Vitamin B6 Polfarmex

Vitaminum B6 Polfarmex is a preparation used in hypovitaminosis B6 and acrodynia. As an adjuvant in sideroblastic anemia, leukopenia, peripheral and central nervous system diseases, muscular dystrophy, stomatitis, parodontopathies, seborrhea, exfoliative erythroderma, sunburn and skin hypersensitivity.

Vitamin B6 Polfarmex (Polfarmex)

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
tabl. 0,05 g (50 tabl.) OTC (over-the-counter) pyridoxine



Vitaminum B6 Polfarmex – indications and dosage

Vitaminum B6 Polfarmex is recommended for:

  1. in B6 hypovitaminosis,
  2. acrodynia,
  3. adjunctively as a remedy in sideroblastic anemia, leukopenia, peripheral and central nervous system diseases, muscular dystrophy, stomatitis, parodontopathies, seborrhea, exfoliative erythroderma, sunburn.

Drug dosage

Vitaminum B6 Polfarmex is in the form of capsules to be taken orally.

  1. Adults. Orally 1-2 tablets 3 × / day,
  2. use in the prevention of neurotoxic complications that sometimes occur with isoniazid and hydrazinophthalates. 1 tablet / day,
  3. use in skin hypersensitivity. 3-4 tablets at one time or 1-2 tablets every 1 h within 10 h,
  4. use in radiation sickness. 1-2 tablets / day,
  5. use in homocystinuria. 1-3 tables 3 times / day, max. Daily dose 600 mg / day.

Vitaminum B6 Polfarmex and contraindications

Hypersensitivity to pyridoxine is a contraindication to the use of Vitamin B6 Polfarmex.

Vitaminum B6 Polfarmex – warnings

  1. Exposure to light should be avoided while using Vitaminum B6 Polfarmex.
  2. Vitaminum B6 Polfarmex contains lactose and should not be taken by patients with rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or malabsorption of glucose and galactose.
  3. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before taking the drug.
  4. Vitamin B6 in the dose range from 50 mg to 200 mg per day can be used during pregnancy.
  5. Higher doses of the drug should only be used in cases where, in the doctor’s opinion, the benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.
  6. Do not take Vitamin B6 Polfarmex during breastfeeding, because it is not known whether vitamin B6 passes into breast milk. It is known, however, that therapeutic doses of vitamin B6 may have an effect on the inhibition of lactation.

Vitaminum B6 Polfarmex with other drugs

  1. Vitamin B6 contained in Vitamin B6 Polfarmex reduces the effectiveness of levodopa used in Parkinson’s disease.
  2. Concomitant intake of vitamin B6 with amiodarone may cause photosensitivity.
  3. Hormonal contraceptives, hydralazine, penicillamine, cycloserine and high doses of isoniazid increase the need for vitamin B6.

Vitaminum B6 Polfarmex – side effects

  1. Long-term use of high doses of Vitamin B6 Polfarmex may cause severe peripheral neuropathy.
  2. Taking vitamin B6 in a dose of about 200 mg for 30 days causes the development of pyridoxine dependence syndrome.
  3. Taking higher doses for several months causes the development of a syndrome of neuropathy, which is characterized by reduced sense of touch and temperature, and disturbance of the sense of vibration and position.

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