Vitamin B6 – properties, occurrence, effects of deficiency and excess

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Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, is a substance necessary for the proper functioning of our body. One of the most important roles that vitamin B6 plays in our body is the control of important enzymes responsible for the course of key biochemical processes. What is vitamin B6 characterized by, what does it affect and what may be the consequences of its deficiency? Is excess vitamin B6 harmful to health?

Vitamin B6 – properties

Vitamin B6, also often (simplified) referred to as pyridoxynais one of the B vitamins. Vitamin B6, like the other compounds in this group, dissolves in water. This substance can exist in six variants: as pyridoxine, pyridoxal, pyridoxamine or phosphate esters of the other three compounds. They are all derivatives of pyridine and undergo mutual transformations.

Vitamin B6 is absorbed into the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract – we provide it to the body with food. Vitamin B6 – in the form of pyridoxal phosphate – is then stored in the liver, kidneys, muscles and brain. Small amounts of vitamin B6 can also be synthesized in the intestines, but these are insufficient to cover the entire need for this substance. Therefore, its supplementation is very often recommended. Buy High Five B-Complex Viridian – a supplement that will also supplement your diet with other B vitamins. We also recommend Vitamin B Complex Health Labs – a complex of B vitamins.


Vitamin B6 was discovered in 1934 by Paul Gyorgy – an American biochemist with Hungarian roots. The same scientist also discovered two other vitamins now included in group B: riboflavin (vitamin B2) and biotin (depending on the region: vitamin B7, vitamin B8 or vitamin H).

Vitamin B6 – properties

Pyridoxine turns out to be extremely important for the processes taking place in our body. Vitamin B6 acts primarily as a precursor (cofactor) of coenzymes – that is, an initiating and controlling factor – for over 100 different enzymes that regulate the course of key biochemical reactions. Processes in which share of vitamin B6 turns out to be necessary, including:

  1. amino acid transformations and the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids that are necessary for proper growth and development (as a PAL coenzyme, aminotransferase, synthase, carboxylase or racemase);
  2. transformation of carbohydrates, fats and nitrogen compounds;
  3. glycogen synthesis (it is a reserve substance of many vital organs);
  4. synthesis of serotonin and adrenaline hormones, thus supporting the proper functioning of the nervous system;
  5. production of hemoglobin;
  6. regulating the level of cysteine ​​in the body (excess cysteine ​​can lead to the development of atherosclerosis).

Do you want to support the work of the nervous system? We recommend a dietary supplement with magnesium and vitamin B6 available on Medonet Market. Also try Magnesium B6 SOLHERBS, which is available in eco-friendly 60 capsules. A convenient form of the supplement is the MgB6 Shock Shot liquid shot – magnesium + vitamin B6.


Vitamin B6 is also extremely important in the process of magnesium absorption, which is only partially absorbed from the digestive system. Pyridoxine can increase the absorption rate of magnesium ions by up to 20-40%, which is why it is often one of the ingredients of preparations with magnesium. Buy today Magnesium Potassium + B6 Shot – shot with OstroVit lemon-lime-grape flavor individually or in a set of 24 bottles.

There are supplements on the market that combine magnesium and pyridoxine. Medonet Market offers preparations such as tablets with magnesium oxide and vitamin B6, which will help meet the daily requirement for this vitamin.

Vitamin B6 also supports the body during treatment anemia and kidney diseases (prevents the formation of kidney stones). What’s more, proper level of vitamin B6 in the body helps to alleviate the side effects of long-term medication.

Pyridoxine also supports the body’s immune system by participating in the formation of antibodies. It also turns out to be essential for maintaining the proper level of blood pressure and harmonious work of the heart. You can order a set of dietary supplements with vitamin B6, ashwagandha and folic acid now at Medonet Market. To support the nervous and immune systems, improve the appearance of skin, hair and nails, and regulate blood sugar levels, order DO! Active – a daily dose of B vitamins or N ° 1 Complex B – a comprehensive set of B vitamins.


Vitamin B6 turns out to be especially important for women. It soothes the symptoms of PMS and menstrual pain.

Vitamin B6 deficiency

Vitamin B6 deficiency is relatively rare – pyridoxine and related compounds from the same group are present in numerous food products that we reach every day.

Most often, vitamin B6 deficiency occurs in pregnant and breastfeeding women, in whom the demand for this substance is significantly increased. It can also be a problem for seniors, as well as heavy smokers, alcohol abusers or patients taking certain medications or using hormonal contraception for a long time.

