
Medical virology is a science that studies the molecular genetic structure of viruses, their features and properties, the mechanism of interaction with the cell, their role as pathogens of infectious diseases in human life, and also creates methods for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of these diseases.

Virology differs from microbiology because viruses, unlike microbes, will not reproduce on artificial nutrient media, and other methods must be used to cultivate them.

A virologist is a specialist in the field of virology who not only studies the viruses themselves, but also develops methods for their analysis, diagnosis and treatment.

Today, when every person daily encounters microorganisms, suffers from active forms of viral diseases or is a chronic carrier, the profession of “virologist” is relevant and in demand in the field of medicine.

What does a virologist do?

The field of activity of a virologist is very extensive and can be directed to the study of pathogenic viruses, their laboratory diagnostics, the development of treatment protocols, and the creation of vaccines for prevention.

A virologist can apply his professional skills and knowledge both in the field of medicine and in the fields of pharmacology, education or laboratory research, as well as in veterinary medicine and agriculture.

Most often, patients encounter virologists who specialize in diagnosing and directly treating diseases caused by various viruses.

With specialists who are engaged in the laboratory study of these analyzes, the patient intersects only in the process of passing the tests. And thanks to the work, to a large extent, of virologists, many vaccines and drugs have been developed to prevent and combat these pathogens.

A virologist who receives patients in a medical institution, first of all, diagnoses according to the symptoms that caused the visit. However, based only on the external manifestations of the disease, it is often difficult to determine the correct diagnosis, so the virologist writes out referrals for the necessary laboratory examinations, tests, and studies.

According to the results of the information received, the specialist can identify the disease and its causative agent, and prescribe an adequate treatment.

It is possible that for some time after recovery, it will be necessary to visit a doctor and take some tests in order to prevent the transition of an acute viral disease to the stage of a chronic process or virus carrier.

In addition, the doctor develops and selects the necessary preventive measures in relation to the identified virus, and can also recommend the necessary vaccinations, for example, planned for a child or an adult, or unscheduled if you have to travel to exotic countries.

What do viruses infect?

A virologist specializes in diseases caused by viruses. Their pathogens can affect almost all organs and tissues of the human body:

  • liver;
  • a heart;
  • kidney;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • brain;
  • sense organs;
  • respiratory system.

The specialist selects a treatment method based on the diagnosis, and some complications and consequences require participation in the development of therapy not only by a virologist, but also by other specialists.

For example, the consequences of infection with the Coxsackie virus can be herpetic sore throat, the treatment method for which the virologist develops together with the otolaryngologist, or hemorrhagic conjunctivitis – the ophthalmologist together with the virologist can prescribe a treatment regimen against it.

Observing the course of the disease in a patient, the doctor checks the effect of the virus on the nervous and immune systems, and can prescribe appropriate studies.

Differences between an infectious disease specialist, a virologist and an immunologist

In some cases, when characteristic symptoms become the reason for visiting a general practitioner, a general practitioner may refer a patient with signs of a viral infection to a virologist, immunologist, or infectious disease specialist.

The competence of these specialists is somewhat different from each other.

An infectious diseases doctor is engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases, including viral infections.

He has a higher medical education and additional specialization in the field of infectious diseases.

An infectious disease immunologist has received special training both in the field of infectious diseases and in the field of immunology. This doctor deals with the treatment of infectious lesions that turn into a chronic condition, and are accompanied by impaired functioning of the immune system. He also specializes in immuno-infectious diseases, which are based on the effect of the virus on the immune system (HIV infection, herpes virus infections).

The field of activity of a virologist is narrower, since infectious diseases can be of a viral, parasitic and bacterial nature.

An infectious disease specialist can diagnose and treat infections from any cause, while a virologist specializes specifically in viral infections.

