Viruses that a child can catch. Some may be more dangerous than the coronavirus

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The whole world lives in fear of SARS-CoV-2. We are afraid for the future, but the most for our health and that of our children. However, it should be remembered that the coronavirus is not the only one – there are also other microorganisms that threaten our children. In some cases, they can have more dangerous consequences than the coronavirus.

Coronavirus in children

In connection with the coronavirus pandemic, parents around the world tremble for the health of their children. And while we’re still getting to know SARS-CoV-2, scientific reports can be reassuring to some extent. Studies conducted in many countries show that children are relatively rarely infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, and they are also much less likely to suffer from COVID-19. It is estimated that approx. 1-2 percent. cases of this disease fall in children. “In infected children, the disease is usually mild” – reads on the website of the Ministry of Health and the National Health Fund,

It is worth mentioning here the recent research carried out in South Korea. On their basis, scientists from the Korean Center for Disease Control and Prevention suggest that children 0-10 years old may be infectious less frequently (they exhale less air than adults), but children 10-19 years old are infected with equal “effectiveness” as adults. In their opinion, in the case of older children, the reason for the spread of the disease may be their behavior (hugging, spending time together), as well as insufficient hygiene.

  1. More on research conducted in South Korea

Remember that the fact that the coronavirus is usually mild in children, does not mean that they do not get infected with the virus, do not get sick or that they cannot infect other people – reminds the government website

RSV in children

RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) affects the respiratory system of young children. It is especially dangerous for toddlers who are under two years of age.

The course of the infection can be severe and requires treatment in an intensive care unit. The infection can occur very early – under six months of age, when the most severe forms of RSV infection are also observed. In the group of special risk there are i.a. infants with low birth weight, artificially fed infants, children with congenital heart defects and deficiencies in the immune system.

RSV infection may lead to bronchiolitis, pneumonia, and, less frequently, tracheitis and bronchitis. Coughing is the main symptom of the upper respiratory tract. Very rarely (less than 1%), the first RSV infection is asymptomatic. A common complication of RSV infection is otitis media, and myocarditis is also sporadic.

  1. Learn more about RSV infection

Boston disease in children

Boston Disease, Boston Disease, or Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease – HFMS (the correct medical name) is caused by the Coxsackie virus from the enterovirus group (these can also cause colds, strep throat, diarrhea). This unpleasant ailment most often affects children, but it can also become active in adults.

The first symptoms of infection appear after three to six days. You can then observe, among others sore throat, tiredness, fever, sometimes diarrhea and vomiting. Eventually a rash appears. It most often attacks the oral cavity, hands and feet, but it can also appear, for example, on the knees or elbows. Sometimes these bubbles burst to form painful sores.

You can get bitten by droplets (sneezing, coughing). Stool may also be the source of infection, hence hygiene, especially frequent washing of hands, is so important in preventing this disease.

Fortunately, the disease is quite mild. Treatment is symptomatic.

  1. Find out more about Boston Disease here

Rotavirus in children

Rotaviruses are the most common cause of diarrhea in children (adults can also catch them). The consequences of this can be dangerous, especially for the youngest, and it is very easy to get infected with the virus. The source of infection can be a door handle, toy, unwashed hands. Rotavirus can be infected almost at any time of the year, but the most common cases are in autumn and winter.

Symptoms of rotavirus infection appear about two to three days after infection and may be rapid. The most common symptoms include fever, vomiting and intense diarrhea. It is the latter – vomiting and diarrhea – that are so dangerous for children – they can lead to dehydration, which in extreme cases may turn out to be fatal.

It’s worth remembering that there is a rotavirus vaccine. It is intended for all healthy infants from 6 to 24 weeks of age. It protects 85 – 98 percent. vaccinated children prior to hospitalization for rotavirus diarrhea.

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