Vitamin B deficiency: how to spot a deficiency. Video
Residents of modern cities are increasingly faced with a serious lack of vitamins. The abundance of fast food, disappearance at work, constant stress does not allow us to use the potential of nature or the achievements of pharmaceuticals in time. As a result, you only pay attention to vitamin deficiencies if the signs are very pronounced. But vitamins of group B can be silent for a long time about the deficiency. To notice him, take a closer look at yourself and those close to you.
Why does the body need vitamin B?
The body must receive vitamins, regardless of age. It is thanks to them that the metabolism proceeds correctly, the nervous system is stimulated, a person copes with everyday affairs more easily and quickly adapts in a stressful situation. If you get enough vitamins, the feeling of happiness, harmony and good mood will not leave you in any situation.
For example, vitamins of group A help your skin to cope with aggressive environmental influences. If there are enough of them, you will not know what dandruff, itching, rough skin on the elbows and knees are. You will not be trapped by a sudden decrease in vision, and you will not cry in the cold. Lack of vitamin A, accordingly, will bring a lot of problems into your life.
B vitamins have perhaps the broadest digital background. It turns out that they are the basis of physical health and beauty, which are so important for a woman to maintain throughout her life. In addition, it is the B vitamins that are responsible for good metabolism, energy metabolism and proper burning of fats and carbohydrates.
There are several types of B vitamins. Each of them keeps a round-the-clock watch, protecting the body from aging, fatigue, early gray hair, and digestive disorders
Vitamin B: how deficiency manifests itself
Common signs of vitamin B deficiency are easy to spot for the average person. Take a close look at yourself. Unpleasant changes in appearance are a clear characteristic sign of a lack of beneficial trace elements. The lack of a B-complex is indicated by dull hair, pinkish flaky skin on the palms, peeling nails. In the most extreme, serious cases, you may experience sleep deprivation, painful bumps in the corners of your mouth, and digestive problems.
However, general symptoms occur when there is a deficiency of several types of vitamins of this group. You can cancel such a deficiency by purchasing a special complex of B vitamins in tablets. But most often there is a lack of one or two types, and full therapy in this case is not required.
Replenishing the lack of one vitamin, you can go over with another. And excess will also negatively affect the appearance and work of internal organs.
Each of the B vitamins has its own symptoms of deficiency. B1 deficiency is characterized by chills, a constant feeling of chilliness. Convulsions become frequent, constipation may appear.
With a deficiency of vitamin B2, the mucous membranes become inflamed. Unpleasant sensations arise in the nose and throat, you will become less able to see at dusk. Sudden depression, discomfort in the joints, lack of strength speak not at all about unwillingness to do housework, but about the lack of vitamin B5. You will get tired quickly and sleep poorly if your body lacks B6.
Vitamin B9 is popularized under a slightly different name – “folic acid”. Its lack is signaled by early gray hair, memory problems, a change in the tone of the tongue to a darker one is possible. If you recognize the signals of the body in time, you can regain your native hair color without additional dyeing.
The lack of B12 is reflected most clearly. However, the signals are difficult to recognize because they come from inside the body – an enlargement of the liver begins and unpleasant sensations in the intestinal area torment. If periodic ringing in the ears and chronic fatigue are added to them, consult a doctor and undergo a diagnosis of the body.
Deficiency of B vitamins: what is happening and how to replenish it?
Naturally, the primary reason for the deficiency of B vitamins would like to be considered external conditions, stress, and occasionally malnutrition. However, most of the reasons lie in bad habits. It turns out that already 5 cigarettes a day kill the reserves of B vitamins completely. This is especially true for B6, B2 and B1. Several drinks per week have the same effect. It turns out that by your own actions you bring your old age closer, destroy the nervous system, and make problems with memory.
The best option to avoid deficiency of B vitamins is to quit bad habits and replenish reserves through pill complexes. But they contain a large dose of “benefit”, which in rare cases can cause allergies. Therefore, look for affordable foods that are rich in essential vitamins.
First of all, B-vitamins are rich in cereals (especially buckwheat) and bread. Introduce them into your diet and you will immediately feel an improvement in your condition. Remember: to maintain your figure, it is better to eat porridge in the morning. The richest in B vitamins is bread made from buckwheat flour. As a last resort, you can replace flour products with bread.
How to notice vitamin deficiencies
Among fruits and vegetables, bananas and potatoes can boast of B vitamins. Pork is the leader among meat. Fatty dairy products and seaweed will also help you replenish vitamin B deficiencies and restore health and beauty.
Read further: inhalation for a child under one year old.