Other names are Choline, a lipotropic factor.
Vitamin B4 is formed in the body from the amino acid methionine, but in an insufficient amount, therefore, its daily intake with food is necessary.
Vitamin B4 rich foods
Indicated approximate availability in 100 g of product
Daily requirement of “vitamin” B4
The daily requirement for “vitamin” B4 is 0,5-1 g per day.
The upper permissible level of consumption of Vitamin B4 is set: 1000-2000 mg per day for children under 14 years old; 3000-3500 mg per day for children over 14 years old and adults.
Useful properties and its effect on the body
Choline is involved in the metabolism of fats, promotes the removal of fats from the liver and the formation of a valuable phospholipid – lecithin, which improves cholesterol metabolism and reduces the development of atherosclerosis. Choline is essential for the formation of acetylcholine, which is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses.
Choline promotes hematopoiesis, has a positive effect on growth processes, protects the liver from destruction by alcohol and other acute and chronic lesions.
Vitamin B4 improves concentration of attention, memorization of information, activates mental activity, improves mood, helps to eliminate emotional instability.
Interaction with other essential elements
With a choline deficiency, the synthesis of carnitine, which is necessary for the utilization of fats, muscle and heart function, decreases.
With low consumption, there may be a lack of choline in the body.
Lack and excess of vitamin
Signs of a vitamin B4 deficiency
- overweight;
- bad memory;
- violation of milk production in women who are breastfeeding;
- high blood cholesterol.
Choline deficiency leads to the accumulation of fat in the liver, to the development of fatty liver infiltration, which leads to disruption of its functions, death of some cells, their replacement with connective tissue and the development of liver cirrhosis
Choline – like other B vitamins, is important for the energetic and nervous functioning of the human body and its lack, like other vitamins of this group, has a devastating effect on the functioning of the genitals.
Signs of excess vitamin B4
- nausea;
- diarrhea;
- increased salivation and sweating;
- unpleasant fishy smell.
Factors Affecting Vitamin B4 Content in Foods
When food is heated, some of the choline is destroyed.
Why Vitamin B4 Deficiency Occurs
Choline deficiency can occur with liver and kidney disease, with protein deficiency in the diet. Choline is destroyed by antibiotics and alcohol.