogenolysis.

  • Synthesis of lymphocytes and interleukin-2.

  • The formation of hemoglobin.

No vital process in the human body takes place without vitamin B6.

Benefits for women

PMS is premenstrual syndrome. The effect of vitamin B6 on women has been studied repeatedly. An experiment involving more than 1000 women showed that pyridoxine is able to alleviate the negative effects of PMS:

  • Capriciousness.

  • Emotional instability.

  • Memory impairment

  • Flatulence.

  • Feeling of heightened anxiety.

A positive effect was noted in subjects who took 80 mg of vitamin B6 every day for three cycles. The data obtained indicate that the ability of the active substance to influence the biosynthesis of neurotransmitters contributes to the mitigation of psycho-emotional deviations in PMS.

To combat nausea during pregnancy. Almost half of women in the first trimester of pregnancy complain of attacks of nausea, vomiting, up to 80% – only nausea. Quite often, the symptoms of a characteristic malaise persist for the whole day. Usually, toxicosis of the first months of pregnancy lasts no more than 12-20 weeks, does not threaten the life of the mother and fetus, and passes on its own. Its symptoms leave an imprint on the social functions of a woman.

Observations on a group of pregnant women showed that oral vitamin B6 supplementation at a dose of 30 to 75 mg significantly reduced the symptoms of morning sickness. The combination of vitamin B6 with doxylamine (a sedative antiallergic drug) leads to a significant reduction in the feelings of nausea and vomiting in expectant mothers. The number of hospitalized pregnant women taking these drugs is much lower.

The American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) has added pyridoxine to the pregnancy protocol. According to the recommendations, you should take 10-25 mg of vitamin B6 3-4 times a day as a treatment for nausea and vomiting of pregnant women.

Help in losing weight. The use of vitamin B6 activates fat burning, normalizes eating behavior, and regulates the functions of the endocrine glands. The complex effect of pyridoxine leads to weight loss even while maintaining a normal lifestyle.

Benefits for men

For men, muscle growth is important. The full utilization of carbohydrates and the transformation of proteins into muscles occurs with the direct participation of pyridoxine. Athletes involved in weightlifting should receive higher doses of vitamin B6. A person in ordinary life needs 2 mg of pyridoxine per day, and bodybuilders, for example, take 10 mg.

High doses of the drug stimulate physical endurance, activate the growth of muscle cells. Proteins form the basis of sports nutrition. With their high content in the diet, higher doses of pyridoxine are needed.

Application for various diseases

Vitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms

For the health of the heart and blood vessels. For several years, scientists have been proving their hypothesis about the positive effect of B vitamins, including vitamin B6, on the cardiovascular system. The likelihood of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels is associated with an increase in the parameters of homocysteine ​​in the blood.

Japanese scientists observed 11,5 middle-aged patients for 40 years. As a result, it was found that with the use of 1,3 to 1,6 mg of vitamin B6 per day, the risk of myocardial infarction is reduced by 48%. Somewhat later, it was possible to establish a connection with low levels of pyridoxine in the blood with the risk of developing coronary heart disease. Examination of patients with myocardial infarction showed that a low concentration of the compound (

Prevention of eye diseases. Vitamin B6 has a positive effect on eye health and has a preventive effect on age-related changes. Older people often suffer from age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The disease develops against the background of excessive levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood.

Over the course of seven years, scientists observed 5400 medical workers. The experiment showed that in persons taking daily vitamins of group B (B6, B12, B9), the risk of RVD is reduced by up to 40%, in contrast to the placebo group. In laboratory conditions, it was possible to find out that in diseases of the retina, there is a low content of pyridoxine in the blood.

With cancer. Treatment of malignant tumors is an actual problem of modern medicine. Research in this direction does not stop. So it was possible to find out that low parameters of vitamin B6 are associated with a significant risk of developing certain types of cancer. Taking the maximum allowable doses of vitamin B6 reduces the likelihood of colorectal cancer by up to 20%.

With anemia. A study of blood tests of pregnant women showed that insufficient intake of vitamin B6 is directly related to the development of anemia. The administration of the drug at a dosage of 75 mg per day had a positive result in those pregnant women who did not respond to iron-containing agents. The use of pyridoxine in the elderly also has a positive effect on blood composition, eliminating the symptoms of anemia.

Influence on the mind and memory. Medical observations have shown that the use of vitamin B6 in the elderly has a positive effect on the cognitive functions of the brain. For example, an increase in the level of pyridoxine in the blood in men in the age group from 54 to 81 years leads to better memory test scores, a higher concentration of attention.

Normalizes the sleep cycle. The quality of sleep is influenced by melatonin, a hormone whose synthesis is influenced by vitamin B6. Melatonin controls the human internal clock. It signals when to fall asleep and when to wake up.

Hair Benefits

Vitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms

To save curls, it is recommended to use vitamin B6 orally or in the form of masks. An intensive recovery course involves a combination of two methods. Pyridoxine in ampoules is an affordable pharmacy product from which you can make an excellent mask to activate hair growth and improve their appearance.