Diseases treated by a virologist

The most common infectious diseases caused by viruses are:

  1. Herpesviruses: Approximately 90% of the general population is affected by this type of virus. Their danger lies in the fact that the herpes virus, once in the body, remains latent within certain host cells. Only when the immune system is weakened, the pathogen will be manifested by redness of the mucous membranes, rashes, itching, sometimes swollen lymph nodes and fever. Herpes is transmitted by airborne, sexual, transplacental and alimentary routes.
  2. Rubella, measles, mumps: are dangerous childhood infectious diseases, but the viruses also affect adults. Complications of diseases can be meningitis, viral pneumonia, encephalitis, arthritis, infertility, diabetes. After rubella, as a rule, lifelong immunity is developed.
  3. Human papillomaviruses. Some genotypes are oncogenic and provoke cervical cancer in women, as well as skin diseases.
  4. Viral hepatitis: negatively affect liver cells, are among the ten most common causes of death among the world’s population.
  5. Rabies: The virus is transmitted through the bites of infected animals. It affects the central nervous system, causing inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. With the development of the disease, 100% mortality.
  6. Smallpox: A highly contagious disease transmitted by airborne droplets. It is characterized by the appearance of high fever and papular rash. There are currently no reported cases of the disease.
  7. Influenza: an acute infectious disease, belongs to the SARS group. It affects the respiratory tract, is characterized by intoxication of the body. In some cases, it can cause death.
  8. Tick-borne encephalitis: a disease carried by ticks. It is characterized by seasonality, since ticks begin their activity with the onset of heat in the spring, and continue to attack a person until the first serious cold weather in the fall. Causes brain inflammation.


Of course, the signs of a viral infection have specific features, but a person is often not able to independently determine which specialist should be contacted if he feels worse.

In this case, it is worth signing up for a consultation with a therapist, or a pediatrician in case of a child’s illness.

The main manifestations of viral infection, which you need to pay attention to:

  • rashes on the skin or mucous membranes (in the oral cavity, in the nose);
  • pain on palpation and swollen lymph nodes;
  • frequent and severe headaches (if it is not associated with jumps in blood pressure);
  • state of fever and intoxication;
  • dry mouth, insomnia;
  • disorders of the digestive process;
  • severe muscle pain.

In addition, the reason for visiting a virologist is planned or already carried out trips to exotic countries, where the epidemic picture may differ from the usual one for this person.

The doctor may prescribe vaccinations or, if the journey is already over, the delivery of appropriate tests. For children, the doctor determines the scheme and procedure for additional vaccinations, for example, against rotavirus.

Methods of diagnosis and treatment

The first thing a doctor does when he sees a patient is to interview him in order to obtain information about his lifestyle and medical history. Further, the specialist conducts an examination and studies all the external manifestations of the disease, prescribes the necessary tests and studies in order to most accurately establish the diagnosis.

Among the main types of tests prescribed by a virologist are PCR diagnostics, general and detailed blood tests, bakposev and smears for flora, tests for hepatitis markers, enzyme immunoassay.

In addition, the doctor can write out a referral for a liver biopsy, laparoscopy, puncture laparoscopy.

Having identified the causative agent of the disease and established the diagnosis, the specialist determines the drug treatment regimen, immunomodulatory therapy, antiviral drugs, and general supportive therapy.

The competence of a virologist includes not only treatment, but also the prevention of diseases. He develops preventive measures for patients and makes recommendations for vaccination.

Virologists are specialists who study and treat infectious diseases caused by viruses. The activity of these doctors is aimed at reducing the incidence among the population, at preventing the development of epidemics, at the development of drug therapy against pathogens and manifestations of viral lesions.

Specialists who receive patients in medical institutions, as well as study pathogens in laboratories, save dozens of people every day from the dangerous consequences of viral diseases.

Sources of
  1. Private medical virology. – M: Phoenix, 2007 – 208 p.
  2. Zhdanov V. M., Gaidamovich S. Ya. – General and particular virology. – M.: Medicine – Moscow, 2014 – 998 p.

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