pangamic acid
Vitamin B15 is excluded from the group of vitamin-like substances, because it is not considered essential, but it is an effective drug.
Vitamin B15 rich foods
Indicated approximate availability in 100 g of product
Daily requirement of vitamin B15
The daily requirement for vitamin B15 is 25-150 g per day.
Useful properties and its effect on the body
Vitamin B15 is of fundamental physiological importance due to its lipotropic properties – the ability to prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver and release methyl groups that are used in the body for the synthesis of nucleic acids, phospholipids, creatine and other important biological active substances.
Pangamic acid reduces the content of fat and cholesterol in the blood, stimulates the production of adrenal hormones, improves tissue respiration, participates in oxidative processes – it is a powerful antioxidant. Relieves fatigue, reduces the desire for alcohol, protects against cirrhosis of the liver, promotes the elimination of toxins from the body.
Vitamin B15 has cytoprotective properties and prevents the development of degenerative liver damage, has a beneficial effect on the inner lining of large vessels in atherosclerosis, as well as directly on the heart muscle. Significantly stimulates the formation of antibodies.
Pangamic acid has an activating effect on bioenergy reactions. It is a detoxifier for alcohol poisoning, antibiotics, organochlorine, and prevents hangovers. Pangamic acid stimulates protein synthesis. Increases the content of creatine phosphate in muscles and glycogen in the liver and muscles (creatine phosphate plays an important role in normalizing the functional capacity of muscles and in optimizing energy processes in general). Pangamic acid has anti-inflammatory, anti-hyaluronidase properties.
Interaction with other essential elements
Pangamic acid is effective when taken together with vitamins and.
Lack and excess of vitamin
Signs of a vitamin B15 deficiency
According to some reports, with a deficiency of pangamic acid, it is possible to reduce the supply of oxygen to the cells, which can lead to fatigue, heart disorders, premature aging, endocrine and nervous disorders.
Signs of excess vitamin B15
In elderly people, it can cause (Vitamin B15 hypervitaminosis), deterioration, progression of adynamia, increased headache, the appearance of insomnia, irritability, tachycardia, extrasystoles and deterioration of cardiac activity.