Vita Buerlecithin – sugar-coated tablets improving the condition of the skin. Composition, dosage, side effects of use

Vita Buerlecithin (sugar-coated tablets) is a dietary supplement whose ingredients have a positive effect on the condition of the skin (lecithin and vitamins). The preparation is recommended to be taken, inter alia, in stressful conditions, insomnia or as an auxiliary in the elderly. Lecithin contained in the preparation supports the functioning of the liver and prevents the formation of fatty deposits. The preparation is in the form of sugar-coated tablets and is dispensed without a prescription.

Vita Buerlecithin (coated tablets), Producer: Takeda Pharma

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
sugar-coated tablets; 36 pieces over-the-counter drug lecithin + vitamins

Vita Buerlecithin (coated tablets) – indications for taking

Vita Buerlecithin (coated tablets) is a preparation recommended in:

  1. weakening of memory and concentration,
  2. stressful situations,
  3. nervous conditions,
  4. insomnia (overwork, exhaustion, fatigue),
  5. atherosclerosis,
  6. high cholesterol in the blood
  7. nervous heart disorders,
  8. symptoms of vitamin B deficiency,
  9. convalescence after illness,
  10. prevention of elderly people,

Vita Buerlecithin (coated tablets) and contraindications

The contraindication to the use of Vita Buerlecithin (coated tablets) are;

  1. the drug contains sucrose and should not be used by people with hereditary problems associated with fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption or sucrase-isomaltase deficiency,
  2. the drug contains lactose and should not be used by people with galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or malabsorption of glucose-galactose,
  3. the drug contains sorbitol and should not be used by people with hereditary problems associated with fructose intolerance,
  4. allergy to any ingredient of the preparation, soy or nuts,
  5. should not be used by people with a syndrome of antiphospholipid antibodies.

Dosage of the preparation

Vita Buerlecithin is in the form of sugar-coated tablets that must be chewed. Do not exceed the recommended dose of the preparation as it may pose a threat to your life or health.

  1. Adults and children after 12 years of age: 1-2 coated tablets 3 times a day. In the event of significant weakening of the body, the daily dose can be doubled.
  2. Children 6-12. years of age: up to 2 sugar-coated tablets a day.

Vita Buerlecithin (sugar-coated tablets) – warnings

  1. Sorbitol contained in the preparation may have a laxative effect.
  2. There is no information on the effect of the supplement on the ability to drive and use machines.
  3. The maximum daily dose of the preparation, i.e. 6 sugar-coated tablets, contains 4,3 g of carbohydrates, which corresponds to 0,36 units of bread, which should be important information for patients with diabetes.

Vita Buerlecithin (coated tablets) and side effects

Taking Vita Buerlecithin (coated tablets) may cause: gastrointestinal disorders, nausea, vomiting, fatty stools, diarrhea, but rarely hypersensitivity reactions such as rash, urticaria may occur.

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