Vision: what does a newborn baby see at birth?

Baby’s vision month by month


Newborn vision at birth

Baby only sees what is twenty centimeters from his eyes. When you hold it in your arms, great! His vision, however, is blurry and bright light bothers him, which is why he often closes his eyes. He almost sees only in black and white, and perceives contrasts much better. Until his second month, your gaze will be the object of all Baby’s attention, especially as it is the perfect expression of your feelings (joy, fatigue, etc.) and that it emerges well in the middle of your face.


1 month baby vision

Around five weeks, the colors appear gradually to Baby, starting with the bright colors: red, green… For about one or two months, your face will look better when you are in front of him, but he does not distinguish it. more details.


2 month baby vision

Its field of vision allows it to see up to 60 cm, with an angle of 30 °. His vision widens along with his curiosity, and Baby begins to take an interest in his environment. This is the moment when Baby’s real smiles begin, which light up the whole face, especially the eyes, proof that Baby is making you stand out better and better.

Besides, he only really pays attention to your face. He can see objects near him, but will not follow them with his eyes yet.


3 month baby vision

Baby begins to silence the distinction between blue and green, a color that is nevertheless very close. He gradually takes an interest in his toys, such as his blanket or his mobile that he will fix attentively; he also follows your movements by turning his head.


4 month baby vision

As soon as your child raises his head, he works his eyesight more, and therefore widens his field of vision. He has spotted his hands, and moves them while looking at them. He begins to make the hand-eye link and understands that what he sees, he can grasp. He can now clearly see objects placed in front of him or further away. Finally, yellow makes its appearance in its color palette.


5 month baby vision

Baby no longer sees only in front of him, but also to the sides. His sight has become ‘binocular’, so that the notion of relief becomes clearer. He now loves to grab the toys you hand him.

Around five to six months, the intermediate colors are noticeable: pink, beige and yellow are now well perceived.


6 month baby vision

His visual field widened considerably and passed to 60 °. He appreciates better and better the distances which separates him from you, or objects, and manages more easily to catch these last. He can now give you great signs, stretches out his arms and turns to you willingly. The four-legged stage will further help him refine his perception of things.


1 year old baby vision

It is not until Latin of the first year that the vision of Baby is the same as that of an adult. From now on, the sharpness is perfect, the relief well appreciated, and Baby perceives all the colors of the rainbow. Baby is now interested in books, magazines … Do not hesitate to leaf through them with him while naming things well!

Baby sees… with his brain!

Baby sees with his brain, how is that possible?

When Baby experiences his two “brand new” eyes, his brain records new sensations day after day : light, color, movement, the image of Mum, Dad, etc …

Evil eye

As his vision is perfected and he uses it more and more to explore the world, what is happening what if one of his two eyes is not working well?

Immediate reaction of Baby’s brain: he abandons this inefficient eye to use the other more often, the “good”, a little bit like us when, injured in the right hand, we use the left more and more, at the beginning out of necessity, then out of reflex!

All this time, the child’s brain will also get used to it to no longer take into account the messages transmitted by “the evil eye” (confused images which parasitize those of the “healthy” eye). If we wait too long, his eyesight will be impaired for life.

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