What symptoms may indicate a vitamin B6 deficiency?

  1. anemia;
  2. excessive nervousness or apathy;
  3. sleep disturbance;
  4. problems with concentration;
  5. skin changes – redness, peeling;
  6. paraesthesia: tingling, trembling, or numbness in the extremities;
  7. dandruff and hair loss;
  8. decreased immunity and increased susceptibility to infections.

However, it is worth being aware that these are symptoms that also occur in deficiencies of other B vitamins. In order to determine a vitamin B6 deficiency, further diagnosis is necessary. If you observe such disturbing symptoms in yourself or in your loved ones, it is worth consulting a doctor quickly to implement appropriate treatment or supplementation.

Try Rubia proFemina SOLHERBS – a dietary supplement that positively affects the functioning of the nervous, circulatory and urinary systems, helps remove poisons and toxins from the blood, and supports psychological functions by relieving fatigue and weariness.

The Do.Best brand offers a high-quality dietary supplement to help supplement your daily dose of vitamin B6. You can buy Do! Magnesium at an attractive price on

Awitaminoza B6 it can result in such ailments as:

  1. kidney stones;
  2. severe neurological disorders;
  3. macrocytic anemia;
  4. in children: mental development disorders, epileptic disorders, abnormalities in bone structure.

Provide your body with an appropriate dose of vitamin B6 and other B vitamins. Use XeniVIT Vitamin B Complex Premium Xenico, which you can buy on Medonet Market at a promotional price.

Read also: Vitamin B6 lowers the risk of lung cancer

Too much vitamin B6

Excess vitamin B6 is extremely rare. It only appears properly when we incorrectly supplement this substance by taking more than 200 mg of synthetic pyridoxine a day. So you need to pay special attention not to exceed this limit – vitamin B6 overdose can result in serious consequences such as:

  1. degeneration of nervous tissue (neuropathy);
  2. problems with coordination of movements, muscle weakness and an abnormal gait;
  3. constant feeling of coolness;
  4. tingling in the limbs;
  5. problems with the balance of amino acids in the body.

In some cases, symptoms disappear after discontinuation of supplementation. However, it happens that changes caused by excess vitamin B6 turn out to be irreversible.

Vitamin B6 – dosage

How much vitamin B6 should be taken? Dosage depends on age, gender, and overall health. According to the 2012 “Nutrition Standards for the Polish Population” developed by the Food and Nutrition Institute, Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of vitamin B6 totals:

  1. children from 1 to 3 years of age: 0,5 mg;
  2. children from 4 to 6 years of age: 0,6 mg;
  3. children from 7 to 9 years of age: 1 mg;
  4. boys from 10 to 12 years of age: 1,2 mg;
  5. boys from 13 to 18 years of age: 1,3 mg;
  6. girls from 10 to 18 years of age: 1,2 mg;
  7. men from 19 to 50 years of age: 1,3 mg;
  8. men over 50 – 1,7 mg;
  9. women from 19 to 50 years of age: 1,3 mg
  10. women over 50: 1,5 mg
  11. pregnant women: 1,9 mg;
  12. women during breastfeeding: 2 mg.

See also: Symptoms of vitamin deficiency

Vitamin B6 – occurrence

As already mentioned, vitamin B6 is quite common in many popular foods – both plant and animal.

The greatest amount of vitamin B6 can be found in brewing yeast, as well as in wholemeal products such as wheat bran, brown rice or groats (especially buckwheat). Others good sources of pyridoxine can also be:

  1. poultry, especially turkey breast meat;
  2. beef and pork liver;
  3. fish, especially salmon, mackerel and cod;
  4. white beans;
  5. soy;
  6. whole wheat bread;
  7. haha;
  8. fruits, mainly: bananas, kiwi, oranges, strawberries, raspberries, currants;
  9. vegetables, especially: broccoli, carrots, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage.

Heat treatment and food preservation adversely affect the vitamin B6 content. By cooking, frying and curing meat, we lose 30 to 50% of the pyridoxine present in it. The same applies to freezing vegetables and fruit: losses then amount to 15 to even 70%.

Also check: B vitamins – what is worth knowing about them and in what products can they be found?

Vitamin B6 – price

There are many preparations available on the market, including vitamin B6. The price of these products ranges from PLN 5 to PLN 50 and depends on the other substances they contain, as well as the size of the package and the specific manufacturer. Vitamin B6 usually appears in supplements in a duet with magnesium, such as Magne B6 Forte or Chela-Mag B6.

Read also: Taking B vitamins may lower your risk of stroke

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