What to do to maintain and increase your vital energy? This is a serious program, its main points are:
- Get enough sleep! There is little energy in a sleepy head and a tired body.
- In the morning — exercises, cold dousing, jogging, facial gymnastics, emotional gymnastics — let both body and head wake up.
- In general, lead a healthy lifestyle, observe the rules of rest.
- Engage in breathing practices, combining them with percussion techniques. In the simplest version, you can do breathing exercises during the day — sharp exhalations “HA!”, Accompanied by sharp lunges with the body. See Breathing and inner state
- Take care of the feeling of success, charge yourself with positive motivation, take care of the joy of life. Do something you love and enjoy doing
- The main long-term source of energy is Maximum Life and rich goals for life. If you do not have big life goals, think, search, and do not rest until you find it. Without seeing life prospects, not knowing where and why to live, most people quickly lose the energy of life. On the other hand, the one who knows where to live will cope with any how!
If you have planned such a large program, but you need energy quickly, here and now, then see Energy Management