Vision correction

Disruption of the dark adaptation process

The percentage of people suffering from hemeralopia, or “night blindness” among the common people, is quite high. But most of them do not attach much importance to this. And in vain! Such carelessness is fraught with serious consequences: from diseases of the retina of the eye to glaucoma. If you notice that you see poorly in low light conditions, at dusk and at night – go to the doctor’s appointment.

Dry eye syndrome

This syndrome affects both the elderly (due to age-related changes in the body – the eyes secrete less tear fluid) and young people who spend a lot of time at the computer. Dry eyes also have other reasons: medication, adverse environmental factors, inflammation. In any case, if you have a feeling of “sand in the eyes”, unpleasant irritation or burning sensation, you often rub your eyes, then you should consult a specialist. Special preparations of artificial tears and eye ointments will help to cope with this ailment.

Until the end of September in Eye clinic Branchevsky special offers are valid:

25% discount on vision tests for seniors. Valid upon presentation of a pension certificate on weekdays from 12.30 to 15.00.

A survey for those who are tired of glasses and contact lenses, for 1 ruble until October 9, 2016.

As well as pleasant discounts on vision correction services until the end of October.

Recommended reading: laser vision correction: cons and pros

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