Visual field testing – what is it? Standards and results

The visual field examination is an ophthalmological examination. It consists in determining how much of the image is seen by the patient whose eye is motionless. Many eye diseases cause visual disturbances. Find out what the visual field test is, what the standards are and what the results say.

Visual field testing – what is it?

Examination of the visual field (perimetry) is a method that forces interaction. The patient must cooperate with the doctor. He is asked to put his head in a special place. It is stationary. One eye is blocked. He is asked to look at only one point with the other. The whole test is that a stamp is displayed. Each time it is in a different place. The patient must give a signal when he notices the stamp. Usually the signal is given by pressing a special button.

During the examination, a specific field of view map is created. It is made for one eye only. Points to which the patient has not responded are called defects in the field of vision. Before performing a visual field examination, it is also necessary to perform a visual acuity test. Thanks to this procedure, it will be possible to adjust the intensity of the light signals to the quality of the patient’s vision. Otherwise, he may not notice any of the displayed signals.

Visual field examination – results

It is the map created during the examination of the patient that is the result of the examination. The eye of a healthy person has the widest field of vision from the side of the temple. It ranges from 85 to 100 degrees. The narrowest field of view is from above. It’s about 45-50 degrees. The bottom is about 65-70 degrees. On the other hand, the eye from the side of the nose has a field of view of about 55-60 degrees. There are very few people with perfect test results, as in the given standards.

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Each eye is different. Standards are only a representation of exemplary parameters. When is the visual field examination performed? Most often for the diagnosis of glaucoma. People who are struggling with neurological diseases are very often referred to them. It happens that people who suffer from arterial hypertension come to the field of vision examination. We will not be able to interpret the maps created during the visual field examination by ourselves. This has to be done by a specialist.

The price of the test is not too high, so we can do it ourselves. Additionally, it only takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. However, remember to go to the examination rested. It is also important to remain calm. Only this attitude will allow for a thorough examination. It is important to cooperate with your doctor when examining the field of view. If you are farsighted, you may wear glasses during the examination. It is important that this test should be repeated. This is usually done several times. It is said that only the second test gives the most reliable result. Some say visual field testing is tiring because it requires concentration.

Name of the study Visual field examination
Introduction – what is this research / what the research is for It is used to determine in which areas the patient has the so-called visual field defects.
Indications for the examination Glaucoma diagnostics, neurological diseases, hypertension.
Standards Top field of view – 45-50 degrees; From the temple – 85–100 degrees; From the bottom – 65 – 70 degrees; From the side of the nose – 55 – 60 degrees.
Interpreting the results (at least basic) Individual interpretation based on maps.
How is the test going The test consists of displaying light signals in different places and checking the patient’s reaction.
How to prepare for the test You should be calm and rested.
Information to be reported prior to testing Lack.
How to behave after the examination There are no specific rules.
Possible complications after the examination Lack
Other important (if any) x

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