The prepared therapeutic composition is applied to dirty hair, wrapped with polyethylene and a terry towel. The time of exposure to the hair is at least one hour. Then the hair is washed in the usual way, rinsed with herbal decoction. The minimum course includes 10-15 procedures. If necessary, their number can be increased. Usually, hair is nourished with masks twice a week. If intensive recovery is required, it is best to apply the vitamin composition every other day.

It should be noted that pyridoxine has a characteristic odor that is difficult to explain or compare with something. The main thing is that it is perfectly eliminated after washing the head.

The compositions of the most intensive hair restoration masks that you can prepare yourself:

  1. Take 1 tablespoon of burdock, almond and olive oil. Mixed with egg yolk and the contents of one B6 ampoule.

  2. Thoroughly mix 20 g of liquid honey, 1 yolk, 5 ml of aloe juice and an ampoule of vitamin B6.

  3. Honey and lemon juice – 20 g each, add an ampoule of pyridoxine.

  4. Garlic juice – a teaspoon, olive oil – a tablespoon, one yolk and 5 ml of vitamin B6.

  5. In a water bath, heat 2 tablespoons of burdock oil, pour in 1 ampoule of vitamin B6.

  6. Sea buckthorn oil – 1 tablespoon, yolk – 1 pc, vitamins B6 and B12, 1 ampoule.

  7. One tablespoon of burdock oil, liquid honey, lemon juice, 1 ampoule of vitamins A, E, B6, B12.

If you do not have the time and desire to bother with the preparation of masks, apply the vitamin on the scalp, rub in with massage movements. Vitamin B6 can be added to shampoo while washing your hair a couple of times a week. It will not be superfluous to enrich the entire volume of the shampoo – for this it is enough to pour the contents of three ampoules of vitamin B6 into the bottle.

Vitamin B6 deficiency symptoms

Vitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms

Signs of a low level. A separate lack of vitamin B6 is recorded in rare cases. Most often, this condition is observed in combination with a deficiency of other B vitamins – folic acid, B12. The longer B6 deficiency is formed, the more changes occur from the side of biochemical reactions.

Deficiency signs. Deficiency of pyridoxine in the body leads to the development of microcytic anemia, disorders of the brain, dermatitis with peeling of the skin on the lips, cracks in the corners of the mouth, glossitis. Patients often experience depressive disorders, weakened immunity. Borderline indicators of vitamin B6 do not have specific symptoms. The clinical picture develops over months, sometimes years.

Signs of acute, long-term deficiency. Vitamin B6 deficiency is formed in patients suffering from chronic renal failure, experiencing the final stages of kidney disease. Celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative lesions of the intestine – diseases that cause malabsorption of vitamin B6. These processes lead to the development of a long-term deficiency of pyridoxine. Genetic diseases, such as homocystinuria, can also cause pathology. Certain groups of drugs interfere with the absorption of vitamin B6. These drugs include antiepileptics.

Breast symptoms. In infants, vitamin B6 deficiency is characterized by abnormally acute auditory perception, convulsive seizures, and irritability.

Risk groups

Medical research has made it possible to identify certain categories of people who are most prone to developing vitamin B6 deficiency. Insufficient absorption of pyridoxine is characteristic of certain risk groups:

  • Patients with impaired renal function. In the blood of patients with terminal disorders of kidney function, prolonged failure of renal function, a low level of vitamin B6 is recorded. This condition is observed in patients undergoing hemodialysis procedures who have undergone a donor kidney transplant. The clinical picture of renal pathologies is symptomatically similar to pyridoxine deficiency.

  • Patients with autoimmune disorders. With rheumatoid arthritis, the concentration of vitamin B6 is reduced. The more severe the disease, the more pronounced the deficiency of pyridoxine. Even with the appointment of vitamin supplements in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, the synthesis of inflammatory cytokines is not inhibited, and the indicators of inflammation markers do not fall. Autoimmune diseases that cause impaired absorption of nutrients in the small intestine lead to a decrease in vitamin B6 levels.

  • Persons suffering from alcoholism. When drinking alcohol, acetaldehyde is formed. It, in turn, interferes with the synthesis of pyridoxine, negatively affects protein binding.

Symptoms of an overdose of vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms

The intake of vitamin B6 in the body along with food, even in excessive amounts, does not lead to negative symptoms. The systematic intake of pyridoxine in a volume of 1-6 g for 12-40 months causes progressive sensory neuropathy. With this disease, there is a loss of control over motor acts. The intensity of overdose symptoms decreases when you stop taking vitamin B6 pharmaceuticals.

An overdose of pyridoxine manifests itself:

  • Increased perception of light.

  • Heartburn, nausea.

  • Severe skin lesions.

  • neurological manifestations.

Neurological symptoms are considered a dangerous sign. With its appearance, pyridoxine is stopped taking.

In one study, pregnant women were offered an average dose of 6 mg of vitamin B132 from weeks 7 to 12 of the gestational period. The results showed that pyridoxine does not affect the appearance of teratogenic effects in newborn babies.


Vitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms

The inclusion of vitamin B6 in therapeutic protocols or prescribing for prophylactic purposes is envisaged in a number of conditions:

  • problematic skin, brittle nails;

  • overweight, problems with weight loss;

  • use of oral contraceptives;

  • acne, the appearance of acne on the skin in adolescence;

  • severe toxicosis during the period of bearing a child;

  • diathesis, dermatitis, regardless of origin;

  • artificial feeding, insufficient weight gain in newborns;

  • chickenpox;

  • herpetic infection;

  • alcoholism;

  • frequent infectious diseases;

  • Meniere’s disease, which affects the inner ear;

  • severe irritability, excitability of the nervous system;

  • convulsive manifestations on the background of a febrile state;

  • hemodialysis procedures;

  • cardiovascular failure;

  • partial resection of the intestine;

  • cholecystitis;

  • violation of intestinal absorption;

  • hepatitis;

  • chronic stress conditions;

  • Parkinson’s disease;

  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the small intestine;

  • radiculitis;

  • prolonged severe diarrhea;

  • peripheral neuritis;

  • neuralgia;

  • unbalanced nutrition;

  • phtivazidoma therapy;

  • the use of anti-tuberculosis antibiotics;

  • hair loss, dullness.

Preparations containing vitamin B6 are useful in these conditions, but are not a drug. Pyridoxine is good as part of complex therapy. It helps to activate the functions of the body. The drug is taken only after consulting a doctor. The use of tablets or injection solution is under medical supervision.

How to save vitamin B6 in foods?

In order to get the maximum possible amount of vitamin B6 from foods, it is important to know how to cook them correctly. The structure of pyridoxine is characterized as one of the most stable. However, heat treatment reduces its amount in food by 30%.

In grains of cereals, the maximum content of vitamin B6 has been established. When processing grain into flour, almost 80% of pyridoxine is lost. Given this fact, it is best to use a mixture of cereal flour and bran for baking. In the process of cooking rice, for example, up to 90% of vitamin B6 simply goes into the water. The same situation with boiling potatoes. To preserve the vitamin value of foods, namely vegetables, it is best to bake. In extreme cases, after cooking, leave the liquid.

During the preservation of vegetables, up to 80% of vitamin B6 dies. Fruit lose up to 40%. Thermal processing of meat leads to a decrease in the level of pyridoxine by 75%. If you want to provide the body with a sufficient amount of vitamin B6, it is best to focus on foods that can be consumed raw.

Freezing does not preserve the full amount of vitamin B6. Low temperatures can destroy up to 15% of the useful substance. Of course, this gives significant advantages over cooking.

Precautions and contraindications

Vitamin B6 - what is good for health, record-breaking foods, deficiency symptoms

The use of vitamin B6 by patients with gastritis, stomach ulcers, and duodenal ulcers should be under the supervision of a physician. The action of the active substance causes an increase in the acidity of gastric juice. Vitamins should be taken with caution in patients with liver pathologies, coronary heart disease.

Drug Interactions

All drugs can be divided into two groups. Some of them increase the activity of vitamin B6, while others, on the contrary, negatively affect its absorption. In any case, no matter what medications the patient takes on an ongoing basis, he must inform the doctor. Only the attending physician can determine the advisability of prescribing pyridoxine.

Cycloserine – a broad spectrum antibacterial agent. Usually prescribed for tuberculosis. The combined use of pyridoxal phosphate with cycloserine leads to the excretion of a greater concentration of vitamin B6 in the urine. A decrease in the level of pyridoxine in the blood can provoke convulsions, increase the toxicity of the antibiotic. To prevent the appearance of negative effects, additional vitamin B6 supplements should be taken.

Theophylline – a drug prescribed for bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and other pulmonary diseases. Its action is aimed at preventing shortness of breath, respiratory disorders. Examination of patients taking theophylline showed a low level of pyridoxine in the blood. This fact provokes the development of side neurological symptoms, dysfunction of the central nervous system, convulsive seizures.

Antiepileptic drugs, for example, carbamazepine, valproic acid – increase the rate of breakdown of B vitamins, including pyridoxine. This reaction leads to a decrease in serum vitamin B6 parameters and an increase in homocysteine ​​levels. Developing processes cause more frequent epileptic seizures, disorders of the brain vessels, up to a stroke. Over time, patients lose control of their seizures. Against the background of taking antiepileptic drugs, signs of chronic vascular toxicity develop.

The systematic use of pyridoxine at a dosage of 200 mg per day lowers the concentration of phenytoin and phenobarbital in the blood serum.

Compatibility of vitamin B12 and B6

A complete metabolism of magnesium and vitamin B12 is possible only in the presence of pyridoxine. If we are talking about a solution for injection, then vitamins B6 cannot be administered in the same syringe with vitamins B12 and B1. A vitamin composition of this kind loses its beneficial properties and is ineffective.

  Based on facts

All information on the portal is subject to medical and fact-checking.

We use data from medical academic research institutes, reputable media sites that have undergone medical examination. Note that the numbers in brackets ([1], [2], …) are references to these studies.

The information is not a guide to treatment and diagnosis, does not replace consultation with a doctor.

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