The specialist listed the types of ailments that can signal serious illness.
Ophthalmologist, doctor of the highest category, Semeynaya clinic
Frequent headaches
A feeling of heaviness and aches in the center of the forehead and in the area of the eyebrows, which occurs after long work at the computer or reading in poor light, is a sign of overexertion of the eye muscles. If this is an isolated case, there is no reason to worry. But constant discomfort can signal progressive myopia or, which is more common after 40 years, farsightedness… The process develops gradually, the eye adapts to changes, so you may not even be aware of the problem. The task of the ophthalmologist in this case is to find out the cause of the pathology and slow down its development.
Twilight vision impairment
Violation of orientation in space, narrowing of the field of vision – all these are signs hemeralopiabetter known as night blindness… Due to a violation of adaptation to the degree of illumination, the eyes do not immediately get used to the dark, a person stumbles upon objects, stumbles. But the risk of injury isn’t the only reason to see a doctor as soon as possible. Hemeralopia can be a sign of other eye conditions that eventually lead to complete loss of vision. For example, retinal dystrophy… The reason may not be in any way related to ophthalmology – vitamin A is responsible for twilight vision. Perhaps, due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is poorly absorbed by the body.
Eyes get tired quickly when reading
It would seem that the load has not increased, you can still see clearly, but it is difficult to concentrate on the text (knitting, embroidery – any work with small details). Or you have begun to notice that it is much easier for you to look at objects from a certain angle. Perhaps the point is astigmatism – a change in the shape of the cornea or lens, due to which the clarity of vision is lost, objects become a little blurry, and the eyes are forced to be in constant tension. In the early stages, the pathology almost does not manifest itself, but it must be stabilized, otherwise it will affect the quality of life.
The gore in the eyes
Dry eye syndrome It is considered to be an office ailment, but it can develop with prolonged contact with gadgets (including many hours of watching TV), working with small details, requiring a high concentration of attention, due to the dry air in the room. It can also be a sign of other diseases – for example, viral conjunctivitis or diabetes. An insufficiently hydrated eye becomes vulnerable to viruses.
Frequent conjunctivitis
Treat inflammations every couple of months? It’s time to see an ophthalmologist. Firstly, because conjunctivitis must be treated correctly, otherwise there is a high risk of serious complications such as, for example, corneal inflammation… Secondly, this means that some kind of bad process is constantly going on in the body, the nature of which is important to establish. It can be Viruses и bacteria, allergic reactions, hypovitaminosis, chronic gastrointestinal diseases and even diabetes.
Important! Sometimes a decrease in vision signals neurological pathologies. For example, asterisks or flies can occur due to impaired cerebral blood supply. Against this background, the development of vascular pathology of the retina, corneal dystrophy is possible.