Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is called an anti-neuritic vitamin, which characterizes its main effect on the body.
Thiamine cannot accumulate in the body, so it is necessary that it be ingested daily.
Vitamin B1 is thermostable – it can withstand heating up to 140 degrees in an acidic environment, but in an alkaline and neutral environment, resistance to high temperatures decreases.
Vitamin B1 rich foods
Indicated approximate availability in 100 g of product
Daily requirement of vitamin B1
The daily requirement for vitamin B1 is: an adult man – 1,6-2,5 mg, a woman – 1,3-2,2 mg, a child – 0,5-1,7 mg.
The need for vitamin B1 increases with:
- great physical exertion;
- playing sports;
- an increased content of carbohydrates in the diet;
- in cold climates (demand increases to 30-50%);
- neuro-psychological stress;
- pregnancy;
- breastfeeding;
- work with certain chemicals (mercury, arsenic, carbon disulfide, etc.);
- gastrointestinal diseases (especially if they are accompanied by diarrhea);
- burns;
- diabetes mellitus;
- acute and chronic infections;
- antibiotic treatment.
Useful properties and its effect on the body
Vitamin B1 plays a very important role in the metabolism, primarily of carbohydrates, contributing to the oxidation of their breakdown products. Participates in the exchange of amino acids, in the formation of polyunsaturated fatty acids, in the conversion of carbohydrates to fats.
Vitamin B1 is essential for the normal functioning of every cell in the body, especially for nerve cells. It stimulates the brain, is necessary for the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, for the metabolism of acetylcholine, which is a chemical transmitter of nervous excitement.
Thiamine normalizes the acidity of gastric juice, the motor function of the stomach and intestines, and increases the body’s resistance to infections. It improves digestion, normalizes muscle and heart function, promotes body growth and participates in fat, protein and water metabolism.
Lack and excess of vitamin
Signs of Vitamin B1 Deficiency
- weakening of memory;
- depression;
- fatigue;
- forgetfulness;
- trembling of hands;
- diffidence;
- increased irritability;
- anxiety;
- headache;
- insomnia;
- mental and physical fatigue;
- muscle weakness;
- loss of appetite;
- shortness of breath with little physical exertion;
- soreness in the calf muscles;
- burning sensation of the skin;
- unstable and rapid pulse.
Factors affecting the content of Vitamin B1 in foods
Thiamine breaks down during preparation, storage and processing.
Why Vitamin B1 Deficiency Occurs
Lack of vitamin B1 in the body can occur with excess carbohydrate nutrition, alcohol, tea and coffee. The content of thiamine decreases significantly during neuropsychic stress.
Deficiency or excess of protein in the diet also reduces the amount of vitamin B1.