Vitamin and mineral deficiencies in children. Recognize them in time!
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies in children. Recognize them in time!

Nutrient deficiency in a toddler is a matter of both a diet that does not provide all the vitamins and microelements, as well as too little physical activity and pollution of the environment in which we live. In terms of deficiencies, the most important thing is the reaction time of the parents, who should notice problems with the child’s health in advance. What are the manifestations of vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies in the diet of our children?

In terms of infants, the source of deficiencies is, of course, mainly the diet – both followed by the mother during pregnancy and while feeding the toddler. Some symptoms should cause us concern, because the problem of nutrient deficiency is not only the domain of older children.

  1. Magnesium – magnesium deficiencies in children are mainly caused by the consumption of unhealthy food. It is primarily about too much sweets, carbonated drinks, fast food. Both in an adult and a toddler, this is quite a serious issue, because magnesium supports our immune, digestive, skeletal, nervous systems and affects proper blood circulation. Sometimes the cause of magnesium deficiency is also environmental pollution with heavy metals. How to recognize? Attention should be paid to emotional disorders, i.e. frequent changes in the child’s well-being, mood, outbursts of aggression, as well as hyperactivity. Other symptoms include insomnia, tooth decay, refusal to eat, asthma, muscle pain, cramps, and bed-wetting.
  2. Vitamin D – probably everyone knows that vitamin D is very important for the proper development of the child. In the first months of life, its deficiency can lead to the development of rickets and bone problems. In an infant, we can recognize it by convex bumps around the forehead, flattened belly, flat occiput. Adequate concentration of vitamin D in the body strengthens bones, teeth, helps to maintain proper weight, a well-functioning cardiovascular system and is a potential protection against the development of cancer. Deficiency symptoms are primarily diarrhoea, poor appetite, visual disturbances, bad taste, burning sensation in the mouth or throat, bone and muscle pain, sleep problems.
  3. Water – that is the source of life. Children nowadays are too often “watered” with sweetened and carbonated drinks. Unfortunately, such products quickly lead to obesity and are definitely unhealthy, and our children drink too little natural, life-giving water. According to statistics, many toddlers do not drink the four to six glasses a day recommended by doctors. Infant dehydration is very dangerous – they should drink about 700 milliliters of fluids a day, and in teenagers it causes problems with concentration, learning difficulties and sleep problems. Dehydrated children also suffer from headaches, drowsiness, weakness, nervousness, and difficulties with defecation.
  4. Iron – its deficiency leads to anemia, as well as frequent illnesses, catching infections, difficulties in the child’s development. Anemia in a toddler or teenager is always a serious matter, so it cannot be ignored. Iron strengthens the body’s immunity, oxygenates it, conditions the efficient functioning of the brain, as it is responsible for the production of red blood cells. The lack of this ingredient can be recognized by dizziness and headaches, bruises on the body, which sometimes do not know where they come from, pale skin, poor appetite, fatigue, lack of desire to play, problems with gums.

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