Vitamin B12 causes acne? – a surprising hypothesis of scientists.
Vitamin B12 causes acne? – a surprising hypothesis of scientists.

Unsightly skin blemishes on the face and body, called acne, are mainly a problem of maturing youth, although it is becoming more and more common that it also affects adults. Those who have struggled with it know perfectly well how troublesome it can be. It often leads us into complexes and disturbs interpersonal relationships.

Causes of acne

The causes of acne can be:

  • excessive production of serum, i.e. disturbed work of the sebaceous glands,
  • anaerobic bacteria present in the sebaceous glands and other bacteria and fungi,
  • hormonal imbalance,
  • metabolism disorders,
  • diseases of internal organs,
  • the specificity of the hair follicle,
  • genetic, hereditary predispositions,
  • poor diet, obesity,
  • unhealthy lifestyle.

Recently, American scientists added to this excess vitamin B12 in the body. Is it at all possible that this health-beneficial vitamin could harm our skin?

Vitamin B12 and its invaluable role in the body

Vitamin B12 participates in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, determines the formation of red blood cells, prevents anemia, supports the functioning of the nervous system, including the brain, enables the synthesis of nucleic acids in cells, especially in the bone marrow, helps in metabolism, stimulates appetite, children prevents rickets, during menopause – osteoporosis, affects the growth and work of muscles, affects good mood and mental condition, helps in learning, increases memory and concentration, and regulates the hormonal balance.

Vitamin B12 and its connection to acne

Despite the unquestionable advantages of vitamin B12, the relationship between its intake and problems with the condition of the skin has been noticed. People who regularly used supplements with this vitamin often complained about the deterioration of the complexion and the occurrence of inflammation in skin cells and acne. In the light of these facts, scientists from the United States decided to conduct research related to this issue. A group of people with flawless skin were given vitamin B12. After about two weeks, most of them started to develop acne lesions. It turned out that the vitamin promotes the proliferation of bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes, responsible for the formation of acne. Most scientists, however, treat the results of the research with caution, because they were purely experimental. Large-scale studies are needed to definitively confirm this hypothesis. Currently, it is only stated that excess vitamin B12 may be a risk factor for the occurrence of acne. The fact that people of science discovered such a relationship promises for the future the emergence of new, more effective than the existing methods of treating this disease. For now, it is not worth panicking and stopping the use of vitamin B12, because it should be remembered that it is necessary for the proper functioning of our body.

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