Virologist: COVID-19 vaccination does not cause male infertility
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Every now and then there are further reports that the coronavirus vaccine has caused permanent side effects. Also in the intimate sphere. – Vaccination against COVID-19 does not cause infertility in men and can only temporarily make it difficult to get pregnant, says virologist Prof. Agnieszka Szuster-Ciesielska, referring to scientific reports on a temporary decrease in semen parameters after the administration of the vaccine.

Inflammation after vaccination is a normal reaction

Prof. Agnieszka Szuster-Ciesielska, an expert from the Department of Virology and Immunology at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, noted that COVID-19 and other viral diseases temporarily adversely affect the quality of male sperm. – It is believed that each day of fever lowers sperm concentration by up to 9%. and reduces their mobility by about 4,5 percent. This condition returns to normal within three months, the virologist said.

Referring to the vaccination against COVID-19, she emphasized that it was also associated with causing inflammation in the body. – As in the case of other vaccines, then the body’s immune response is stimulated, i.e. the temperature rises, symptoms of inflammation develop, which is completely natural, because this is how the body reacts to the vaccine – explained the professor.

She emphasized that various research studies by scientists around the world show that, indeed, the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine is also associated with a temporary decrease in semen parameters. – The publications of scientists from Israel show that the decrease in sperm concentration is about 15 percent, and by 22 percent. their mobility decreases, the virologist said.

Vaccination does not cause infertility

Prof. Szuster-Ciesielska also emphasized that after 60 to 150 days from inoculation, sperm parameters return to the values ​​before vaccination.i. She added that after contracting COVID-19, this time is approximately three months. – Improvement is not happening overnight, but gradually. So it cannot be said that the male is sterile in the few months following vaccination, because that is not true. A man can father a child, although it may be a little more difficult due to the reduction in the number and motility of sperm – the expert explained.


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– However, it must be clearly stated that vaccination against COVID-19 does not cause male infertility and may only temporarily make it difficult to get pregnant »- the virologist specified.

She added that so far there have been no signals from couples about any problems getting pregnant after vaccination against COVID-19.

Author: Gabriela Bogaczyk.

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