Visceral massage: how is it different from the usual one and does it really help to lose weight?
An untrained person might think that belly massage is done only as an anti-cellulite procedure, but this is not the case. Visceral massage normalizes the functional state of each organ and internal tissues.
Visceral abdominal massage is one of the types of manual therapy, when internal organs are massaged with the help of active pressure, vibrations and shearing movements on the abdominal wall. The word “visceral” means “viscera”, and the task of a specialist is to “push through” all organs, find the location of pathologies and improve the functioning of the body.
Why do you need a belly massage
All internal organs of a person occupy a certain position and, with the help of the ligamentous apparatus, are attached to the bone surface. With age, pathological changes occur in our body, due to which the ligament system is deformed. All pathologies of the skeletal system, surgical interventions, dystrophic and inflammatory changes lead to tension or weakening of the ligaments. With the appearance of distortions, displacement of organs occurs, blood supply is disrupted, and nutritional components do not enter the body.
Visceral massage is a type of manual therapy with characteristic pressure, vibration and shearing movements on the abdominal wall
In order to align the fluid processes associated with the intercellular fluid, blood, lymph, and to activate the movement of all congestions in the body, visceral massage is performed.
Visceral massage Ogulov
Thanks for the study of the method should be expressed to the president of the professional association of visceral therapists – manual operator Alexander Timofeevich Ogulov1… It was he who, in his clinic, developed a complex of “Old Slavonic massage of internal organs” and is now passing on his experience to specialists from all over the world.
In order to move on to the use of massage, Ogulov insists on establishing the root cause of the onset of diseases and psychosomatics of pain. Diagnostics should be carried out on the use of reflex connections that exist between the organs and systems of the body. Knowing which organ has a representative area in another part of the body, you can effectively treat migraines and other pathologies.
With the help of massage, you can restore and normalize:
metabolic processes;
localization of each organ;
microcirculation in the space between the organs;
upset gastrointestinal tract – digestion, colitis, constipation;
defects of the cardiovascular system;
pathology of the urinary system;
hormonal background and more.
What the visceral massage technique looks like
Therapeutic manual action takes place without surgery, using only the hands of a doctor. The problem areas of the abdomen are probed, pressed, tapped. A professional massage in the area of the gallbladder, then works in the area of the liver and moves on to the pancreas. After all the manipulations, it is taken for the large intestine. But, of course, there should be an individual approach to each patient.
The massage should be performed after consultation with a specialist and taking into account all contraindications, which include thrombosis, pregnancy, trauma, infections with fever, oncology, tuberculosis.
Visceral massage: online reviews
“After the massage, bile stagnation began to emerge, because the liver was put in place. At first I suffered from heartburn, but after the third appointment with a specialist, everything went away. “
“With a height of 158 cm, my weight is 82 kg. After completing a course of massage in 10 sessions, I realized that I began to gorge on … water. The reasons for overeating used to be due to muscle spasms that were in tension for years. From this, the flow of nutrients to the tissues was disrupted. The tissues were starving and sending help signals to the brain, which led to a strong appetite. Now everything has changed. “
“Before, I periodically suffered from lack of air. The doctor worked with me for one hour. Arriving home, I noticed that it became much easier to breathe: deeply and freely. The next morning, I quarreled over a trifle with my husband, and the problem came back again. The doctor warned that psychosomatics is important in therapy: spasms return if you do not work with the nervous system. Now I am thinking of doing a complex visceral massage, which includes work with the problem of the psyche. “
“After the course of massage, acne on the face began to disappear. The figure and overall appearance have improved markedly. “
“Finally I got to this technique and I want to say that it is very important to find the right clinic with a professional massage therapist. You need to be warned that you cannot eat a few hours before the procedure. A good specialist will definitely advise on proper nutrition and lifestyle. After the massage, the body regained lightness, the organs seemed to fall into place. I am very happy with my master. “
Expert Opinion
Visceral massage: benefits and harms?
Comments by Valeria Polyakovski2, esthetician cosmetologist, certified anti-age specialist, nutritionist.
Cosmetologist-aesthetist, certified anti-age specialist, nutritionist
– In Russia, in recent years, visceral massage techniques are gaining more and more popularity. Actually, like any manipulations aimed at accelerating motility (undulating contraction of the esophagus, stomach, intestines, etc., contributing to the advancement of their contents to the outlets. – Ed.), Weight loss and fat removal. And, of course, I would like all procedures to be carried out with a minimum of side effects and a 100% result. What is the bottom line? Contraindications are sometimes ignored in the offices, the anamnesis is not really collected, and everything that happens after the procedure is written off from the accounts. Since the effect is still there, but at what cost.
What is visceral massage? This is a special technique of punches, in which the internal organs (!) And tissues are deeply worked out. This massage is done through the front wall of the abdomen. The essence of massage is to bring the tissue and each organ into a normal state and position (after pregnancy, with a sharp change in weight, due to age-related changes). But recently it is too often sold under the marketing “get rid of internal fat” and ” MINUS 10 cm at the waist per session. ” Such a massage tool in inept hands is a time bomb. Side effects can be headaches and muscle pains, exacerbation of diseases. And if the master says that these are temporary effects from the treatment, then please do not return to such specialists.
The massage has clear contraindications: recent injuries, infections, inflammations, any tumors, thrombosis, ulcers, aneurysms, inflammation of the lymph nodes, heart disease, pregnancy, an established spiral. You should definitely ask about this before making an appointment.
In general, they began to practice such an effect on the body in ancient China and India. Actually, the best masters still live there. And there are thousands of master classes on teaching visceral massage on the Internet now – are you sure you will get to a real specialist? And is it worth the risk? Great question.