Viruses that threaten you all year round. Is it possible to protect against them?
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Over the past year, we have forgotten a bit about the pathogens that are transmitted by airborne droplets, and which we should bear in mind, especially during the flu season. Often, however, we are not aware that they also can threaten our health and life. Protection and prevention against pathogenic viruses is particularly important in the context of children whose immune system is not fully developed. So how do you protect yourself and your loved ones during the infection season?

Viruses that are dangerous not only in the cold season

It cannot be denied that we live among viruses. They float in the air, mainly in public places (supermarkets, schools, kindergartens, companies), and can cause a variety of, often serious, diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Therefore, it is worth taking care of your immunity and maintaining the rules of proper hygiene throughout the year, not only in the autumn and winter season.

The most common attacks are:

  1. Parainfluenza virus (human parainfluenza virus), also known as the parainfluenza virus, estimated to be responsible for 40% of all respiratory infections in children and adults. Infection is most often achieved by breathing virus-contaminated air. Parainfluenza virus can also be transmitted on the skin (e.g. after touching a sick person or something they have previously touched). In such a situation, it enters the body by touching the mouth, nose or food. The first symptoms of infection caused by the parainfluenza virus are fever, runny nose, sore throat, “barking” cough, weakness and decreased appetite. 
  2. RSV – a virus that has been taking a huge toll especially recently, especially among the youngest patients. The first symptom is a cough, which is sometimes underestimated at the beginning of an infection. The infection develops very quickly, leading to breathing problems. Infection with RSV is especially dangerous in infants of newborns with low birth weight, congenital heart defects, deficiencies in the immune system, and those who are fed artificially. In their cases, the course of the infection is usually severe and requires urgent hospitalization. 
  3. Adenowirus – most often attacks the organisms of children up to 5 years of age, causing pharyngitis, rhinitis, weakness, fever and enlargement of the lymph nodes. Very often, adenovirus also attacks the eye, leading to conjunctivitis. It is very easy to get infected with it, therefore, especially in kindergartens, schools and other groups of children, special emphasis should be placed on prevention and hygiene. 
  4. Enterowirus – fever, weakness, sore throat, headache, muscle aches and often a rash are symptoms that may indicate an enterovirus infection. Because it occurs via droplets, it can be infected from a sick person, asymptomatic carrier, but also after contact with contaminated water, e.g. in a swimming pool, or after eating contaminated food. 

The best ways to build resilience

The main way to avoid infection with viruses is through prophylaxis. Knowing their transmission paths, you can take care to keep your distance and personal hygiene. Covering your mouth and nose with a mask and washing your hands frequently, mainly after being in a public place, is essential.

It is no less important to strengthen the body’s natural immunity. And what influences its bad condition? First of all, stress and a bad diet. Reducing nervous tension, conflict situations at home and work, and the common pursuit of today may seem impossible at first. Yoga classes, meditation and deep breathing lessons, entertainment (reading a book, favorite series) at least one hour a day, and even a daily, 30-minute walk with the dog or bike ride may help. Our diet must include natural sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients. Dishes should be eaten regularly in small portions. It is worth removing from the menu dishes with a high glycemic index, highly processed, fried, too salty and fatty.

Pharmacy preparations that protect against viruses

It is also sensible to use preparations that support protection against influenza viruses and coronaviruses, which are available over the counter in pharmacies. An example is the Bloxin medical device, a nasal spray that is a prophylaxis against infection with influenza B and C viruses and coronaviruses, which can cause flu and cold infections. This is a good solution for all those who find themselves in a situation where the recommendations do not require the use of masks (e.g. in a restaurant). The gel is applied directly to the nose, which is the place where most viruses enter. Therefore, Bloxin is perfect for holidays, social gatherings, travel and school, especially during the flu season, when the incidence of certain types of viruses increases.

It is worth noting that Bloxin has a preventive application against influenza B and C viruses and coronaviruses causing upper respiratory tract infections, e.g. flu and colds. It protects against the penetration of the pathogen, supports the treatment and alleviates the symptoms of viral infections, and also shortens the duration of the disease. Moreover, it reduces human-to-human transmission of the virus.

It is worth remembering that Bloxin will not replace masks or vaccines, and is a good complement to them and strengthens protection against viruses. It can be used after the age of one, which is very important information for parents of children attending nurseries, kindergartens and schools.

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