Vitamin B5
The discovery of vitamin B5 goes back to the beginning of the 1933th century and is associated with the name of the American biochemist Roger Williams. In XNUMX, a scientist pioneered pantothenic acid, which is found in many tissues of plants and animals.

What foods contain vitamin B5

A lot of pantothenic acid is found in peas, yeast, hazelnuts, buckwheat, oatmeal, cauliflower, liver, kidneys, heart. Vitamin B5 is also rich in chicken fillet, egg yolk, milk and fish caviar.

What is vitamin B5 for?

When ingested, pantothenic acid turns into pantethine, an active substance involved in oxidation processes. Vitamin B5 helps to synthesize fatty acids, cholesterol, hemoglobin and so on. Affects the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

One of the main properties of vitamin B5 is the “building” of adrenal hormones and also blood antibodies, which strengthen the immune system.

It is also indispensable in the treatment of arthritis, colitis or heart disease. Affects the functioning of the brain. It synthesizes neurotransmitters that send impulses from neurons to muscles. Simply put, we thought of something and did what we intended – this is all the work of pantothenic acid.

It also slows down the aging process. Raises a person to their feet with an alcohol hangover.

Doctors prescribe a course of vitamin B5 in the treatment of eczema, burns, bronchial asthma, acute and chronic bronchitis. Also with violations of the liver, stomach and intestines.

Daily value of vitamin B5

The dosage of vitamin B5 depends on the person’s age and activity. On average, 4 to 7 mg of the vitamin per day is sufficient for men and women.

For those who play sports or breastfeed, the rate increases to 8 mg per day. In the treatment of diseases, the dosage reaches 10 mg.

It is very important not to overfeed children with vitamins. Infants up to six months old need 2 mg per day, children under three years old – from 3 to 4 mg per day. The norm for ten-year-old children is 4-5 mg.

Vitamin B5 deficiency

A large intake of protein-free food or with a low fat content leads to hypovitaminosis and diseases of the small intestine.

Fatigue, causeless depression, insomnia, fatigue are the first signs of vitamin B5 deficiency.

Headaches up to migraines, muscle breakdown, numbness of hands and feet or their tingling are added to this bouquet of symptoms. The body weakens and cannot resist simple colds. A duodenal ulcer may develop.

Vitamin B5 overdose

Pantothenic acid is a water-soluble vitamin. Therefore, overdoses occur in exceptional cases – with individual intolerance. The excess is usually excreted naturally in the urine.

With an excess of synthetic vitamin B5, there is an acute burning sensation in the stomach.

Popular questions and answers

For answers to the most frequently asked questions about vitamin B5, we turned to neurologist Anastasia Orlova.

What is the best way to absorb vitamin B5?

The absorption of pantothenic acid is facilitated by other B vitamins (especially thiamine) and ascorbic acid.1. It is also worth remembering that when exposed to certain factors, vitamin B5 is neutralized. For example, in contact with acetic acid, in direct sunlight, during heat treatment and freezing of products.

How to take vitamin B5?

Pantothenic acid is widely distributed in foods, so its deficiency as a separate vitamin is rare.2. If one is diagnosed, then injections will be most effective. There is one minus here – such injections are quite painful. And one definite plus – an overdose is almost impossible, since the excess is excreted by the kidneys.

Most often, vitamin B5 is difficult to find in pharmacies, it is mainly found in the form of dietary supplements or a vitamin B complex.

Can vitamin B5 be taken with other vitamins or medications?

Yes, pantothenic acid is especially important for facilitating the absorption of vitamins like B1, B4, and B9. Vitamin B5 is essential for the normal absorption of folic acid. This is especially important for planning and already pregnant women. After all, folic acid is the key to a healthy nervous system of the baby.

Vitamin B5 reduces the negative impact on the body of anti-tuberculosis drugs and increases the effectiveness of cardiac glycosides3. And now pantothenic acid has been added to preparations – chondroprotectors, which restore the structure of cartilage in the joints.


  1. Alexandrova E. V., Shkoda A. S. Biochemical foundations of vitaminology. Textbook for independent work.
  2. Bykovchenko I. Vitamin problem and its solution.
  3. Smashevsky M. D. Antivitamins in food, biological action, distribution and use.

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  1. merita Nikqi

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